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Castonzo, Mewhort, Holmes, Thornton, Reitz


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I would love to just see one full game where Andrew has a clean pocket for 90% of the game like Brady and Rodgers have. Rodgers on Monday had all night to throw and was smiling after every play like he was toying with KC. The O.Line owes it to Andrew this week to protect him. We are playing a weak opponent at home so here's their chance.

Did you ever think that Luck also owes it to his O Line not to hang onto the ball for 4.0 seconds multiple times a game and between him and Pep they need to call more plays or design more plays with more checkdowns and hit those checkdowns when Luck actually throws to one of them

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Are you willing to let Luck get hurt by leaving Jack alone or are you willing to take the TEs/ RBs out of the short passing game????  This what happened in the 1st 2 games.


IMO, I would leave O-line as it was in Titan's game.  Have Herreman back up Reitz.

I would leave it the same as well. Gore actually ran Good behind the Line on Sunday.

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now the only argument that I would offer against this line up is: I believe Mewhort on the outside is NOT at par in regards to protection. I DO believe that is why the first 2 games we saw such an overuse of max protect plays. Specifically, additional protection from skill positions on the right side. 



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Did you ever think that Luck also owes it to his O Line not to hang onto the ball for 4.0 seconds multiple times a game and between him and Pep they need to call more plays or design more plays with more checkdowns and hit those checkdowns when Luck actually throws to one of them

Well I do agree we should throw more short passes. I am all for that and have preached this like most of us. Not sure why we aren't? With Dorsett, Moncrief, and TY we should be the short slant kings LOL. Having said that I have seen many plays where Andrew is just bombarded by a blitz within 2 seconds and he's running for his life. Part of it is his fault on certain plays, other plays the Line just misses blocks/cant pick up the blitz.

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Well I do agree we should throw more short passes. I am all for that and have preached this like most of us. Not sure why we aren't? With Dorsett, Moncrief, and TY we should be the short slant kings LOL. Having said that I have seen many plays where Andrew is just bombarded by a blitz within 2 seconds and he's running for his life. Part of it is his fault on certain plays, other plays the Line just misses blocks/cant pick up the blitz.


Every line misses blocks at times. But yeah, we've missed too many. 


It would help if the passing game would get into some kind of rhythm, and better play calling and QB execution are needed there. But it would help the QB if the line were playing better. It's a symbiotic relationship, and no single unit is performing as well as it should be: the play calling has been bad, the QB has been bad, and the line has been bad. The play calling should be the easiest thing to fix, and yet...

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Every line misses blocks at times. But yeah, we've missed too many. 


It would help if the passing game would get into some kind of rhythm, and better play calling and QB execution are needed there. But it would help the QB if the line were playing better. It's a symbiotic relationship, and no single unit is performing as well as it should be: the play calling has been bad, the QB has been bad, and the line has been bad. The play calling should be the easiest thing to fix, and yet...

Yeah I think most of us agree that the play calling is the main problem. I agree it is easy to fix but yet it isn't for some reason.

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Yeah I think most of us agree that the play calling is the main problem. I agree it is easy to fix but yet it isn't for some reason.

I'd also submit this from what I have seen......Luck is missing obvious blitzes....especial free blitzers......He has to do a better job of pointing out an unblocked linebacker and scanning the field one last time pre-snap(Its not just Holmes job on that.....Though I have never played Center I would imagine the Center has the worst view after he gets down in his stance of spotting a blitz....and the QB has the best view)...But I do agree the O Line has been horrible at times.....especially with Louis startng

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Reitz seems to be a better Tackle than guard. Why move him?

Id try Holmes or Harrison @ guard and go trade for AQ Shipley to play center. AQ Shipley played the best of any Center for us the last 4yrs. And he cant even start anywhere else. But he's definitely better than Holmes imo. Holmes is playing because Grigson drafted him.

Holmes and the rg are the biggest weaknesses right now imo. I think Holmes would make a better giard than hr does a center.

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What is it about Thornton that you don't like? I rewatched the game because of the hatred for him on here and he wasn't crying on the sideline and other than the penalties he was good. 1 of those penalties was bogus too by the way.

I agree with you but you're wasting your breath.  Most posters see a penalty or a missed block and if the announcer says something about it they will say he's terrible, they don't pay attention to the rest of the game and see they guy actually played really well.


Another poster, Gavin, went through at graded Thornton and he had him at 52 of 56 or something like that.  And I know from what I saw, Thornton played well and made a huge difference especially in the running game.

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I'd also submit this from what I have seen......Luck is missing obvious blitzes....especial free blitzers......He has to do a better job of pointing out an unblocked linebacker and scanning the field one last time pre-snap(Its not just Holmes job on that.....Though I have never played Center I would imagine the Center has the worst view after he gets down in his stance of spotting a blitz....and the QB has the best view)...But I do agree the O Line has been horrible at times.....especially with Louis startng

Ok, time for a little Advanced Line Play.


So the center comes up to the line and scans the front 7.  He will then call the blocking assignment to be used for that play.  The QB then will come up and look at the back 7 and will call out a few things based on what he see.  The center then will either change the blocking assignments based on that information or leave them the same if what the QB calls out does not affect the line.  The QB will then go through the cadence and see if the D tips their hand at all.  If they do, that is when you will hear the QB say, "X number is MIKE"  Sometimes that is a dummy call, (X number may have already been MIKE).  If X number was not the mike then that tells the line they need to shift the focal point of blocking from the previous MIKE to the new MIKE.


If I had time I would draw a sketch.


And yes I agree, Luck is not great and identifying that presnap, When he does, you see Holmes kind of squat down and point out a few things to the lineman.

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