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Johnny Manziel sent home from Manning Camp by Archie , bad behavior


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Peyton and Eli set him up. Poor guy. Can't seem to catch a break no matter what he does. :lol:


it would be a joke Peyton is capable of , but not at the expense of someones reputation and getting Daddy involved


I am sure u  were being sarcastic

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it would be a joke Peyton is capable of , but not at the expense of someones reputation and getting Daddy involved


I am sure u  were being sarcastic

Yeah I was just messing around. I read the part about he being out with the two brothers on Thursday and how they had fun that night too. This is all on JM himself. I find it admirable he actually got out to the field with a hangover though lol.

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Speaking of the Manning Passing Academy.....


That's where Luck has been.....   he's a camp counselor there this week.....


Andrew is a huge fan of Peyton......


he was there after college as a trainee and maybe during as well

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he was there after college as a trainee and maybe during as well




When Andrew had played two years at Stanford (he had been there three, but played two) he was being told that if he came out he'd be #1 pick in the draft ahead of guys like Cam Newton...


Anyway....  he didn't consult many people, but among the few was one NFL player.....


Peyton Manning.    That's the guy Luck admires more than any other QB.....

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When Andrew had played two years at Stanford (he had been there three, but played two) he was being told that if he came out he'd be #1 pick in the draft ahead of guys like Cam Newton...


Anyway....  he didn't consult many people, but among the few was one NFL player.....


Peyton Manning.    That's the guy Luck admires more than any other QB.....



Good Choice

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Getting kicked out of the passing academy by Archie Manning due to too much drinking the night before...Hmmm...Did Johnny Manziel loose some teeth & have a tiger in his bathroom too? "The Hangover" movie joke. LOL!  :lol:  lmao  


If you can't find someone missing check the roof of your building ASAP...Just Kidding! 

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Getting kicked out of the passing academy by Archie Manning due to too much drinking the night before...Hmmm...Did Johnny Manziel loose some teeth & have a tiger in his bathroom too? "The Hangover" movie joke. LOL!  :lol:  lmao


If you can't find someone missing check the roof of your building ASAP...Just Kidding! 


he thought it would impress the broncos still current personnel staff ( lol )

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A camp spokesman released the following statement from the Manning Passing Academy, which was held at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, La.

"Johnny Manziel did participate in some activities in the 2013 Manning Passing Academy as a college counselor/coach," the statement said. "After missing and being late for practice assignments, Johnny explained that he had been feeling ill. Consequently, we agreed that it was in everyone's best interest for him to go home a day early."

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A camp spokesman released the following statement from the Manning Passing Academy, which was held at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, La.

"Johnny Manziel did participate in some activities in the 2013 Manning Passing Academy as a college counselor/coach," the statement said. "After missing and being late for practice assignments, Johnny explained that he had been feeling ill. Consequently, we agreed that it was in everyone's best interest for him to go home a day early."

Paying homage to the porcelain throne or oval office qualifies as an illness now? Really? LOL! Call the Betty Ford Clinic ASAP Johnny for your own good...




Maybe Johnny Manziel & AL Michaels can be roommates...

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I could see all this happening but I find it hard to believe at this point coming from a website called "Rumors and Rants'. Im not saying they are any less legit but I am skeptical at best just from this quote alone:



 "But our source claims he was kicked out at the behest of Manning paterfamilias Archie".




ANYONE can say that.........Whats that source hmm?

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I could see all this happening but I find it hard to believe at this point coming from a website called "Rumors and Rants'. Im not saying they are any less legit but I am skeptical at best just from this quote alone:



 "But our source claims he was kicked out at the behest of Manning paterfamilias Archie".




ANYONE can say that.........Whats that source hmm?

You do make a valid point Gavin. Anonymous sources are too commonplace these days. Put your name to the statement like a man & stand by it & any repercussions that accompany that statement. Well said Gavin!  

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That may be true QuizBoy, but does trouble find him or does Johnny embrace the rebel persona & go looking for it? A maturity question...

I think he's having fun with the attention that comes from winning the Heismann. I think he took the right steps to avoid even more trouble by deciding to have off-campus classes, but getting too messed up to participate at football camp is never a good thing.

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The weird thing is that I grasp that Johnny is a young kid & that I don't expect him to be a saint, but come on getting thrown out of the Manning throwing camp, the 1st family of professional football, is really dumb & a horrible public relations move.


NFL GMs are watching closely. Don't create a bad character pattern of behavior among league front offices executives & cost yourself some serious cash Mr. Manziel. 

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A camp spokesman released the following statement from the Manning Passing Academy, which was held at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, La.

"Johnny Manziel did participate in some activities in the 2013 Manning Passing Academy as a college counselor/coach," the statement said. "After missing and being late for practice assignments, Johnny explained that he had been feeling ill. Consequently, we agreed that it was in everyone's best interest for him to go home a day early."


article u cite




Most articles on this do reference the rants copmments in one way or another

 thats  in op so are questioning what really happened given his background

, here is CBS & ESPN






or more directly  naming rants 






SI,com is intersting but saame


“Something kinda unbelievable, Johnny Football was asked by the Mannings to leave, hence the reason why he didn’t throw. [He] slept through all the staff meetings came out to practice only once. Amazing. [He] shouldn’t do that anyway but definitely not to the Manning’s. I never saw him once. Heard some ladies snapped a pic of him and McCarron in the bar and it hit twitter and he wasn’t happy about that.”



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I think he's having fun with the attention that comes from winning the Heismann. I think he took the right steps to avoid even more trouble by deciding to have off-campus classes, but getting too messed up to participate at football camp is never a good thing.

Yeah, sometimes getting a huge award makes a person lazy like they believe that they have already arrived & they don't need to work hard anymore. It reminds of a woman in my high school class who was awarded a 4 year fully paid scholarship to UW-Madison as Valedictorian & she flunked out the 1st semester of college because her blood alcohol level exceeded her Grade Point Average.


I laughed so darn hard when I heard that.  :lol: She always thought the she was always so darn smart & never had to work hard for anything. Everyone kissed her caboose because her parents owned the local grocery store in town & her mother used to teach 1st grade in school several decades ago.


There is a God after all... lmao  Justice Baby Justice...Plain & simple...

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Yeah, sometimes getting a huge award makes a person lazy like they believe that they have already arrived & they don't need to work hard anymore. It reminds of a woman in my high school class who was awarded a 4 year fully paid scholarship to UW-Madison as Valedictorian & she flunked out the 1st semester of college because her blood alcohol level exceeded her Grade Point Average.


I laughed so darn hard when I heard that.  :lol: She always thought the she was always so darn smart & never had to work hard for anything. Everyone kissed her caboose because her parents owned the local grocery store in town & her mother used to teach 1st grade in school several decades ago.


There is a God after all... lmao  Justice Baby Justice...Plain & simple...

Yikes. I guess the alcohol was more important than the GPA. Karma comes full circle it seems, lol

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article u cite




Most articles on this do reference the rants copmments in one way or another

 thats  in op so are questioning what really happened given his background

, here is CBS & ESPN






or more directly  naming rants 






SI,com is intersting but saame


“Something kinda unbelievable, Johnny Football was asked by the Mannings to leave, hence the reason why he didn’t throw. [He] slept through all the staff meetings came out to practice only once. Amazing. [He] shouldn’t do that anyway but definitely not to the Manning’s. I never saw him once. Heard some ladies snapped a pic of him and McCarron in the bar and it hit twitter and he wasn’t happy about that.”



Reputations take years to build & minutes or days to destroy if you are not careful. Being a success in any profession requires at least one thing: Showing up on time ready to listen & learn consistently everyday. Johnny had better remember that fast. Even this car commercial brings that central point home...



There's still time to change course & fix this behavior Johnny, but only if you acknowledge that a problem exists & try to rectify the situation. 

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Yikes. I guess the alcohol was more important than the GPA. Karma comes full circle it seems, lol

Yup, normally I don't root for anyone's failure, but there are a few exceptions to that rule of thumb. Namely, laziness & entitlement based on your name or previous laurels etc. etc. 

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No biggie imo, especially considering that we don't even know if he was partying or not. Peyton and company claimed that he was late and sick, so I'm just going to take their word for it. I don't think many people give Manziel enough credit for the work he's been putting in this offseason. The Aggie's qb has been working out with George Whitfield out west, qb coach/mentor at the Elite 11 and Manning camps, etc...the stuff the media doesn't cover that much (Believe me I'm not trying to defend Johnny, I'm no fan of any player or coach in the SEC, ha). Sure, the kid's made some questionable mistakes..but you have to keep in mind he's a 20 yr old college student..not the Pope. I'm sure if the media was covering me and anybody at that age..god actually I don't even want to imagine that scenario lol. People just need to take it easy until football season. If Johnny doesn't produce on the field, then that's when the media and fans should rip him, not now.  Plus, wasn't Eli pretty late to to a meeting at the Manning Camp a while back (ironically at the same age as Johnny is now)? 

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Apparently his parents are claiming it was dehydration.  However I'm noting that dehydration is what a hangover really is. 


This is what worries me about this kid, he's not handling the fame and attention in a mature fashion.  How will he handle it if he's a top 5 pick, gets a multi-million dollar signing bonus and invested with the hopes of an NFL franchise?  

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The legend of Johnny Football grew to fast. You have to be a exceptional young man off the field to handle the pressure that comes with the notoriety. Johnny is getting a reputation. I hope he see's the light and gets the most out of his college experience. I have a nephew on the A & M team and he says Johnny's a really nice guy.    

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The legend of Johnny Football grew to fast. You have to be a exceptional young man off the field to handle the pressure that comes with the notoriety. Johnny is getting a reputation. I hope he see's the light and gets the most out of his college experience. I have a nephew on the A & M team and he says Johnny's a really nice guy.    


You can be nice and immature.  This kid has a lot of growing up to do before I'd be wanting to hand him the keys to a franchise and the multi-million dollar signing bonus that comes with it.


Give an immature kid that much money and he's bound to get himself in trouble with it.  

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  1.  I can remember a 20-year-old Eli missing a meeting and catching some flak. We always have counselors who leave early. Johnny was great with the campers ... and I want him to come back as a counselor next year.


    - Peyton Manning, reacts to Johnny Manziel's early departure from his passing camp.




Peyton likes Johnny Football. Of course Peyton is probably just giving his positive media talk he has always done. You have to be an *, drunkard for Peyton to say he doesn't like you. Hi Mike V! :lol:

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  1.  I can remember a 20-year-old Eli missing a meeting and catching some flak. We always have counselors who leave early. Johnny was great with the campers ... and I want him to come back as a counselor next year.


    - Peyton Manning, reacts to Johnny Manziel's early departure from his passing camp.




Peyton likes Johnny Football. Of course Peyton is probably just giving his positive media talk he has always done. You have to be an *, drunkard for Peyton to say he doesn't like you. Hi Mike V! :lol:


Peyton is a media master but he's been at it for a long, long time. The media is brutal. Even and honest man like Peyton pick each word carefully.


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  1.  I can remember a 20-year-old Eli missing a meeting and catching some flak. We always have counselors who leave early. Johnny was great with the campers ... and I want him to come back as a counselor next year.


    - Peyton Manning, reacts to Johnny Manziel's early departure from his passing camp.




Peyton likes Johnny Football. Of course Peyton is probably just giving his positive media talk he has always done. You have to be an *, drunkard for Peyton to say he doesn't like you. Hi Mike V! :lol:



I think that if they did send him home from being hung over they don't want to embarrass him, just teach him a lesson so they are using this sickness thing as it isn't quite a lie since hung over is a kind of sick.  It's just a sick you willingly get into.


Or he could be legit sick, but it just seems too weird.   The Manziels are claiming dehydration (which is what a hang over is).  But it seems too weird to me that Johnny goes through the whole day Thursday doing his thing and no one notices any problems and on Friday morning he's dehydrated.  


How does a person who has access to a hotel room presumably with running water in it become dehydrated when they arn't engaging in any heavy physical activity?  

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Johnny Manziel pleads guilty to misdemeanor charge, is fined $2,000 and sentenced to two days in jail, but won't serve time. 
Johnny Manziel's day in court for his arrest last summer in College Station came and went Monday with the Heisman Trophy winner pleading guilty for failing to identify himself to police officers.

Manziel's guilty plea comes with a fine of $2,000, two days in jail and $230 in court costs, Brazos County Attorney Rod Anderson told The Associated Press. Manziel -- who was in need of some good news after a long weekend at the Manning Passing Academy -- got some, as he won't have to serve any time since he accumulated time served while jailed following his arrest last June.

Manziel could have faced up to 180 days in jail.

The other charges against Manziel, including disorderly conduct and possessing a fake license, were dismissed during the hearing.

The Eagle first reported the news.

Manziel was briefly suspended from A&M following the arrest after the fight outside a bar. He considered transferring from the school but had the suspension overturned following an appeal that included support from head coach Kevin Sumlin.

Monday's court date was originally scheduled for the afternoon but was moved to the morning.

It's been a busy few days for Manziel. He was at the Manning Passing Academy in Louisiana but was sent home early from the camp Saturday after he failed to show for a Saturday session. His father said Manziel was sick and was dehydrated. Pictures of Manziel and Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron at a bar showed up before Manziel left camp. More pictures of Manziel from Saturday night surfaced of him out in College Station.

Monday's hearing was related to an incident last June in which Manziel was taken to jail after a fight involving Manziel, a 47-year-old man and one of Manziel's friends.
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When Andrew had played two years at Stanford (he had been there three, but played two) he was being told that if he came out he'd be #1 pick in the draft ahead of guys like Cam Newton...


Anyway....  he didn't consult many people, but among the few was one NFL player.....


Peyton Manning.    That's the guy Luck admires more than any other QB.....


Peyton told him to stay in school and graduate.  Thank you Peyton!

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Just a kid sowing some oats? Or Ryan Leaf II?


Understand the way the Manning camp works. Approximately 1,200 aspiring quarterbacks, grades eight through 12, go to Nicholls (La.) State University in Thibodaux, La., for a long weekend every July to be tutored by quarterback coaches, college quarterbacks and the Manning boys themselves. The campers arrive on Thursday, take the field Friday and Saturday, watch a throwing exhibition by the college and pro quarterbacks there Saturday night, then leave late Sunday morning. One of the draws is having some top quarterbacks come -- and not just the Mannings. Kids are excited to be in the presence of quarterbacks like Johnny Manziel, who was assigned to one group of between 12 to 16 young passers.


Manziel was spotted at a bar in Thibodaux early Friday morning, and he was late for one of the Friday coaching sessions. No one's sure where he was Friday night, but he was a no-show for a two-hour session Saturday morning, and the staff had to cover for him. (Imagine you're a high school sophomore, you're excited about coming to the Manning camp, and, as if that's not enough, you walk in for orientation Thursday night and hear, "Johnny Football's going to be your counselor.'' You're all jacked up, and then you show up Saturday for a two-hour workout with Manziel ... and he's nowhere to be found. Not good.)


Confronted by the staff early Saturday afternoon, Manziel said he wasn't feeling well and had to miss the Saturday session. Even if that were true, the staff wasn't pleased that Manziel never called and left the coaches short-handed. It was then that someone -- Archie, by some reports -- told Manziel it would be best for everyone if he went home.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/nfl/news/20130715/johnny-manziel-aaron-hernandez-monday-morning-quarterback/#ixzz2ZDZlACjo

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Paying homage to the porcelain throne or oval office qualifies as an illness now? Really? LOL!

Yeah....its probably a good thing Archie threw him out.


Although seeing the look on Peyton's face had he vomitted like Donovan McNabb right in front of all those youngsters Saturday might have been pretty entertaining.

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John now says no longer says he was sick but that


The Texas A&M quarterback told ESPN's "SportsCenter" on Wednesday that his departure was unrelated to anything that happened the night before he missed a morning meeting.


"I made a mistake and didn't wake up in time when I should have, and that's pretty much the end of that," Manziel said. "It was just simply my phone died. I overslept."



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