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Last years Packers colts game


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That was a classic game even though we lost. It did remind me of the 1997 Packers colts game in Indy when you guys were 0-10 and we were 8-2 and lost. I don't think we have won in Indy in years, maybe since the 80's. How is Chuck Pagano doing? I hope he is doing awesome. I felt happy for you guys that you won that game even though the loss was heartbreaking for us. You guys deserved it. I will be interested to see how Luck does this year. He had one of the best rookie seasons that any rookie qb has ever had. Football is back guys and I wish you guys the best this season. Nothing but love for Indy and Chuck Pagano! God bless.

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Only game I got to go to last year. Couldn't believe how many Packer fans were there.

Definitely a game that showed was to come. We were 1-2 before that game.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Packer fans travel well. They can be playing in SF and you can hear Kuuuuuhn whenever he touches the ball.

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That was a classic game even though we lost. It did remind me of the 1997 Packers colts game in Indy when you guys were 0-10 and we were 8-2 and lost. I don't think we have won in Indy in years, maybe since the 80's. How is Chuck Pagano doing? I hope he is doing awesome. I felt happy for you guys that you won that game even though the loss was heartbreaking for us. You guys deserved it. I will be interested to see how Luck does this year. He had one of the best rookie seasons that any rookie qb has ever had. Football is back guys and I wish you guys the best this season. Nothing but love for Indy and Chuck Pagano! God bless.

I thank you for your comments. I visit Green Bay for one game a year with a friend that is die hard Packer. I wear my Colts gear when I go no matter who the pack plays. I have always been treated very well at Lambeau. A lot of ribbing and kidding but never anything serious. 

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Also Mason Crosby kicked horrible the other night in Family night scrimmage. He looked awful just like he did at the end of the Colts game last year. Maybe it is time to cut ties with him.




Sometimes a kicker just loses it, almost overnight. Happened here with Vanderjagt. Despite the unpleasant memories that are most associated with him, Vanderjagt was one of the best kickers in league history, and he hit several game winners for us. But he missed the big one against the Steelers in '05, then he went to Dallas and was never the same.


Crosby is still young, he'll be 29 in a month. He had a great year in 2011, and then was just awful last season. Hearing that he's struggling in camp workouts isn't encouraging. Hopefully he gets past it and gets back to being reliable again.

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The respect and love is mutual. Colts should win their division. Jax, Tennessee and Houston aren't very good teams. The Texans weren't as good as their record last year IMO. Look what we did to them in Houston and look what the Pats did to them twice. You guys beat them too didn't you?

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