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Painters Time


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Collins might be stinking it up at this point but he still deserves some time to get acclimated with this offense. The man was brought in 2 weeks before the start of the season for God's sake. I mean what do you expect him to look like?

This is the road the Colts chose to go down due to their lack of forsight. Collins is the sacrificial lamb right now unfortunately. I say give him the first six games and see where we are at. If he is not panning out by then, I would go with Painter the rest of the way so he can get some valuable experience that will hopefully help in his maturation process. This of course is assuming two things. 1.) The Steelers don't force our hand Sunday by destroying Collins; and 2.) Manning doesn't play at all this year, like I expect.


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Never ever never lose your sense of humor. It has gotten me through personal tragedy, hard times and horrid Colts seasons.

I have a feeling that we are going to need your humor on the board this year. We may have a horrid season but Peyton will come back stronger and hungry next year. :applause:

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I wouldn't be surprised to see Painter show up against the Steelers. I think Kerry will have a bad game, and Curtis may come in late in the 3rd or early in the 4th to replace him.

What exactly based on what the coaches are saying makes you think that? Frankly they are sticking to the Kerry needs time line more than anyone else.

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I agree. Painter should get the start. The Colts have a lot of problems, sure, but Collins lost week 2 for us. Actually if you take away his fumbles in both games, we wouldn't be talking about Suck for Luck and draft day nearly as much as we do now. He doesn't secure the football. Sure, our O-Line sucks. But it doesn't change the way that Collins grips or throws the football. Watch him tonight and see what I mean. I cringed at almost every snap in fear that he would fumble due to his weird wind up, scramble, and throwing motions. There is virtually no upside to playing Collins. I hate saying it, but it's true. Our running game has actually looked amazing compared to last years so far and yet we still can't convert 3rd downs or in the redzone and I think much of the blame is on Collins. Put Painter in, the worst that can happen is that he turns the ball over(something that Collins already does). And if he does, at least he will gain valuable play time experience and the coaching staff and fans will have the opportunity to evaluate him a bit more. This post is somewhat irrelevant though because I don't think Collins will last too much longer with our O-line. In some ways, it's nice for the rest of the world to finally realize JUST how good of a player Peyton truly is.

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I get what some are saying regarding Painter, and I made the point too, but to say Painter is better than Collins is ridiculous. He isnt.

The thing is though, the Colts record would be no worse, and they would have saved 4 mil this year with Painter in there.

Now that said, Collins may improve a ton, and lead the Colts on a decent run.

Right now Im not seeing it, but maybe tonight will prove some of us wrong, and they will have a good improvement over last week and the week before.

Im hoping so, and you all should too, because Painter aint starting over a healthy Collins.

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