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Five Colts make the Pro Bowl


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Isnt the DQ result an absolute perfect highlight that we (myself included) don't know what we're talking about? Real NFL players and coaches confirmed that he's playing that well but everyone in here says he sucks. I wonder who knows more about his play?

The ones who said he sucked were right.

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vontae is the first corner from the colts to go to the pro bowl in indy's history. last time was 1968

I could have sworn Ray Buchanan and Ashley Ambrose made the pro bowl - am I wrong?


Jeff Burris and Tyrone Poole should have made it every year muuuuuuuuuuuuwahahahahahahahahaha


People all over this forum are suddenly appreciating Davis and Toler a lot more aren't they????

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I could have sworn Ray Buchanan and Ashley Ambrose made the pro bowl - am I wrong?


Jeff Burris and Tyrone Poole should have made it every year muuuuuuuuuuuuwahahahahahahahahaha


People all over this forum are suddenly appreciating Davis and Toler a lot more aren't they????


with different teams

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It's not about the game itself. It's about recognition among fans and your peers. The game is merely a celebration of their hard work.


Its a popularity contest - nothing more and being selected to the ProBowl means nothing to most if not all of the players.   (Being selected as an All-Pro certainly a different story.)



Please don't tell me you don't think Luck deserves credit for this teams' success. Or that he isn't deserving of Pro Bowl consideration.  Just 2 weeks ago he had serious MVP validity.  And today, after A. Rodgers, P. Manning and Tom Brady have struggled the past 2 weeks, he still has validity. 


Does Luck have room to improve? Yes. Do we come close to winning 10 (probably 11 games) with out him? No.  He is a stud QB in the NFL.  Top 5 overall this year, and definitely top 3 in the AFC.  He deserves to make the probowl.


YES without any doubt he deserves a lot of credit for this teams success.


I stand by my position that the ProBowl is a farce - it should have been discontinued years ago.   20% of the leagues QBs are selected to the game - now consider you take away the SB QB and those who sit out - you probably get closer to 30% if not more of the leagues QBs are selected to the ProBowl either outright or as an alternate.  OF all those selected half probably did not have pro bowl years.


Luck as an MVP candidate - no way - no how is he in the running with all those Turnovers.  Colts MVP sure, League MVP - nope not yet.  Considering the entire league he would be Lucky to be in top 10 if you actually ignore the media hype that gets paid to generate and sell stories.


No doubt he has tremendous potential and I sure am glad the Colts have him.  IF he can clean up all the mistakes and take better care of the ball he will indeed be an elite QB in the NFL, until then enough of the over hyping him.  

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The Pro Bowl is a joke that they won't pull the plug on. I am happy for the guys to be voted in, but by the time the game finally comes around, the #8 player at a position makes the Pro Bowl because the guys ahead of him either aren't available or don't want to play.  I love football but I honestly wish they would get rid of it.  Making the All Pro team is the way to go.

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Its a popularity contest - nothing more and being selected to the ProBowl means nothing to most if not all of the players.


Speak for yourself. The Colts players have said how proud they are.

2/3 of the votes comes from players and coaches, and it was those votes that got Vontae voted in. Go ask him if it means nothing.

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Isnt the DQ result an absolute perfect highlight that we (myself included) don't know what we're talking about? Real NFL players and coaches confirmed that he's playing that well but everyone in here says he sucks. I wonder who knows more about his play?

No...it means coaches and players don't take the voting seriously. Jeff Saturday made the pro bowl the year HE ASKED TO BE BENCHED.

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