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Madden 13 Demo Details


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Kyle, you are the one being immature and disrespecting people, and now I've lost respect for you. He never attacked you, in fact you were the one attacking him. Why would Stryker need to grow up? His comments were worded much better and he wasn't taking offense for no reason.

It was an A B conversation, C your way out of it

AND it was over 5 days ago... Why bring up a stupid little argument 5 days after it we dropped it? You sir, are trying to stir the pot

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A couple of you mentioned passes get picked off more when you throw it deep, when your on defense can you pick it off more? That's just one of the things that bothered me about Madden (haven't bought it in a few years), it seems the cpu can easily get a pick rather than a tipping it down trying to pick it, though when you try to get an interception yourself, a lot of the times the guy would just drop the ball. How is that like this year? I already have plans to buy the game this year, I want to give it another chance after a few years off, plus the whole Luck/ new defense factors help out the excitement to wanting to play as the Colts as well.

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Having not played one in a while (I sold 12' in a day), I'm still getting used to the controls, but from the lone game I played It was pretty fun. However, I doubt I'll pick it up because I don't want to pay full price for it. I have too many other games I have my eye one. lol

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Having not played one in a while (I sold 12' in a day), I'm still getting used to the controls, but from the lone game I played It was pretty fun. However, I doubt I'll pick it up because I don't want to pay full price for it. I have too many other games I have my eye one. lol

If you pre-order it at Best Buy, you'll get a $20 reward zone gift certificate. So...if you buy M13 for full price, you can get the "other games" at a discount. Just saying :)

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I wasn't impressed. The new tackling physics were a joke. There were few tackles, but the vast majority were just collisions. Alex Smith rolled out to the right and got blindsided by a rusher. The rusher ran into his back and BOUNCED OFF. Saw a lot of tackles that involved two guys running into eachother and just bouncing apart.

The PS3 version of the game seemed WAY too fast. I didn't turn it down, but I felt like I was speeding playing it.

WR's actually catch the ball in stride. Such a nice addition. I hit Cruz a few times and there was no un-necessary jump, no stutter after the catch, just a fluid catch and continue.

Picks did seem to be excessive. I threw 2, Alex Smith 3.

I don't know if it was because of it being a demo build or what, but there have been a few times I question the AI playcalling/decision making.

It looked nice. But so what? A turd is a turd no matter how it looks, and it looks like this Madden is closer to turd than not yet again.

Run blocking is still... dumb. A linemen runs downfield on a draw, and instead of blocking the guy right infront of him veers off to block... Well, he probably isn't blocking, but it means the ball carrier gets murdered by a waiting backer/safety and he shouldn't have.

There were some nice improvements, but I just wasn't impressed. I'll try the full version when it drops, but I'm certainly not going to go out and plunk down money after playing this demo...

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I don't mind the picks because I've been getting more User Picks than usual too. I think bad passes should have those consequences. I do love hitting receivers in stride now.

I do agree that the run blocking and tackling still needs work. I'll probably buy this one though as I havent gotten a new one since 09.

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I haven't had the problem with picks, being picked off or picking off the opponent, yet.

I think most people have problems running the ball because the can't just run through the offensive linemen anymore.

I've enjoyed the new pass trajectories and the defensive read and react system. I can lead the receiver and the defenders don't seem to be "psychic" anymore.

I also found the AI system more aggressive in general than in previous versions. They actually try to move the ball in two minute drills.

Overall, fairly impressed with the demo. I'll probably order it. I already enjoy this demo more than I enjoyed the full retail version of NCAA 13.

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Seriously? Rg3 was 2! Luck was 1!!!!!!! Anyone wonde ring why Colts fans hate rg3...this is why. I am so sick of luck being disrespected.

Speak for yourself. Not all Colts fans hate RG3...that is a ridiculous notion. Why should we hate on him when we got our man? This just makes you sound insecure.

RG3 is more marketable right now because frankly he has more personality than Luck. If Luck wins more than RG3 then this may change. But for now it is what it is. I still believe Luck will prove to be the better QB but I wish RG3 well just the same.

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Speak for yourself. Not all Colts fans hate RG3...that is a ridiculous notion. Why should we hate on him when we got our man? This just makes you sound insecure.

RG3 is more marketable right now because frankly he has more personality than Luck. If Luck wins more than RG3 then this may change. But for now it is what it is. I still believe Luck will prove to be the better QB but I wish RG3 well just the same.

I have already explained i did not mean that how i typed it. I am just sick of hearing about him.

Im not insecure, just annoyed. 2 years ago bradford was everywhere, last year was Cam, and this year is......RG3.

I have already said this tho so lets please get back on topic. i did not mean to ruin the madden thread with a rant... my bad

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