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2021 Colts PFF after 10 games


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  • Keeping it simple
    • Rounding up
    • Under 50 - Red
    • Over 70 -  Blue
    • Format 
      • Player - comments 
      • Snap count % (per game)
      • PFF grades (year to date, not per game)

Top 5 This week - none tweeted


  • Offense
    • QB Note - 
      • C Wentz QB - 
        • 100%/93%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%
        • 60.1/67.8/68.5/72.6/73.8/80.6/74.9/67.5/70.6/69.1
      • S Ehlinger QB 
        • DNP 1-8/2%/NA/
        • DNP 1-8/NA/NA/
    • RB Note - 
      • J Taylor RB - highest snap count by far. Now the #2 best graded RB Would likely be #1 if it weren't for some poor P and R blocking grades. 
        • 55/45%/48%/51%/52%/65%/69%/74%/69%/84%
        • 60.3/60.5/64.1/71.2/73.8/75.1/76.5/80.7/80.8/85.0
      • N Hines RB - 
        • 45%/37%/56%/31%/38%/23%/28%/31%/45%/28%
        • 69.6/60.9/67.9/64.2/64.7/62.5/57.9/61.3/68.7/69.6
      • M Mack RB -  
        • NA/19%/NA/31%/14%/19%/6%/1%/NA/NA/
        • NA/53.8/NA/57.9/60.8/58.4/56.7/56.4/NA/NA/
    • TE Note - 
      • J Doyle TE - not flashy, but putting in a very solid year in all aspects  
        • 59%/70%/57%/30%/72%/65%/74%/62%/68%/58%
        • 64.7/71.2/68.1/72.1/75.1/72.2/70.4/67.3/68.8/69.7
      • M Alie-Cox TE - 
        • 51%/40%/46%/69%/45%/50%/63%/49%/61%/55%
        • 50.0/51.2/56.1/61.4/65.2/64.9/66.9/63.6/65.9/64.5
      • K Granson TE -  
        • 9%/9%/20%/42%/12%/8%/7%/12%/6%/19%
        • NA/NA/NA/49.9/51.6/51.3/50.3/51.7/55.8/60.1
    • WR Note 
      • M Pittman WR - now the #15 graded WR and climbing. On track for 1200+ yards. Needs more Hard Knocks love lol
        • 97%/90%/93%/86%/88%/96%/91%/96%/85%/88%
        • 60.8/68.8/72.7/69.7/71.2/71.3/75.8/76.5/77.3/78.3
      • Z Pascal WR - 
        • 91%/91%/89%/82%/86%/85%/84%/94%/84%/89%
        • 64.9/62.0/57.7/57.4/58.5/57.2/55.5/55.0/57.4/56.7
      • A Dulin WR - 
        • 8%/39%/11%/17%/33%/27%/63%/36%/37%/11%
        • NA/59.5/58.6/64.4/65.9/64.4/57.0/51.4/52.0/54.2
      • T Hilton - Very happy he's back, but needs some different routes and less forces
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/50%/44%/NA/NA/61%
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/85.7/70.3/NA/NA/64.4
      • D Patmon WR - 
        • DNP first 8 games/32%/8%
        • DNP first 8 games/54.0/53.9
      • M Strachan WR -  
        • 24%/51%/NA/7%/3%/NA/NA/NA/5%/NA/
        • 75.2/62.3/NA/61.9/61.8/NA/NA/NA/61.7/NA/
      • P Campbell WR - 
        • 61%/NA/80%/44%/55%/10%/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • 62.6/NA/56.9/53.8/60.1/63.1/NA/NA/NA/NA/
      • Keke Coutee
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/6%/NA/NA/NA/
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/58.0/NA/NA/NA/
      • D Harris WR
        • NA/3%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
    • OL Note - 
      • E Fisher LT - slowly getting better and better
        • NA/73%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%
        • NA/ 62.0(1)/54.1(3)/41.8/46.5(4)/52.3/58.6/63.1/66.8/68.8(4)
      • Q Nelson G - still zero sacks
        • 100%/100%/21%/NA/NA/NA/100%/100%/94%/100%
        • 72.7/63.9/69.3/NA/NA/NA/60.4/58.9/61.4/57.3
      • R Kelly C -
        • 100%/100%/100%/96%/99%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%
        • 67.9/68.8(1)/68.2/55.2(2)/52.8/53.8/52.3/55.2/56.4/57.3(3)
      • M Glowinski G - Seems to be taking his job back (if he was losing it)
        • 100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/35%/5%/52%/67%
        • 50.7/45.3/43.4(1)/47.6/57.7/58.0/56.3/56.7(2)/59.1/62.6(2)
      • B Smith RT -  already back to elite area.... 
        • 100%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/100%/73%/100%
        • 60.8(1)/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/69.0(1)/73.9/79.8(1)
      • C Reed OG - 
        • NA/NA/79%/100%/100%/100%/65%/95%/55%/33%
        • NA/NA/68.6/58.7/67.7/65.4/67.5/60.3/59.6/59.8
      • M Pryor OT - 
        • NA/27%/28%/42%/100%/100%/100%/NA/27%/NA/
        • NA/62.3/66.5/64.0/71.2/76.3/69.5/NA/74.3/NA/
      • D Pinter G/C - starting OTs needing less help?
        • NA/NA/NA/14%/3%/2%/9%/NA/5%/NA/
        • NA/NA/NA/77.0/76.0/75.7/82.5/NA/77.1/NA/
      • J Davenport T - 
        • 100%/100%/72%/58%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • 59.8(2)/43.0(2)/47.4(2)/47.2(3)/NA/NA/NA/NA/
  • Defense
    • iDL Note -  
      • D Buckner DT - great game
        • 87%/88%/76%/85%/82%/71%/84%/81%/84%/70%
        • 59.6/71.3/66.9(1)/73.5/68.8/73.7(2)/73.8(3)/71.1(4)/71.5/73.7(6)
      • G Stewart NT - 
        • 81%/75%/69%/50%/67%/57%/52%/66%/42%/55%
        • 62.9/66.9/65.8/69.9(1)/66.3/67.4/68.2/69.6/71.2/71.3(1)
      • T Stallworth DT - what's going on here lol
        • 13%/27%/NA/19%/15%/37%/16%/19%/29%/50%
        • 44.2/39.4/NA/43.5/51.4/61.3/63.2/59.5(1)/70.6(3)/66.4(4)
      • A Woods - 
        • NA/NA/18%/NA/NA/NA/16%/18%/5%/24%
        • NA/NA/54.3/NA/NA/NA/56.7/62.5/66.0/59.2
      • C Williams - 
        • NA/NA/18%/6%/14%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • NA/NA/55.5/55.3/50.4/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
      • K Davis - 
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/8%/ Cut
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/56.4/NA/ Cut
    • DE Note - 
      • K Paye DE - finally on the board (sack)
        • 76%/69%/10%/NA/NA/59%/73%/79%/73%
        • 77.7/75.1/74.2/NA/NA/73.1/76.1/71.5/79.0/79.6(1)
      • A Muhammad DE -.
        • 70%/61%/78%/83%/82%/65%/84%/78%/71%/68%
        • 68.0(1)/67.7(2)/66.7/68.1/65.0(3)/64.3/64.0(4)/64.8/63.7/64.6(4)
      • D Odeyingbo - on the board
        • NFI through G7/22%/32%/18%
        • NFI through G7/59.1/54.2/62.1(1)
      • K Turay DE -  
        • NA/19%/34%/46%/42%/NA/NA/21%/32%/17%
        • NA/44.4/49.5/62.9(2)/55.3/NA/NA/43.4(3)/49.5/49.9(3)
      • I Rochell - going backwards
        • NA/NA/NA/17%/NA/27%/16%/NA/34%/26%
        • NA/NA/NA/90.8/NA/89.5/79.0/NA/69.2/58.3
      • B Banogu DE - 
        • 11%/7%/19%/12%/16%/9%/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • 54.1/59.5/60.2/61.4/58.8/59.8/NA/NA/NA/NA/
      • T Lewis DE -  
        • 54%/54%/78%/83%/81%/67%/59%/16% - Out for season
        • 66.7/69.7/79.5/76.4/76.2(2)/72.9(2)/70.4(2)/71.8(3)
    • LB Note - 
      • B Okereke LB - . 
        • 100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/99%/96%/100%
        • 58.3/57.4/53.1/65.5/55.8/ 60.1/64.7/65.4/61.1/58.1
      • D Leonard LB - 
        • 100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/89%/100%/100%/100%/95%
        • 71.3/69.5/70.1/72.2/68.1/77.3/77.5/76.1/74.1/72.5
      • Z Franklin LB - 
        • 24%/5%/31%/15%/14%/16%/30%/16%/8%/12%
        • 52.9/58.9/50.3/57.4/58.9/60.2/57.2/56.7/58.1/61.9
      • EJ Speed LB - 
        • NA/NA/9%/NA/NA/11%/14%/14%/1%/9%
        • NA/NA/64.6/NA/NA/79.6/76.1/52.4/53.0/49.0
    • CB Note - 
      • Rhodes - 
        • NA/NA/91%/98%/56%/97%/86%/97%/55%/NA/
        • NA/NA/41.2/47.2/53.9/63.8/ 63.4/59.6/58.5/NA/
      • R Ya-Sin CB - approaching 70 land
        • 100%/98%/49%/NA/NA/55%/NA/73%/83%/98%
        • 63.7/62.5/73.2/NA/NA/69.3/NA/68.5/65.1/68.8
      • K Moore CB - Good game. Now the most targeted CB in the NFL (most receptions allowed too)
        • 96%/97%/99%/100%/100%/100%/100%/99%/100%/98%
        • 56.1/42.9/48.7/54.7/55.5/54.3/52.5/55.2/58.7/66.7
      • T Carrie CB - lot of snaps for 1st week back
        • 69%/69%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/53%
        • 60.6/58.8/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/57.4
      • I Rodgers CB - another good week
        • 11%/31%/22%/85%/82%/29%/55%/3%/53%/32%
        • 46.7/33.9/43.2/49.7/52.4/66.2/NA/66.2/67.3/69.1
      • B Keyes -  
        • NA/NA/NA/2%/7%/3%/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • NA/NA/NA/60.0/25.9/26.2/NA/NA/NA/NA/
      • A Chesley - 
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/41%/NA/14%/NA/4%/NA
        • NA/NA/NA/NA/62.1/NA/67.4/NA/71.6/NA
    • Safety Note - 
      • A Sendejo - doing pretty darn good given the situation
        • NA/NA/32%/100%/64%/NA/79%/100%/100%/100%
        • NA/NA/69.3/61.9/59.7/NA/57.5/65.2/58.5/61.8
      • G Odum - 
        • NA/NA/3%/NA/14%/3%/21%/78%/100%/64%
        • NA/NA/60.0/ NA/50.5/51.9/59.6/71.4/64.2/58.8
      • J Jones -  Early for him, but ouch
        • DNP 1-9/23%
        • DNP 1-9/28.7
      • J Addae - 
        • DNP 1-9/15%
        • DNP 1-9/47.6
      • K Willis SS -
        • 100%/100%/68%/NA/26%/97%/100%/22%/NA/NA/
        • 40.6/47.0/41.1/NA/NA/37.5/49.0/52.3/50.5/NA/NA/
      • J Blackmon FS -   
        • 100%/100%/97%/100%/96%/100%/NA/NA/NA/NA/
        • 53.4/64.6/64.4/60.9/57.8/60.7/NA/NA/NA/NA/
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Since JT is top 3 (he's #2), PFF shows his full grades, so I'll post since it's public.


Jonathan Taylor 

Overall Grade: 85.0 (#2)

Run Grade: 90.2

Receiving Grade: 63.4

Pass Blocking Grade: 28.0

Run Blocking Grade: 46.3


I take the PB grade with a grain of salt, given our early OL was a disaster and he was likely getting a ton of one on one action, instead of being "help", due to the need to go max protect too much. And of course, he's not asked to run block a lot.


Only Cordarrelle Patterson grades higher, and he's more APB and not really a "RB1". Taylor grades a ton higher in running than Patterson. Pollard is 3rd and nipping at JT's tails. 

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Looking like we have a very solid roster. This next gauntlet of tough games should let the cream rise to the top.  We are a few plays/coaching decisions  from being contenders.  Even tho we are on the short end of the stick it’s why I love NFL football. There is very little difference in talent between teams. We are capable of beating anyone if we don’t beat ourselves. 

ps. Thanks for posting these.  I know it takes a lot of time and I appreciate it. 

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13 hours ago, AwesomeAustin said:

Looking like we have a very solid roster. This next gauntlet of tough games should let the cream rise to the top.  We are a few plays/coaching decisions  from being contenders.  Even tho we are on the short end of the stick it’s why I love NFL football. There is very little difference in talent between teams. We are capable of beating anyone if we don’t beat ourselves. 

ps. Thanks for posting these.  I know it takes a lot of time and I appreciate it. 

you're welcome!


11 hours ago, PRnum1 said:

Great stuff as always @EastStreet thanks.


Will you be doing a Bills Colts match-up thread ?


I really enjoy reading those

Yup. Did most of it yesterday, will be out a bit later, or early tomorrow. Busy week.

I'm still a bit caffeined-up, so likely tonight. 

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:

Some of the OL numbers are underwhelming. Wentz barely missed the blue. :) 

It’s sad for Tyquan Lewis.


 It is very common for DE's to start playing good football in their 3rd year.

 The same truth for d-lineman, linebackers, te.

  The Steelers for 40 years drafted for this, to have replacements ready to go as players retired, moved on etc.
  It is knuckleheaded, pure silliness to believe these college juniors, who often have 20 or less starts, should come in and play solid football in years 1-2. It is, and should be, the exception. 

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Happy B-Day Kwity

6 hours ago, chad72 said:

Some of the OL numbers are underwhelming. Wentz barely missed the blue. :) 

It’s sad for Tyquan Lewis.

Agree on the OL overall, but Kelly is the most underwhelming to me. Hasn't really played up to his pay.

Fisher is improving. His numbers have improved steadily, but against some poor teams. Good test of reality tomorrow for him.

Q is playing hurt, but still clean sheet sack wise despite low grades.

Glow is grading decent and IMO still a good value from a pay/performance perspective.

Smith looks back to elite form already.


5 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


 It is very common for DE's to start playing good football in their 3rd year.

 The same truth for d-lineman, linebackers, te.

  The Steelers for 40 years drafted for this, to have replacements ready to go as players retired, moved on etc.
  It is knuckleheaded, pure silliness to believe these college juniors, who often have 20 or less starts, should come in and play solid football in years 1-2. It is, and should be, the exception. 

I think there are higher expectation of early rounders, but yes, most players take a year or so. Paye is playing well despite the lack of numbers. 


We have some year 2 and 3 guys though that have either not developed, or in some cases, regressed. 

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1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

Happy B-Day Kwity

Agree on the OL overall, but Kelly is the most underwhelming to me. Hasn't really played up to his pay.

Fisher is improving. His numbers have improved steadily, but against some poor teams. Good test of reality tomorrow for him.

Q is playing hurt, but still clean sheet sack wise despite low grades.

Glow is grading decent and IMO still a good value from a pay/performance perspective.

Smith looks back to elite form already.


I think there are higher expectation of early rounders, but yes, most players take a year or so. Paye is playing well despite the lack of numbers. 


We have some year 2 and 3 guys though that have either not developed, or in some cases, regressed. 


Yeah I'm a bit worried about Fisher as he struggles the most on good power rushers. And the Bills have plenty of those. We really need the oline to dominate and get Taylor going, but they have a reallly stout front 7. This will be a tough game, no doubt.

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14 minutes ago, Colt Overseas said:


Yeah I'm a bit worried about Fisher as he struggles the most on good power rushers. And the Bills have plenty of those. We really need the oline to dominate and get Taylor going, but they have a reallly stout front 7. This will be a tough game, no doubt.


Don't forget that they are down their starting DT.


This is good reality check for Fisher. Would love to see him exit the game with a clean sheet tomorrow. If so, I'm getting on board the Fisher train. We need him to keep getting better. I'm about coin-toss-optimistic right now with him. 

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