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This isnt what I wanted to hear


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It's mostly new verbage.

Beer = cerveza = bière = birra

Fly route = streak = go = 9 route



A post is a post, whether it's in the WCO, the Manning offense, Air Coryell, or whatever. Some might add various depths to patterns to make them slightly different, but the key difference in verbage.

You take someone like Jay Cutler. I think he's only had 2 seasons where he had the same OC, so he was always working with new verbage.

Coaches come up with terms, or learn them from others, and add to them with concepts of their own that is why the Gruden, Kubiak, and Reid WCO's are all hybrids of the Walsh system. Gruden has more bunch packages, Kubiak has more boots and Reid threw at a higher ratio than most of the others.

Stanford's Offense and Arians' offense might share some terms, they might be entirely different. One might use words, while the other uses #'s.

This is a super post for some of the football fans that are on the site to learn football We have such a variety of levels of fans. Thanks for sharing. I actually forgot the term 'drag.' It is called so often the 'quick out.' Good post. :thmup:
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This is a super post for some of the football fans that are on the site to learn football We have such a variety of levels of fans. Thanks for sharing. I actually forgot the term 'drag.' It is called so often the 'quick out.' Good post. :thmup:

By the way, I wasn't trying to make light of your post FJC. I always love to see posts that actually focus on football, especially when they are relevant to the topic being discussed. I wasn't trying to take away from that.

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By the way, I wasn't trying to make light of your post FJC. I always love to see posts that actually focus on football, especially when they are relevant to the topic being discussed. I wasn't trying to take away from that.

I didn't look at it like that. There is always a place for people with a sense of humor. It is just too bad not everyone has one.

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By the way, I wasn't trying to make light of your post FJC. I always love to see posts that actually focus on football, especially when they are relevant to the topic being discussed. I wasn't trying to take away from that.

I actually a little violin when people need a little whine with their cheese. :)
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I had similar thoughts.

Don't do me like that Uncle Mark.


Sorry, man.........This is all startegy talk,,,nothing disaterous

believe me . If something catastrophically bad happened to one of our players....you wouldnt hear about it from me because I'd be running for my crying towell.

the point was that a veteran pro football writer feels they WONT tailor the offense to Luck's strengths,

I think they will....as I've posted many time.

I dont want the west coast offense....I dont wnat Standford's ofense. and I dont wnat Pittsburgh's with ben

We arent suited to run the last two...line wise and RB-wise...

..I think the writer is incorrect...althouhg he's a veretan guy..not some jamoke typing from his basement.

I think our new coaches will tailor the offesne around Luck's accuracy and quick decision skills..

..and not try to turn him into a modern-day Daryle Lamonica (ask your dad who he was)..

I think I'm right and the writer is wrong and that's why I didnt want to hear it..

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Bruce Arians says, "I've never been around a guy who can learn that fast. I've been around guys who are extremely smart, worked extremely hard at it, but he just gets it. It's kind of scary that he can -- I have to watch that he and I don't get ahead of everybody else, because his learning curve is so quick."

So if anything, it sounds like Luck is learning too fast! So to the TC, don't worry about it. Luck can handle it.

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