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The Issues of Trent Richardson are Not his Fault...


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Hmmm.  What say we all cool our jets until TR has been with the team just a bit longer.  Let's give him a bit more time to adjust and the coaching staff a bit more time to figure out how best to use his skill set in the Colts system, behind the line the Colts have.


IMO, a year from now we'll all be pleased he is in the stable.


Pappy Yes TR needs time Why b/cwe are not using him correctly -We  run predictable formations and the Defenses know what's coming..We need o throw more screens to TR that'll get him out byond the LOS and that's where he can do real damage to other teams.....We 'll all be glad we hae TR at years end,,,,,,If we start using him right Pep do better play calling,,,,,,,,,,,

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Just nooo to the part about trent being waaay better than him... Morris has been getting smashed in the backfield and has been able to break most of those tackles and turn them into positive plays. Hell if you watched the Burrs game this weekend you'd notice how much second effort he has. Trent might have the same "effort" but he doesn't get nearly as many yards. At this point Morris has proven himself in a system where it is obvious they will run it. He is a stud and you cannot say Trent is better at this point. He might BECOME better but he sure as hell ain't yet. 

True TR isn't better than Morris But on the Redskins the play calling is different and not as predictable as the Colts,,,,,, and the Defenses agains the Skins have to watch and always be aware of RG3,that being said when the Colts predictably hand off to TR the Defenses just swarm the line ,,,,,,,,,,,,Morris doesn't have to deal with that as much..........And he is better than TR at this point in their career's

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SW1 got what you meant & I agree with you 100% NCF.


Preach Brother Preach!  :worthy:


Nice comparison there with "The Bus" jshipp23! Acquiring Richardson was not a mistake. Just use that stud properly man!  :thmup:

 True we do have to USE TR WAYYYYYYYYYY better and not as predictable as we do the Defenses know what's coming when TR is in the game,,,,,,,,And No acquiring TR was not a mistake I think it'll prove a huge benefit down the road,,,,,,,Just throw him screens more Mix up his runs to sweeps then draws,,,,,,,,,,or medium passes and we'll have the other Defenses off guard!! Pep has to be way more sensible and creative!!!!

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You would fix this how? With our Oline. Trent is supposed to be good enough to make the cutbacks. He needs vision.

I'd fix it with less predictable plays to TR throw screens to him Use him on draw play runs  Throw passes to him beyond the linebackers,,,,,,,,Block better for him,,,,,,,,,,,,Don Brown rips off big runs b/c they are draws to him and sweeps the defenses are off guard about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,When TR runs the defenses know it and swarm the line No one can run throw 3 guys that well--Pep has to be better at the Colts play calling

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I'd fix it with less predictable plays to TR throw screens to him Use him on draw play runs  Throw passes to him beyond the linebackers,,,,,,,,Block better for him,,,,,,,,,,,,Don Brown rips off big runs b/c they are draws to him and sweeps the defenses are off guard about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,When TR runs the defenses know it and swarm the line No one can run throw 3 guys that well--Pep has to be better at the Colts play calling

The O Line blocked awful for him vs the Texans on 7 of his 8 runs.....His 3rd run of the game there was 2 holes opened up for him, 1 opened up by Thornton and Castonzo...The other on an overpursuit by Brooks Reed......Both the O Line and Richardsons lack of patience at times and vision are to blame, neither are close to where they need to be

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Guest TeamLoloJones

The O Line blocked awful for him vs the Texans on 7 of his 8 runs.....His 3rd run of the game there was 2 holes opened up for him, 1 opened up by Thornton and Castonzo...The other on an overpursuit by Brooks Reed......Both the O Line and Richardsons lack of patience at times and vision are to blame, neither are close to where they need to be

Let's just have Trich play WR and DHB play RB...haha just kidding....or am I?

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Actually yes, but thats not from his ypc. Hes lost it man 

Don't kid yourself. Rice is still a great player.  The problem is their poor o-line play and completely inept quarterback.  Bernard Pierce is averaging 2.7 YPC.

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Don't kid yourself. Rice is still a great player.  The problem is their poor o-line play and completely inept quarterback.  Bernard Pierce is averaging 2.7 YPC.

no way man


you only judge rb's by ypc.  you dont actually watch them play or see how good their oline is

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Actually yes, but thats not from his ypc. Hes lost it man 

The only people that lost it in Baltimore are those pretending that Joe Flacco is capable of consistently chucking the ball, They have a game manager passing the ball 38.7 times a games......Thats absolute blatant forcing Flacco to try to live up to his contract in which he is not possibly capable of doing.......Its assinine really how much they are neglecting to use Ray Rice....Flacco is on pace to throw 624 times.....As long as Flacco is being made to chuck it that many times just stick a fork in them


(yes thats right Flacco is STILL a game manager despite his 4 game run last year in which his wr's bailed him out many times in the playoffs)

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and bernard pierce is horrible as well?



Don't kid yourself. Rice is still a great player.  The problem is their poor o-line play and completely inept quarterback.  Bernard Pierce is averaging 2.7 YPC.

Im not kidding anyone. I just don't like how people can sit here and think someone is a good player when they don't produce.... Just watching rice you can see he is less explosive and out of shape. Maybe it's due to his lingering injury this year, idk. About Pierce I think he was a product of the amazing run blocking they used to have. 

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Im not kidding anyone. I just don't like how people can sit here and think someone is a good player when they don't produce.... Just watching rice you can see he is less explosive and out of shape. Maybe it's due to his lingering injury this year, idk. About Pierce I think he was a product of the amazing run blocking they used to have. 


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what's your supporting evidence?


run out of passing formations and vice versa=not very predictable.

You're ridiculous, do you have an excuse for every rb averaging under 3ypc or who isn't making very much impact to his team such as backups etc?

the ravens Oline is trash
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The only people that lost it in Baltimore are those pretending that Joe Flacco is capable of consistently chucking the ball, They have a game manager passing the ball 38.7 times a games......Thats absolute blatant forcing Flacco to try to live up to his contract in which he is not possibly capable of doing.......Its assinine really how much they are neglecting to use Ray Rice....Flacco is on pace to throw 624 times.....As long as Flacco is being made to chuck it that many times just stick a fork in them


(yes thats right Flacco is STILL a game manager despite his 4 game run last year in which his wr's bailed him out many times in the playoffs)



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Luck can throw the ball more and I guarantee you he won't have 18 INTs that was Arians fault
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Luck can throw the ball more and I guarantee you he won't have 18 INTs that was Arians fault



He's-proven-the-last-5-years-he-can-play-and-excuse-all-the-dashes-my-spacebar-doesnt-work :ticked:

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He's-proven-the-last-5-years-he-can-play-and-excuse-all-the-dashes-my-spacebar-doesnt-work :ticked:

Yeah I agree I don't think he is terrible his contract is but that's not even his fault he's better then quite a few QBs IMO
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....as a rookie on a team that was 2-14 the year prior

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Yeah I agree I don't think he is terrible his contract is but that's not even his fault he's better then quite a few QBs IMO




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....as a rookie on a team that was 2-14 the year prior


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I never said the Ravens O Line was  good......Your right also......18 ints.......as a rookie(Also thats not really that much, Peyton Manning threw 17 or more 3 times in his career) ...You act like I said Flacco was a bad QB which he clearly is not. But there was talk of him being up to elite status after he won that SB....that is assinine

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I never said the Ravens O Line was  good......Your right also......18 ints.......as a rookie(Also thats not really that much, Peyton Manning threw 17 or more 3 times in his career) ...You act like I said Flacco was a bad QB which he clearly is not. But there was talk of him being up to elite status after he won that SB....that is assinine


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Because other than his playoff performance last season, many don't find him overly impressive....me included. That's not hating on him, that just my honest opinion of his career thus far.

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Im not kidding anyone. I just don't like how people can sit here and think someone is a good player when they don't produce.... Just watching rice you can see he is less explosive and out of shape. Maybe it's due to his lingering injury this year, idk. About Pierce I think he was a product of the amazing run blocking they used to have. 





Actually, several analysts and articles have suggested that Ray Rice may not be the player he used to be, and his career might be winding down. I haven't really watched the Ravens games close enough to have an opinion, but Gab.A.M is the not the only one with this opinion.

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I never said the Ravens O Line was  good......Your right also......18 ints.......as a rookie(Also thats not really that much, Peyton Manning threw 17 or more 3 times in his career) ...You act like I said Flacco was a bad QB which he clearly is not. But there was talk of him being up to elite status after he won that SB....that is assinine


Flacco may not be "bad", but I don't think he is necessarily good either (not even close to elite).  I would say he is average ... QB#15 - #20 range.  Boldin got him his contract, getting rid of him was a huge mistake by Baltimore ... Flacco is not the caliber of player that can elevate those around him; he's never going to be the guy that puts the team on his back and carries them.

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The only people that lost it in Baltimore are those pretending that Joe Flacco is capable of consistently chucking the ball, They have a game manager passing the ball 38.7 times a games......Thats absolute blatant forcing Flacco to try to live up to his contract in which he is not possibly capable of doing.......Its assinine really how much they are neglecting to use Ray Rice....Flacco is on pace to throw 624 times.....As long as Flacco is being made to chuck it that many times just stick a fork in them


(yes thats right Flacco is STILL a game manager despite his 4 game run last year in which his wr's bailed him out many times in the playoffs)


i was telling the raven fans around here that flaco wasn't as good as people were making him out to be and that contract was going to kill the team. i couldn't agree with you more.

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the difference will be, luck will probably be the best qb in the nfl at that time.

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