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1 minute ago, southwest1 said:

There's nothing wrong with earn my loyalty mindset as a new coordinator on our coaching staff. I've got no problem with that approach at all Jared. But, it is quite common to hire coaches you used to work with largely because you're familiar with their temperament & how they relate to other plays when revising their footwork, hand placement, & edge containment skills. This happens everywhere across the NFL. 

All right, fair enough, we'll see how they do. At least there's an effort to clean things up. Just a bit pessimistic is all right now. I'm kinda impatient for the draft, lol. Also don't see new coaching being the solution to our O-Line and pass rush unless we get some decent talent. We didn't get that in Free Agency, so we're going to have to go big in the draft. 

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19 minutes ago, krunk said:

His GM was a train wreck in Miami. Philbin did not have much to work with. WR core was laughable and the linemen he was given were too. Philbin has a solid track record when he is the O line coach himself.

Your final sentence is extremely fair & accurate krunk. However, Philbin can't blame the Ritchie Incognito hazing mess on the GM or anybody else in Miami. That all lands squarely on Joe's doorstep as a subpar leader of men under his lack of guidance & jurisdictional control. He doesn't get a pass on that fiasco ever in my book. 


Some guys are just destined to be coordinators & Joe Philbin has yet to prove to me that he is worthy of ever being a HC again. I'm open to giving him a chance to redeem himself for us in a smaller capacity though. 

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5 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Your final sentence is extremely fair & accurate krunk. However, Philbin can't blame the Ritchie Incognito hazing mess on the GM or anybody else in Miami. That all lands squarely on Joe's doorstep as a subpar leader of men under his lack of guidance & jurisdictional control. He doesn't get a pass on that fiasco ever in my book. 

All fair comments for the most part SW1. I just feel if he had better personnel the outcome would have been better. Honestly I think with what they had the record should have been worse than it was. From a leadership stand point we are not asking as much of him this time so I expect much better.

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16 minutes ago, krunk said:

SW1 i know you are in Wisconsin so i respect your take on things Wisconsin, however i do recall Philbin being the OC there for more than one year. I dont know if he actually called plays or if Mcarthy did. I know GB was an offensive machine under Philbin as the OC.

McCarthy called all the plays on offense will Philbin was there as a member of the Packers coaching staff. Though to be fair, I have no way of knowing if he helped McCathy on formations during the regular season prior to Sunday games or not. 


At this point, if Joe can give Luck a clean pocket close to say Brady's o-line in 2007, I'll be ecstatic man. I know; I know that's asking a lot. 

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13 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Your final sentence is extremely fair & accurate krunk. However, Philbin can't blame the Ritchie Incognito hazing mess on the GM or anybody else in Miami. That all lands squarely on Joe's doorstep as a subpar leader of men under his lack of guidance & jurisdictional control. He doesn't get a pass on that fiasco ever in my book. 


Some guys are just destined to be coordinators & Joe Philbin has yet to prove to me that he is worthy of ever being a HC again. I'm open to giving him a chance to redeem himself for us in a smaller capacity though. 

In all fairness wouldn't you think getting fired and losing your job is being punished enough? Wasn't Miami his first head coaching job? If he wasn't filled in on what was going on how was he to know what was going on. I know things start at the top but knowing everything going on sometimes is not as easy as you might think? He was putting trust in others and they may be the ones who let him down?

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13 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

McCarthy called all the plays on offense will Philbin was there as a member of the Packers coaching staff. Though to be fair, I have no way of knowing if he helped McCathy on formations during the regular season prior to Sunday games or not. 


At this point, if Joe can give Luck a clean pocket close to say Brady's o-line in 2007, I'll be ecstatic man. I know; I know that's asking a lot. 

Was Philbin on the sideline or was he in the Booth? Im wondering if Philbin sent the plays down to Mcarthy and he kept what he liked and discarded what he didn't. Either way we know Chud will be calling plays for big blue. I just think we have a large knowledge base to pull from between the two of them when it comes to offensive football. Way better than what we had with Pep Hamilton and much more experience. With Philbins title being Assistant Head Coach I'm assuming he will also assist Chud with laying out the offensive game plans as well. I've always loved those staple zone runs that Green Bay and the Seahawks do. Get everbody running one way and play action to the other side. Hope to see some of that with the Colts.

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24 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

All right, fair enough, we'll see how they do. At least there's an effort to clean things up. Just a bit pessimistic is all right now. I'm kinda impatient for the draft, lol. Also don't see new coaching being the solution to our O-Line and pass rush unless we get some decent talent. We didn't get that in Free Agency, so we're going to have to go big in the draft. 

I understand your trepidation Jared especially given that our AFC rivals made some splash moves with Brock in Houston now & Murray in Tennessee. Also, the Jags defense keeps getting better too which concerns me now. 


Regarding the draft, Grigson please heed my words: No WRs this year okay. I know you can't help yourself but just try not to go with that first impulse. Thanks.  

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24 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

All right, fair enough, we'll see how they do. At least there's an effort to clean things up. Just a bit pessimistic is all right now. I'm kinda impatient for the draft, lol. Also don't see new coaching being the solution to our O-Line and pass rush unless we get some decent talent. We didn't get that in Free Agency, so we're going to have to go big in the draft. 


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13 minutes ago, krunk said:

Was Philbin on the sideline or was he in the Booth? Im wondering if Philbin sent the plays down to Mcarthy and he kept what he liked and discarded what he didn't. Either way we know Chud will be calling plays for big blue. I just think we have a large knowledge base to pull from between the two of them when it comes to offensive football. Way better than what we had with Pep Hamilton and much more experience. With Philbins title being Assistant Head Coach I'm assuming he will also assist Chud with laying out the offensive game plans as well. I've always loved those staple zone runs that Green Bay and the Seahawks do. Get everbody running one way and play action to the other side. Hope to see some of that with the Colts.

Philbin was in the booth a lot. Probably 75-80% of the time. Yeah, I like Chud & you are probably right. Some misdirection plays would be nice to see. Just don't try & get too cute & clever though. I know it wasn't chuck's fault we lost to NE, but that snap of the ball still haunts me man. I know I need to get over that. I'm trying man. I'm trying. haha

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47 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

In all fairness wouldn't you think getting fired and losing your job is being punished enough? Wasn't Miami his first head coaching job? If he wasn't filled in on what was going on how was he to know what was going on. I know things start at the top but knowing everything going on sometimes is not as easy as you might think? He was putting trust in others and they may be the ones who let him down?

Yes, it was Joe's 1st time as an NFL HC & Pete Carroll failed in NE & the Grey Hoodie was dismissed in Cleveland. But, all HCs need to know the pulse of their locker rooms & you need to do this on your own not thru team captains alone. If Philbin learned this lesson great, Football is more than just breaking down game film & practice. The man on the sidelines needs to know the pulse of his team & snuff out any dilemmas early before they grow, fester, & bubble to the surface. 


Perhaps they did CC1. However, this whole hazing situation made the whole Dolphins organization look incompetent and amateur. Now, maybe the guy being picked on was too sensitive to play professional ball. That does happen in locker rooms I'll admit. But Joe acted totally aloof when the story broke & this kind of thing would never take place in a Mike Tomlin locker room or a John Harbaugh locker room. 

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Sorry for the double quotes on here from me. The site went down briefly resulting in duplications. Or maybe my computer was having a metadata meltdown. Machines do get possessed & have a mind of their own sometimes...Skynet is taking over. Terminator movie joke. Okay, I'll stop. 

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3 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Yes, it was Joe's 1st time as an NFL HC & Pete Carroll failed in NE & the Grey Hoodie was dismissed in Cleveland. But, all HCs need to know the pulse of their locker rooms & you need to do this on your own not thru team captains alone. If Philbin learned this lesson great, Football is more than just breaking down game film & practice. The man on the sidelines needs to know the pulse of his team & snuff out any dilemmas early before they grow, fester, & bubble to the surface. 


Perhaps they did CC1. However, this whole hazing situation made the whole Dolphins organization look incompetent and amateur. Now, maybe the guy being picked on was too sensitive to play professional ball. That does happen in locker rooms I'll admit. But Joe acted totally aloof when the story broke & this kind of thing would never take place in a Mike Tomlin locker room or a John Harbaugh locker room. 

I don't know SW? I am sure there are things in NFL locker rooms (even the Steelers and the Ravens) that the head coach don't know about. They may find out that there is a problem and catch it before the media does, but might not either. After reading a lot about Incognto it seems he had a history of questionable behavior problems a couple of years before Philbin was hired as head coach. Do we really know how much control Philbin ever had because of ownership? Maybe there was a reason Incognito was allowed to act the way he did? It's no secret he was a dirty ballplayer and there don't seem to be any effort by the Dolphins to get that in control. You use the word aloof ( great word by the way) when maybe he didn't have a choice. Just a thought?

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29 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I don't know SW? I am sure there are things in NFL locker rooms (even the Steelers and the Ravens) that the head coach don't know about. They may find out that there is a problem and catch it before the media does, but might not either. After reading a lot about Incognto it seems he had a history of questionable behavior problems a couple of years before Philbin was hired as head coach. Do we really know how much control Philbin ever had because of ownership? Maybe there was a reason Incognito was allowed to act the way he did? It's no secret he was a dirty ballplayer and there don't seem to be any effort by the Dolphins to get that in control. You use the word aloof ( great word by the way) when maybe he didn't have a choice. Just a thought?

If I recall correctly, Incognito was instructed by someone in the front office to make Jonathan Martin more aggressive during games so it's possible that Philbin thought that plan was underway & by the time it escalated into something ugly it was too late to stop it. Like a runaway train I guess. I just remember a press conference he had speaking behind a podium where Joe took offense to the notion that he didn't have a firm grasp on his locker room.


I always found that strange like he was angry at the inference that he was unaware of what was going on. Like Joe, do you get the scope of what when on here between Martin & Incognito? Do you have a grasp of what really went down before you claim you were in complete control here? Did the owner ask you to take a symbolic bullet for the organization cushioning the backlash here? 


I will grant you that both Tomlin & Harbaugh might not nip every team problem in the bud right away but they let everybody in that locker room know what is & is not acceptable behavior as a franchise. "We don't live in the excuses world." I love that Tomlin quote which speaks volumes. 


Yep, Incognito is a dirty player & if Philbin couldn't contain him, maybe he should have told ownership that this scheme to toughen Martin up was a bad idea. 


Thanks for the word choice aloof complement BTW CC1. Interesting discussion going on here thanks to you. 

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2 hours ago, southwest1 said:

If I recall correctly, Incognito was instructed by someone in the front office to make Jonathan Martin more aggressive during games so it's possible that Philbin thought that plan was underway & by the time it escalated into something ugly it was too late to stop it. Like a runaway train I guess. I just remember a press conference he had speaking behind a podium where Joe took offense to the notion that he didn't have a firm grasp on his locker room.


I always found that strange like he was angry at the inference that he was unaware of what was going on. Like Joe, do you get the scope of what when on here between Martin & Incognito? Do you have a grasp of what really went down before you claim you were in complete control here? Did the owner ask you to take a symbolic bullet for the organization cushioning the backlash here? 


I will grant you that both Tomlin & Harbaugh might not nip every team problem in the bud right away but they let everybody in that locker room know what is & is not acceptable behavior as a franchise. "We don't live in the excuses world." I love that Tomlin quote which speaks volumes. 


Yep, Incognito is a dirty player & if Philbin couldn't contain him, maybe he should have told ownership that this scheme to toughen Martin up was a bad idea. 


Thanks for the word choice aloof complement BTW CC1. Interesting discussion going on here thanks to you. 

Don't get me wrong in knowing exactly what you are referring to as far as Tomlin and or Harbaugh  and what they control. I just think there was more to the deal in Miami than we actually heard. I think aloof could be used for more than Philbin all around the Dolphins all the way up to the owner. I think the owner liked the reputation of Incognito. When the crap hit the fan the whole front office acted like they didn't know there was a problem. Maybe Philbin got into something he couldn't control? Lord we know how an owner can effect a team in a negative way. (Cowboys and Redskins) wink, wink,......

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

Don't get me wrong in knowing exactly what you are referring to as far as Tomlin and or Harbaugh  and what they control. I just think there was more to the deal in Miami than we actually heard. I think aloof could be used for more than Philbin all around the Dolphins all the way up to the owner. I think the owner liked the reputation of Incognito. When the crap hit the fan the whole front office acted like they didn't know there was a problem. Maybe Philbin got into something he couldn't control? Lord we know how an owner can effect a team in a negative way. (Cowboys and Redskins) wink, wink,......

Yep, it wouldn't be the 1st time an owner got in the way & royally screwed things up. Jerry Jones & Daniel Snyder have a knack for often thinking they are the brightest football minds around don't they? Let's see that SB ring Tony Romo & RG3...Oops. Never mind. lmao

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43 minutes ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

The team is definitely worse now.

We still lack pass rush and have no offensive line. We lost our more productive TE and best LB. This team is a mess. I don't even think we win the AFC South this year.

IMO the Colts are not the dumpster fire you are describing. We are going to get back the players who were injured. The younger players have another year under their belt so to say. We were just one season away from a 11-5 record and in the AFC championship game. We have Luck and a pretty good receiving corps. I think we picked up a lot of help with the runners we signed. The new coaching staff could very well bring out the best of a few players. If we can get 2 starters and some depth in the draft it would help a bunch. I know we went 8-8 but this team did have the talent to beat the Broncos and take the Panthers into overtime. Other than the one loss the Panthers did lose, we played them as tough as anyone. Those games were not won by being lucky or a fluke.

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1 hour ago, krunk said:
John Harbaugh with plenty of praise on former assistant, now Colts DC-Ted Monachino: Great in terms of run defense and pass pressures."


It's hard to tell without actually seeing the practices day in and day out, but I am hoping that the coaching changes that were made will make a big difference in the performance of both the O line and front 7 on D.  Otherwise, it is going to be a long season.

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On March 19, 2016 at 2:53 PM, BProland85 said:

With the way the team looks now, I don't think they even make it to the AFC championship game. They completely lack pass rush, which is a necessity in the playoffs. They also lack a very good secondary, which could change if Indy adds a starting caliber corner opposite Davis and a talented S in the draft like Karl Joseph to play alongside Geathers. Nothing against Mike Adams, but he is getting old. I think D'Joun Smith is best suited in the slot due to his size and quickness. He could be Indy's Chris Harris Jr. if they go out and get a talented #2 corner.

Championship game? We'll be lucky to make the playoffs. Does anyone remember how poorly Andrew played before he was hurt which many people believed was the cumulative effect on his psyche of being battered for four years. So why will he suddenly play great again? He surely won't have a significantly better oline to improve his mental and physical health. Houston should easily win the division. A year from now we'll all be wondering if Irsay is ready to eat those stupid contract extensions he gave to new BFFs Grigson and Pagano.

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