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Props to Seattle for Classy Move....


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So, the Seahawks drafted a kid from Marshall in the 6th round.


During the kid's post-draft physical this week, it was revealed he has a rare heart condition that means he can't play pro sports ever again.


So, before they cut him,  they signed him to his rookie deal which means he gets his signing bonus and first year salary.     They did him a solid knowing they were going to turn around and cut him.


Classy move.....    mad props to them!      :thmup:




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I am loving what they are doing as an organization. I would like to see more stories posted about what the Colts are doing or any organization as a matter of fact.


Jags had a nice story not to long ago about some fans heading to the draft... Jags surprised them and sent them off with some style.

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shouldn't teams have known about this before the draft


In this particular case, I don't think the kid went to the combine.   So, he would not have received an advanced enough physical to reveal his problem.    I'm sure he's had physical's before, but none of them caught whatever the problem is. 


This physical by Seattle is the most advanced he's had and may have saved his life....

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shouldn't teams have known about this before the draft


These kinds of issues are notoriously hard to detect... there are plenty of cases in sports where it's only after someone has died that their condition is discovered (remember Adam Gaines?).

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