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Worst Game of Luck's NFL Career


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Let's hope it remains that way.

The kid looked a bit rattled at times, but you can't blame him considering the O-line play. He made a few bad throws, to be expected. And at times he showed us what we're going to see for years to come: poise, intelligence, and accuracy.

I really think this was a great learning experience for him. Playing a very good D on the road, with some bad protection. Things will get better.

I also hope everyone will enjoy this season, no matter what the final record. This kid is going to be one of the greats and this is only the beginning.

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i agree, it will only get better...

off subject.. and not tryin to complain because the refs did really well today but there were some plays where we had turned the ball over and promising drives were stopped where we could have gotten calls to negate the TO / keep the drive going...and that hurt his numbers and made it look a lot worse than it was... and us, as a team... obviously

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To be expected on the road against a tough defense and playing behind a subpar o-line (still had 300yds passing) but the sky is the limit for Luck who can only get better. RGIII has two things that were already in place that Luck doesn't.... a run game and a good defense.

And that's what a lot of people don't think about.

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I agree with what you say Smonroe.

Also, what people tend to forget is that those are the Bears, always known for that great D that was in the top 4 last year.

They didn't face a bad team today. Luck went up against his toughest test (Houston will be very tough too) of the season. He came out fine and made some great throws out there.

Oh and it was his first game of his career.

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Boy what a rough day. I was not expecting too much but I thought we might look a little better than we did. Got to shore up that O line. All teams we face are going to bring eveything now after seeing that Bears game. Did I miss something didnot see one pass in first 20min. to a tight end, what gives, I know we had to keep them in for protection, that didn't work Thank god we have Regg..

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Let's hope it remains that way.

The kid looked a bit rattled at times, but you can't blame him considering the O-line play. He made a few bad throws, to be expected. And at times he showed us what we're going to see for years to come: poise, intelligence, and accuracy.

I really think this was a great learning experience for him. Playing a very good D on the road, with some bad protection. Things will get better.

I also hope everyone will enjoy this season, no matter what the final record. This kid is going to be one of the greats and this is only the beginning.

I totally agree I said the same thing to my wife. This can also be a great learning experience for this team.
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Boy what a rough day. I was not expecting too much but I thought we might look a little better than we did. Got to shore up that O line. All teams we face are going to bring eveything now after seeing that Bears game. Did I miss something didnot see one pass in first 20min. to a tight end, what gives, I know we had to keep them in for protection, that didn't work Thank god we have Regg..

Yes Reggie did save us from a lot worse showing. The defense looked really bad to. They got a lot of work to do.
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