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This Franchise Is In This Position This Year Because Of Peyton


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You can blame Irsay or Polian or the coaches, but the ultimate blame falls on Peyton. When you have a player that takes up the amount of cap space he does then you really limit yourself to other talent you can bring to your team. Just think of the other talent this franchise could have brought in if Peyton say takes just half of the monies he is getting has gotten. I think you have to look at the overall greed of Peyton and a couple of the other "top" wage earners on this team as to why we are where we are now. I mean really, can someone here tell me how Peyton couldn't live very comfortably on half of the income he has been and will be paid.

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You can blame Irsay or Polian or the coaches, but the ultimate blame falls on Peyton. When you have a player that takes up the amount of cap space he does then you really limit yourself to other talent you can bring to your team. Just think of the other talent this franchise could have brought in if Peyton say takes just half of the monies he is getting has gotten. I think you have to look at the overall greed of Peyton and a couple of the other "top" wage earners on this team as to why we are where we are now. I mean really, can someone here tell me how Peyton couldn't live very comfortably on half of the income he has been and will be paid.

Just when I thought one of your moronic rants could not be topped you type this garbage.You have to start this stuff for effect, Because could you really be this STUPID!!!, Wow why did I, take the bait. Breaking news story all nfl players will give back 50% of there pay so incompetent coaches can compete. Dude please check yourself, and I thought I was good at making myself look silly. Edited by LUVTHESHOE
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Just when I thought one of your moronic rants could not be topped you type this garbage.You have to start this stuff for effect, because could be this STUPID!!!, Wow why did i take the bait. Breaking news story all nfl players will give back 50% of there pay so incompetent coaches can compete. Dude please check yourself and I thought I was good at making myself look silly.

It is all about cap space, teams have X amount of dollars to work with and when you have 3-4 players taking up a HUGE amount of that cap space you have limited abilities to fill out the rest of the roster. If Peyton and are other high priced players actually cared about the team, they could have taken less and still came out very well paid. I'm sorry but there is no athlete worth 28 million dollars a year and that huge of a hit on your overall teams cap space.

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Sorry numbers don't lie.

Yeah, you're right. With Manning we're a double digit win team. Without him we're favorites to go absolutely winless.

You want to complain about someone's salary, why not pick a guy like Reggie Wayne or Robert Mathis who have done precisely without Manning. If there is anything this season proved it's that we haven't been paying Manning enough. How much are we paying Dallas Clark for his 20 yards a game? You know what Dwight Freeney's done the past 4 games? 3 Tackle. Three. Freaking. Tackles.

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Yeah, you're right. With Manning we're a double digit win team. Without him we're favorites to go absolutely winless.

You want to complain about someone's salary, why not pick a guy like Reggie Wayne or Robert Mathis who have done precisely without Manning. If there is anything this season proved it's that we haven't been paying Manning enough. How much are we paying Dallas Clark for his 20 yards a game? You know what Dwight Freeney's done the past 4 games? 3 Tackle. Three. Freaking. Tackles.

Dont bother.You are wasting your time.
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So you are telling us that Bill Polian completely mismanaged the salary cap by overpaying marquee players?

Thank you for putting the blame where it belongs!

Yes Bill is partically responsible for this. But think of the outcry from the fans had Bill not resigned Peyton or the other players and instead just let them walk. Again how much money is enough?

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Yeah, you're right. With Manning we're a double digit win team. Without him we're favorites to go absolutely winless.

You want to complain about someone's salary, why not pick a guy like Reggie Wayne or Robert Mathis who have done precisely without Manning. If there is anything this season proved it's that we haven't been paying Manning enough. How much are we paying Dallas Clark for his 20 yards a game? You know what Dwight Freeney's done the past 4 games? 3 Tackle. Three. Freaking. Tackles.

No question I have issues with all of our high priced players making to much. Think if each one took on average about 20-30% less and what the team could have done with that money.

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Yes Bill is partically responsible for this. But think of the outcry from the fans had Bill not resigned Peyton or the other players and instead just let them walk. Again how much money is enough?

Yeah, because if there is anything history has proven, it's that Bill Polian is willing to make decisions about this team based on what the fans want.


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You can blame Irsay or Polian or the coaches, but the ultimate blame falls on Peyton. When you have a player that takes up the amount of cap space he does then you really limit yourself to other talent you can bring to your team. Just think of the other talent this franchise could have brought in if Peyton say takes just half of the monies he is getting has gotten. I think you have to look at the overall greed of Peyton and a couple of the other "top" wage earners on this team as to why we are where we are now. I mean really, can someone here tell me how Peyton couldn't live very comfortably on half of the income he has been and will be paid.

Occupy Lucas OIl Stadium!!

rotfl..... cmon man!!!

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Lol the OP has to be a troll. Are the Patriots struggling trying to put talent around brady with his contract? No they still make a splashes in FA like Ocho CInco. The Colts have many Overpaid players other then Peyton that we should be looking first.

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I guess we'd better use stronger duct tape next time, seems someone escaped from the rafters at LOS. I thought we did a pretty good job taping him up there, but I guess not.

DN, you have any idea how free markets work? DN, do you know that Peyton Manning has on multiple occasions given money back the Colts in his contract so that the team may pay other players? DN - oh nevermind, you are incapable of reasoned thought, so any more effort is a waste of time and energy. Besides, my father always taught me not to argue with idiocy, because often they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Good day to you sir.

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You can blame Irsay or Polian or the coaches, but the ultimate blame falls on Peyton. When you have a player that takes up the amount of cap space he does then you really limit yourself to other talent you can bring to your team. Just think of the other talent this franchise could have brought in if Peyton say takes just half of the monies he is getting has gotten. I think you have to look at the overall greed of Peyton and a couple of the other "top" wage earners on this team as to why we are where we are now. I mean really, can someone here tell me how Peyton couldn't live very comfortably on half of the income he has been and will be paid.

OK, this post is pretty much borderline inciting and baiting. It's documented that Peyton has renegotiated his contract multiple times in the past to free up money for the team to use, and has publicly stated he will accept a lower value contract in order for the team to have more resources for other players. So simple facts contradict your assertions about "the overall greed of Peyton". When you post something so obviously inflammatory that contradicts fact, you really look like you are seeking to generate a reaction.

Looking at the rest of the thread, it's clear that you got some reaction and that some people know a duck when they see/hear one.

So, I'm going to close this thread, and suggest that you be a lot more careful about inciting and baiting in future topics that you create.

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