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Where does our D rank in the NFL?


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Potentially Top 10 ... In that playoff loss Vontae and the rest of the secondary was plastered all over the ravens WRs ... That was a masterful 1st half the defense played and they seemed to just get tired due to the ravens controlling the LOS.

The loss was encouraging because I saw a glimpse of what we COULD be.

Vontae Davis is a Star in this league

Laron Landry is a Star in this league

Greg Toler is a Above Average

Antoine Bethea is Above Average

Darius Butler is trending toward his potential

Cassius Vaughn is better than most think ... His instincts have to improve but his coverage isn't the mess some make it out to be.

I'm looking foward to a Good Overall defense in 2013 and a Monster of a Defense in 2014 because of Montori Hughes

Please do not use Vaugn and better in same sentence.

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Having a great QB doesn't mean you have to have a bad defense. I get why the Colts only had 1 SB when Manning was there. I want to see great QB play and a great defense. Pu-lease. Regardless of how good or poor your defense, the odds of winning go way up with a great QB.


So having a not-so-special QB is supposed to be better? After reading your "logic", I don't want you to quote me and respond. You're going on my iggy list. I don't have time for nonsense.

So by putting your own spin on my comment you assume what??  It is called common sense not logic. Where did I say anything about a not so special QB in my comment? Is your reading comprehension that poor? As far as your iggy list, exactly how much do you think I care? The only nonsense here was you in assuming what you think you know. 

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I'll say we're in the top 15, and here's why: Schedule


The upcoming year we won't be facing offensive powerhouses like Green Bay or New England. Remember, New England scored 59 points on us. Detroit put up 33. The stronger teams that we face, Seattle and San Fran, I would consider more defensive and run-oriented teams. 

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Until we play a down in the regular season, if you compare the sheet of paper full of names for this year against the piece of paper from last year full of names both are probably 8.5 X 11 so I would say we are equal to last year at least.......

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We we 26th in total defense by yards allowed last year....

I believe we were roughly 20th in defense by points allowed...

We were 29th in rushing defense by yards allowed

And we were 21st in passing defense by yards allowed...

ALL OF THOSE categories have to be at least in the teens this year.... and the closer to 16th the better!

I don't know what our friend TKnight is smoking rating our defense 25th-30th, unless he's referring back to last year's rankings. Then, he's correct! I can't imagine he's predicting that's what we'll be ranked in 2013....

But hopefully, for all of our sake, this year the Colts really step up their defensive effort.

Not smoking, think he just had a serious apple juice buzz going!

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