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The Role Of Jacob Tamme?


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Jacob Tamme was just flat out awesome last yr when he stepped up for the injured Clark. I am just curious about how the Colts will use him this season. I would love to see some I form. I say put Clark and Tamme in at the same time using one as I form fullback and the other out TE. We could also use the two TE sets which probably wont happen very often sincve we are overloaded in our talent at the WR position.The I form could be used alternating with the 2 TE sets as trickery during the no huddle.

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I don't think so, Tamme is good but not better than Clark, Addai, Collie, Garcon, or Wayne. Other than Special teams or a play here or there I think Tamme will go back to being Clark's back up as long as everyone stays healthy. He's not good enough of a blocker for us to play him all the time when we go to our two tightend sets. I just think he is going to be the odd man out.

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I would love to see what kinds of packages Manning and the coaches have come up with to get Tamme and Clark on the field at once. Imagine being a defensive coordinator having to stop Clark (do you use a LB or S?), Tamme (same as Clark, except this defender won't be near as good as the guy covering Clark), Wayne (put your best cover guy on him, not easily done unless you are the Jets), Collie (no one could stop him before his injury) and Addai in the backfield (can run, catch, block...essentially, he can do it all). Just thinking about trying to stop Clark, Tamme, Wayne, Collie and Addai... :mindblow: :whiteflag: We saw from the Pats last year how well they utilized 2 TE sets, I am interested to see how we use our TEs. I'm 100% confident he will get playing time next year, his performance last year was too strong for him to sit on the bench the whole time. He was a fantasy football gem!

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I would love to see what kinds of packages Manning and the coaches have come up with to get Tamme and Clark on the field at once. Imagine being a defensive coordinator having to stop Clark (do you use a LB or S?), Tamme (same as Clark, except this defender won't be near as good as the guy covering Clark), Wayne (put your best cover guy on him, not easily done unless you are the Jets), Collie (no one could stop him before his injury) and Addai in the backfield (can run, catch, block...essentially, he can do it all). Just thinking about trying to stop Clark, Tamme, Wayne, Collie and Addai... :mindblow: :whiteflag: We saw from the Pats last year how well they utilized 2 TE sets, I am interested to see how we use our TEs. I'm 100% confident he will get playing time next year, his performance last year was too strong for him to sit on the bench the whole time. He was a fantasy football gem!

in the past i remember us using Dallas Clark in the backfield, not to much, but i remember it being effective. The coaching staff is going to have to get creative because if everyone stays healthy, we are going to have a plethora of WR's and TE's.

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I mentioned this in another thread, but something I would like to see just to change things up every now and then is a 3 TE package with 1 RB and 1 WR spread out. You could use this personnel package in the No Huddle for a short time (not too long to keep everyone fresh) but you could put them in so many different formations such as:

Power I set:

Tamme and Clark lined up as TE's

Eldridge or DeVree as a FB

Whichever RB in the backfield and which ever WR spread out wide

3 TE set:

Tamme, Clark and Eldridge/DeVree lined up as TE's

RB in the backfield and WR spread out

spread formation with all 5 skill players spread out (sure a TE or RB is going to be lined up against the other team's #2 CB but there would still be a number of other mismatches)

T set or I set:

WR and Clark each lined up outside

Tamme lined up as TE

Eldridge/DeVree as FB

RB in the backfield

1 back set with the WR, Tamme and Clark spread out with Eldridge/Devree as TE and the RB in backfield

Just imagine using this player combo for several consecutive plays and have them line up in a different formation for each play. The defense wouldn't know what to do. Especially if you used this formation near the goal line which would probably lead the defense to bring a more goal-line esque package which would cause all kinds of mis-matches in our favor (no one is ever going to use a true goal line defense against the Colts no matter where they are on the field considering the pass-heavy mentality of the Colts).

The thing is that yes we have a lot of skill players and that could lead to some guys not putting up spectacular numbers, but at the same time you can run the no huddle for 4 or 5 plays (or however many) and then when you finally do substitute, you bring in a whole new set of 5 skill players and we don't really miss a beat.

I know I personally would rather have this kind of problem than not having enough skill players to go around. Hopefully we'll be able to keep a good rotation going to keep everyone healthy and as injury free as possible. :)

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There gonna get Clark in a slotback or as a receiver on some plays, and Tamme will play TE. The Colts will use him and Clark as a 2 TE package when Manning is playing with no RBs in the back. He won't have as good the year he had last year, I expect to see him a lot in the redzone.

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Anytime we play a 3-4 there is no excuse not to have Tamme on the field along with Dallas.

I would much rather we try spreading out a 3-4 with a 3 WR set in order to help identify the direction of blitzes and put pressure on the opposing team's corners

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