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Beat By The Browns


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No we weren't. We used to have a good offense overall that could stand on its own even without Peyton. Sadly, we haven't had a unit like that since 2005 or so/when Tarik Glenn among others gradually left/were foolishly let go by Polian.

The D has always sucked and can not win us games. It has had brief moments of pulling its weight (2006 playoffs, second half of NE game, Browns game a few years back) but has always been along for the ride.

Special teams, you make me cry with laughter.

The coaching staff used to be ok with Dungy, not good, certainly not great. Ok. Now? Please.

No, we are a good team with Peyton (maybe not the best overall, but we won games and won a superbowl and went to another)

except peyton isn't here

so now we are a bad team. (weakness start to hurt us with no plus side of peyton)

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Did anybody else think that McCoy released the ball past the line of scrimmage on the Browns first TD? It was so close that I was expecting some complaining by the Colts (not sure if you could challenge that). The announcers didn't say a word about it.

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win 6 games? are you kidding me? 6 games?

we are gonna win one game at the most. maybe.

get ready for the worst loss ever next week vs. Pitt

I might feel the need to punch a Steelers fan in the face next week. Also is anyone else from Fort Wayne and do they know why there are so many Steelers fans here? I just figured this is one of the main stops for the Bandwagon.

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Watching the game today was a tough one. I won't get into how this was awful or this guy needs to go or any excuses. We got beat, bottom line. What I do want to say is how disappointed I was in the exit of the fans in the fourth quarter. PATHETIC!!! You want to call yourselves fans, then act like it. You don't bail on your team when they are losing. We have been priviledged to have a team like ours for more than a decade. Playoffs, Super Bowl apperances and a Super Bowl Champion team. And because we lost our quarterback, probably for the year so get used to the idea, people leave like the place is on fire when we are down. I am not looking forward to seeing how many of our "fans" sell their seats to the Steeler fans. I guessing a third to maybe half of the stadium will be in black and gold after what I witnessed today. Step it up "12th Man".

Um I am not sure many people here were the ones leaving early today.

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well we are now the worst team in the league, WOOT, we are leading the luck sweeptakes for sure, I really hope we lose more so we can get another solid 10 years of super bowl attempts :)

Actually we are 26th right now but the Monday night games will change that slightly. But 28th is as low as we could go this week. Sorry to disappoint but you're suffering a lack of luck in the Luck Lottery.

I don't get why everyone is so hung up on being beat by the Browns who got beat by the Bengals. For one, the Browns and Bengals always go back and forth because they are division rivals, kind of like us and Jacksonville no matter how bad they are. So yeah, big deal, they got beat by the Bengals. And apparently long term memory is in short supply because over the past few years we've struggled with Cleveland no matter how bad they were. Yes we won those but barely (10-6, 13-6, and 9-6 Colts-Browns) [<-- Not necessarily in chronological order].

Am I trying to say we played well? No. But we are improving. And I believe we will continue to improve enough to knock ourselves out of contention for dead last. I think that victory will go to the Chiefs who have been outscored 89-10 so far.

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I didn't buy NFL Sunday Ticket this year, so unless the Colts are nationally telecast, I don't get to watch the games.

I have Sirius satellite radio, but in week one, for whatever reason that Sirius Canada could not explain, the Colts' game was the ONLY NFL game not broadcast by them. This week's game against the Browns was on, though, but wow, does the Colts' radio play by play guy SUCK! He's simply aweful as a play by play guy. I found myself cringing, not because of the Colts' play so much, but rather, because the play by play guy was just sooooo bad. He's constantly stumbling over his words, having to correct himself, and showing how inept he is in knowing football strategy ... et. by constantly calling the Colts to start using their timeouts to try and save the clock, with 8 Minutes Left, for goodness sakes.

This season is not only going to be painful because of the Colts' dimming prospects, but even moreso because of having to listing to their clown of a radio play by play man.

As for the game itself, I put the blame for the loss on the special teams coverage units. How can they be soooo inept year after year? Big kickoff return leads to a short field and 7 points. Big punt return leads to a very short field and 3 points and effectively kills any realistic chance for the comeback. That's 10 points directly because of brutal kick / punt coverage special teams. Take those points away and instead of a 27 - 19 loss, it's a 19 - 17 win. Special teams, more than anything else, continues to KILL the Colts.

The defense, though still disappointing in their inability to play shutdown defense, especially against the run when they reeeeally need to stop it, cannot be faulted as much, as they keep getting their backs against the wall because of the brutal special teams play. Regardless though, I think the defense has to step things up!

If special teams play does not improve significantly in the next couple of weeks, I really think it is time to axe their special teams coach. He's in his 3rd year now, I believe it is, and NOTHING has improved. Just same old same old pathetic kick / punt coverage breakdowns. Somebody has to be held accountable and I believe it is the special teams coaching.

Offense looked improved, but had no finish. I do expect them to continue to improve, though, as Collins gets more practice in. The OL has to pick things up, though.

Questions for Colts fans that were at the game or that watched the game, and for insiders in Indie ...

- Did Gonzo even play? This guy has got to start contributing or be cut loose.

- How did Castonzo do? Is he still looking solid and seemingly improving?

- Any word on how bad the injury is to Diem?

- Any word on how bad the injury is to Moala? If it's going to be nagging, does bringing Tommy Harris back make any sense? (Maybe his "attitude" wll be improved, after having been let go initially. Thoughts?)

I will appreciate your feedback and answers. :-)

My unbridled optimism is now turning grim, sadly. For this season to be a success, getting off 0 - 2 in games that I figured they needed to win and could win is very concerning. If they cannot pull off a couple of upsets in the next few weeks, I fear the season really will be lost, as they potentially could be sitting at 0 - 4 for hte first quarter of a season.

For this season to be salvaged, the Colts absolutely MUST win 3 of their next 4 games (Pit, Tampa, KC, Cincy). Pit, based on what we have so far seen, sadly can be booked as a likely loss. TB, KC, & Cincy are all games that we would expect the Colts to be able to win. If the Colts cannot win a minimum or 3 of these next 4 games though, then sadly I figure they are done for this year.

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I didn't buy NFL Sunday Ticket this year, so unless the Colts are nationally telecast, I don't get to watch the games.

I have Sirius satellite radio, but in week one, for whatever reason that Sirius Canada could not explain, the Colts' game was the ONLY NFL game not broadcast by them. This week's game against the Browns was on, though, but wow, does the Colts' radio play by play guy SUCK! He's simply aweful as a play by play guy. I found myself cringing, not because of the Colts' play so much, but rather, because the play by play guy was just sooooo bad. He's constantly stumbling over his words, having to correct himself, and showing how inept he is in knowing football strategy ... et. by constantly calling the Colts to start using their timeouts to try and save the clock, with 8 Minutes Left, for goodness sakes.

This season is not only going to be painful because of the Colts' dimming prospects, but even moreso because of having to listing to their clown of a radio play by play man.

As for the game itself, I put the blame for the loss on the special teams coverage units. How can they be soooo inept year after year? Big kickoff return leads to a short field and 7 points. Big punt return leads to a very short field and 3 points and effectively kills any realistic chance for the comeback. That's 10 points directly because of brutal kick / punt coverage special teams. Take those points away and instead of a 27 - 19 loss, it's a 19 - 17 win. Special teams, more than anything else, continues to KILL the Colts.

The defense, though still disappointing in their inability to play shutdown defense, especially against the run when they reeeeally need to stop it, cannot be faulted as much, as they keep getting their backs against the wall because of the brutal special teams play. Regardless though, I think the defense has to step things up!

If special teams play does not improve significantly in the next couple of weeks, I really think it is time to axe their special teams coach. He's in his 3rd year now, I believe it is, and NOTHING has improved. Just same old same old pathetic kick / punt coverage breakdowns. Somebody has to be held accountable and I believe it is the special teams coaching.

Offense looked improved, but had no finish. I do expect them to continue to improve, though, as Collins gets more practice in. The OL has to pick things up, though.

Questions for Colts fans that were at the game or that watched the game, and for insiders in Indie ...

- Did Gonzo even play? This guy has got to start contributing or be cut loose.

- How did Castonzo do? Is he still looking solid and seemingly improving?

- Any word on how bad the injury is to Diem?

- Any word on how bad the injury is to Moala? If it's going to be nagging, does bringing Tommy Harris back make any sense? (Maybe his "attitude" wll be improved, after having been let go initially. Thoughts?)

I will appreciate your feedback and answers. :-)

My unbridled optimism is now turning grim, sadly. For this season to be a success, getting off 0 - 2 in games that I figured they needed to win and could win is very concerning. If they cannot pull off a couple of upsets in the next few weeks, I fear the season really will be lost, as they potentially could be sitting at 0 - 4 for hte first quarter of a season.

For this season to be salvaged, the Colts absolutely MUST win 3 of their next 4 games (Pit, Tampa, KC, Cincy). Pit, based on what we have so far seen, sadly can be booked as a likely loss. TB, KC, & Cincy are all games that we would expect the Colts to be able to win. If the Colts cannot win a minimum or 3 of these next 4 games though, then sadly I figure they are done for this year.

I agree with alot of your points, one of my biggest issues with our team is defensive play calling and the type of players we have selected for this system. When you have 335lbs + G's and T's on the opposing team vs an extremly undersized defense and a defensive coordinator that believes standing back in zones 9/10 plays on 3rd down is the answer, its a failed situation.

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Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....

Greaaaaaaaaaaaaat first post Jag fan. :rolleyes: Hey maybe we can borrow your tarps.... unless you think you might be needing them this season. :cute:

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