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players playing former team


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Probably more media hype then incentive.  Although a player who was let go on bad terms might have a chip on their shoulder.  


But I would say most of these things don't happen on bad terms.  It's a business, everyone knows that coming in.  So that really cools off the "revenge" thing a lot.  

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O come on guys...we all know the answer(s) to this. It all depends on the situation, and there's really no wrong answer. Brett Favre wanted to beat the Packers 77-0 for personal reasons. Peyton Manning, no matter how much he downplays it, wanted to beat the Colts just as bad but he probably would have settled for 24-17 minus the personal reasons.

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is there really an added incentive or is it media hype


I've wondered that, too.  Peyton's new team loses to Peyton's old team.  Let's give him another chance only at his new home field.  


Since Eli's been in the league-It's been brother vs. brother-only that one died out.  


The NFL is a soap opera.

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I think the situation matters a lot.  For example, if you are trapped on a bad team with no hope and you finally get liberated by free agency you probably wouldn't care very much when you face the former team.  Also, how the former team acts when you come back is probably a factor.  For example, the video tributes to Manning and James probably made the return a little different than if the entire fan base held up cards spelling out "We never liked you anyway".

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