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If And When Peyton Comes Back......


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Can you imagine how we all will be cringing every time Peyton takes a hit or gets serious pressure. At least for a while. It will be worse than all of us holding our breath with the Collie situation last year.(that was awful watching him laid out and not moving) Is there a risk of paralysis taking a big hit with this kind of surgery? I guess there is always that risk even if you're healthy. I think it will be tough for a while even after Peyton returns as it will be in the back of his mind. I guess it's a really good thing he is a master at picking up defenses and getting rid of the ball quick.

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There should be a better team when he comes back? This period will bring out the better players who can protect the QB. Hopefully the defense gets tougher? I look on the postive and how the team reacts. I was surprised how the team played in 1st game vs Houston. Thought coaching should have had team better prepared. That's something we have to look at rest of year.

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No, I had this surgery, it's not what you are thinking. You don't want to be playing football a week after surgery, but once it heals there is no special risk that I'm aware of. Hopefully Nsurg will chime in to correct me and clarify.

First of all, there is a metal plate screwed in place which provides immediate stability. Long term, once bones fuse (and grow over the implant) that area will would probably be LESS at risk then in a normal person.

The negatives that I am aware of are a reduction in range of motion in your head (up and down). I don't feel as great left to right either, but I suspect that with his physical therapy that wouldn't be an issue. More importantly, the vertebrae above and below the fusion will be under more stress than they were before, increasing the risk of long-term damage to them. This is unlikely to be important to his football career with a quote from Polian (or Archie?) in mind, in which he indicated that Peyton doesn't have an arthritic problem - the injury was football related.

I certainly am hoping for a dramatically improved line to be waiting for him when he returns. He isn't getting any younger. And of course his ability to get rid of the ball is great for avoiding sacks and turnovers, but it didn't prevent him from getting crunched repeatedly last year. Personally I wonder if the surgery would have even been necessary if not for that.

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One of the positives I was hoping for this year with Manning out was that the rookie O-linemen, like Castonzo and Ijalana, would get lots of playing time. They would be able to get their mistakes out of the way in their rookie year and learn from their experiences. Then, when Peyton comes back, they will both have the experience to help them perform well and keep Peyton clean. Then Ijalana and Castonzo got hurt...

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I don't want him to come back this year... the season is over and he's just gonna get hurt. Let the rookies develop. When he comes back next year, we wouldn't have to worry about the neck, cause it will be better than 100%.

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I doubt the colts will really put peyton under center again this year... talking about center isnt Jeff a a free agent after this season?... But back on the subject i think peyton will be fully healthy come next season. Fans need to remember that peyton was playing last year WITH that neck injury, so if its fully healed come next season then you can expect a stellar year for peyton.

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Many think we will retire after this season is over

Thats what i was thinking.. which imo i dont think would be a bad idea, ive been chomping at the bits to see Pollack back at center... Diem also said that he is contemplating on retiring after this season.. I guess thats one of the reasons Link has been getting nonstop reps so that maybe he'll move to gurad when Diem is gone and Ben step in at RT.

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You know I wonder about that. I kinda' look for him to be here until Peyton retires.

They have worked together for years, know the timing and have it down. Peyton wanted Jeff which I think is one of the main reason's he was offered a contract when his last one expired.

Just throwing that out there.

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You know I wonder about that. I kinda' look for him to be here until Peyton retires.

They have worked together for years, know the timing and have it down. Peyton wanted Jeff which I think is one of the main reason's he was offered a contract when his last one expired.

Just throwing that out there.

Well saturday has been playing pretty good football as usual, but there are sometimes where his age shows and thats where i think pollack would come in, he's just a bit bigger and quicker.

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