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Matt Forte + Anquan Boldin (Me) for A.J Green + Alfred Morris (Friend).


Before the season started I would have jumped all over this trade. Green is a top 5 receiver and Morris was consistently going top 10-15. However, both have had very slow starts to the season and neither of their QBs are looking good right now. Forte and Boldin, on the other hand, have both been performing well.


I'm reluctant to give up Matt Forte, however, I do also have LeSean McCoy, Doug Martin and Stevan Ridley. Add Morris to that and I'm still stacked.


Other receivers are Julio Jones, Torrey Smith, Pierre Garcon,Brian Hartline.


I have to take this trade, right?

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I'd do it, considering your strength at RB already... I think that Boldin will slow down as the year progresses and A.J. Green will not be denied... Morris might not have the year that he had last season, but between him and Martin, you should always have a good option to pair with McCoy...


Season's only 1/4 over, at some point, the stars are going to pop.. JMO, but I'm currently getting killed by Martin, Spiller, and Brady in my main league..

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I'd do it, considering your strength at RB already... I think that Boldin will slow down as the year progresses and A.J. Green will not be denied... Morris might not have the year that he had last season, but between him and Martin, you should always have a good option to pair with McCoy...


Season's only 1/4 over, at some point, the stars are going to pop.. JMO, but I'm currently getting killed by Martin, Spiller, and Brady in my main league..


I see it pretty much the same. Green will overtake Boldin sooner or later. Probably sooner. And, like you said, I can just play the match ups with Martin and Morris.


While I'm here, I'm thinking of dropping Ridley for LeVeon Bell or Hakeem Nicks. Thoughts?

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Kinda hard to say... I like Ridley's O-Line much better than Bell's, but Bell has more potential...  I'm pretty much done with Nicks for the season...


I'd probably keep Ridley and hope that the Patriots get it going offensively, rather than hope that Pitt will run the ball (they will probably be behind in most games) or that Eli will be consistent enough for Nicks to be reliable...

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  • 3 weeks later...

No to both trades..


Forte gets you receiving as well as passing yards, and is usually ultra consistent, with a few breakout games..Green always under performs for at least half his games, Morris is decent, but Boldin's decent..


With your load of backs, you should be able to get better than that..See if you can pick up Harry Douglas from waivers..since Julio and Roddy are out..he's bound to get more looks as he's about the only one left that is decent..besides TE Tony G. Or try to trade like Martin for a good #1 WR from a passing team..you'll still be great at RB even without him.


Hartline is consistent, even if he doesn't get a lot of TD's..Julio is out..Garcon is RG3's favorite receiver, and Smith gets most of the looks for the Ravens..You should have done what I did 2 weeks ago and pick up Blackmon the week before he came off suspension,,,He's been doing awesome..


Like the others have said..no way trade Forte...but good luck in whatever you decide to do..





Steelers just have no line..Bell will do ok..but I would keep Ridley...

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What are the rules of your league?


Is it PPR? Flex spot? How many WR can you start?


If its non PPR, I'd probably make this trade all day everyday. 


If its a half point ppr, I'd still make this trade. in our half pt PPR league Forte is avg 19pts a game, and he is having arguably the best season of his career, where as AJ/Morris are avg 16.2/11.5 and they are having 'bad yrs'.....Boldin is at 11.2, but take away his ridiculous unrepeatable week 1 performance, his avg plummets to around 7/8pts a game.....


Your downgrading at RB, but not too significantly, and you are skyrocketing your WR, esp after a Julio loss....



AJ green can, and will win you around 3-4 games a year, Forte is good for about 1....Forte is more consistent,  AJ is more of a threat....


I just recently traded for AJ in a competitive league.  .5PPR. My team wasn't doing well (Romo/Calvin/AntonioBrown/Blackmon/ Ridley/Morris/Miller/Sproles/Finey......I gave up Sproles/Antonio Brown for AJ b/c I needed that 'spark'. Well Now I am pairing AJ with Calvin, and just this week those two put up 32/25 pts for me, and pretty much dominated my opponent by themselves...Those 2 wr give me such a huge advantage over any opponent I have.....Now, they wont put those #s up every week, no one does, but I fully expect about 2 or 3 more games with an outcome similar to this one. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I trade Alfred Morris, Deangalo Williams, Victor Cruz, and Josh Gordon

I receive, AP, Marques Colston, and Cecil Shorts

Should I do it?

Wait and see if Josh Gordon ends up going to another team before you make you decision. 

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I trade Alfred Morris, Deangalo Williams, Victor Cruz, and Josh Gordon

I receive, AP, Marques Colston, and Cecil Shorts

Should I do it?



Eeeek....again, depends on settings......PPR etc...



So if your trading just WR your giving up Cruz/Gordon for Colston/Shorts, which i think is a horrible trade for you, I'd much rather have Cruz/Gordon than those other 2.....


AP for Morris/Deangelo.....This is where it gets tricky.....Do you consider AP to be last years AP? That Minny team seems to be in shambles. Is he going to get the work moving forward that he needs to be a top flight RB again? Or will he face 9/10 in the box like he did vs NYG, and only get 15 touches?...


AP has 511yds and 5TDs...Morris has 472yds and 3TDs...Morris missed half a game, AND has already had his bye week.....

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