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Was it as difficult to watch for you?


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It was the most horrific game I have ever seen. I'm a Peyton fan. Always will be, always have been. 


For anyone to make a comment that he choked, you should be taken out back and shown how to show some respect. He did not choke. 


I hated ever single minute of that game, I hate today, the day after, and so on. I saw the hurt in his eyes, he was visibly upset before, during and after the game. He tried not to look around, but couldnt help it. 


I teared up at the tribute to him and the look his face had. 


I hope to never have to see them play again. But if they do.. let it be in Denver to even out the playing field.


Thank god the Colts players didn't feel the same way.  Manning isn't a Colts anymore, I cheered just as much as I do when Mathis hits any other QB.  I was a Colts fan before Peyton and am a Colts fan post Peyton.  


No one should forget what he did when he was here, but he isn't a Colt anymore.   

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Seeing Peyton was emotional, and I enjoyed the Tribute, and the game. What was Hard, was seeing Reggie go down..

Another part that was Hard for me to Watch was the way some of the Fans behaved. Some of the most obnoxious Fans I've ever encountered at all of the games that I've attended over the years.. The Woman sitting next to me, throughout the Entire Game yelling for Peyton to Go Home, No One wants you Here, No one Cares About you and so on..... I very politely said to her "I do".

Two "Colts Fans" in our section were ejected before the 2nd Quarter ended... What a Shame, to spend all that money and be escorted out before the First Half was even over.

I think LOUD Rap Music Blaring during Pre-game and Unlimited Alcohol for some is Not a Good Mix. Note the Article below. Evidentally our Section was not the only section with mis-behaved Fans...


really? You blame loud rap music
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Seeing Peyton was emotional, and  I  enjoyed the Tribute, and the game.   What was Hard, was seeing Reggie go down..


Another  part that was Hard for me to Watch was the way some of the Fans behaved.  Some of the most obnoxious Fans I've ever encountered at all of the games that I've  attended over the years..  The Woman sitting next to me, throughout the Entire Game  yelling for Peyton to Go Home,  No One wants you Here,  No one Cares About you and so on.....  I very politely said to her  "I do".


Two "Colts Fans" in our section were ejected before the 2nd Quarter ended...  What a Shame, to spend all that money and be escorted out before the First Half was even over.


I think LOUD Rap Music Blaring during Pre-game and Unlimited Alcohol for some is Not a Good Mix.    Note the Article below.   Evidentally our Section was not the only section with mis-behaved Fans...   



I guess the lady sitting next to you missed the long standing ovation Manning received. I'm glad she was cheering against the opponent, but have some class....good god.

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