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Adrew Luck - video from QB camp 2009 or 2010


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Hello fellow colts fans


I know this is probably an odd tread to start, 

but before or during the NFL draft, NFL network showed a video where a bunch of future qb prospects had a drill during a QB camp.


Andrew Luck attended this camp, but it was some years before his draft.


In this video the QB´s had a drill where they had to throw the ball 20 or 30 yards and hit it through a hole or a car-tire.


the 5 QB´s before luck didn't hit the target but Andrew Luck hit it right away.


My question is therefore, does anyone have a link to this video?


and if so, can you please post the link here.


The reason is that I have engaged in a bet here in Denmark with some friends about this video, which no one believes in. and its a pretty big bet, where either I have to shave my head or post a picture of myself in a Patriots Jersey till the end of the nil season.


So please help me win this bet.


Thorsten Kudahl, Denmark

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lol i think this is what you're looking for

He said it was years before Luck's 2012 draft. That video is from 2012.

Edit: lmao. I watched the entire video and nothing even close to what the OP described happened. It's just a 1 on 1 between Gruden and Luck reviewing some of Luck's college film.

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Hello fellow colts fans


I know this is probably an odd tread to start, 

but before or during the NFL draft, NFL network showed a video where a bunch of future qb prospects had a drill during a QB camp.


Andrew Luck attended this camp, but it was some years before his draft.


In this video the QB´s had a drill where they had to throw the ball 20 or 30 yards and hit it through a hole or a car-tire.


the 5 QB´s before luck didn't hit the target but Andrew Luck hit it right away.


My question is therefore, does anyone have a link to this video?


and if so, can you please post the link here.


The reason is that I have engaged in a bet here in Denmark with some friends about this video, which no one believes in. and its a pretty big bet, where either I have to shave my head or post a picture of myself in a Patriots Jersey till the end of the nil season.


So please help me win this bet.


Thorsten Kudahl, Denmark



lol i think this is what you're looking for



I believe this is the one the OP is looking for, from 5:00 to 5:55

"Did they give you anything for that?  Free Gatorade?"....."No, that would have been an NCAA violation" lmao

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I believe this is the one the OP is looking for, from 5:00 to 5:55

"Did they give you anything for that?  Free Gatorade?"....."No, that would have been an NCAA violation" lmao


^ this is what I thought I was posting - I had the right show, just wrong segment of it.

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I believe this is the one the OP is looking for, from 5:00 to 5:55



"Did they give you anything for that?  Free Gatorade?"....."No, that would have been an NCAA violation" lmao


Gruden- "Do you like watching that?"   ...   Luck- "Not particularly...  lololol"    haha  Maybe true, but I bet he would rather watch that than yet another loop of him throwing the backside Venus on a Spider 3 Y banana instead of the #1 ...  :woah:


So ThorstenDenmark, ( OP ), what will You win?  Congrats on the victory....  ;-)

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Perfect, exactly what i need :)

though it was a hole or something he hit, but this is the video I was looking for.


I win a 4.5 liter bottle of Captain Morgan Rum and the other friends have to post the Colts horseshoe on their Facebook profile tip the end of the NFL season.


If they remove it, i get the new Andrew Luck jersey :)


They have already started complaining about the bet, and say that it wasn't the drill that i told them. but they will pay :)


So again, thanx for the help guys and especial 21isSuperman :) 

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Perfect, exactly what i need :)

though it was a hole or something he hit, but this is the video I was looking for.


I win a 4.5 liter bottle of Captain Morgan Rum and the other friends have to post the Colts horseshoe on their Facebook profile tip the end of the NFL season.


If they remove it, i get the new Andrew Luck jersey :)


They have already started complaining about the bet, and say that it wasn't the drill that i told them. but they will pay :)


So again, thanx for the help guys and especial 21isSuperman :)


They should pay.  The event you describe was an accuracy contest, and Luck hit 1st, just as you pointed out, where the older prospects didn't.  It's not the 'target (Holes, tire, helmet, etc..) that was the point of the exercise, it was the accuracy to the target that was the point; and how the participants stacked up.  Hold them accountable. You, and Luck, won.  :)

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