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Chargers own us.


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We haven't beaten the Chargers since the year Peyton broke the record. We were owned all night tonight. It doesn't help that we had 5 dropped passes which would of sustained drives and would of been touchdowns. This was just a bad performance on both sides of the ball, and now we're just gonna be talked down about all week.

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Tough to win on the road in NFL. Colts may have been looking ahead to Manning Bowl. Didn't look like the Colts who beat SF and Seattle. Some teams just have your number.

If they were looking ahead to Manning's homecoming it was incredibly stupid, but judging from the awful play tonight it would make sense.  They will lose next week and needed to win tonight to ensure they stay ahead of the Texans.  But yeah, the Chargers own us more than any team in the league.

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They don't own us but as we rarely play them and when we do, it's dumb mistakes that cost us the game.  Penalties (and lack thereof to our benefit in some cases), lack of tackling, and dropped passes killed us.  Toler's penalty led to a touchdown for SD.  Matthews ran like Walter Payton; it was absurd.  Their o-line was given many presents in terms of overlooked holding calls.  There should have ben a pass INT called when Weddle was tackling Fleener before the ball got there.


I'm used to the talking heads slamming Indy so I just ignore it.  The NFL relishes when we lose big, especially on national television.  I'm not sure why anymore as it's been 30 years since the Colts left Baltimore. 

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Guys we are still first in the division and Texans are imploding and titans lost locker for 4 - 6 weeks so lets not go nuts we still good for the season no worries from me even if we lose next week which I still think we have a chance then we are sitting at 4 and 3 did we expect to go 14 - 2 nah so we still okay our division is in shambles so we can take advantage of that and just execute well in the games going forward

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Guys we are still first in the division and Texans are imploding and titans lost locker for 4 - 6 weeks so lets not go nuts we still good for the season no worries from me even if we lose next week which I still think we have a chance then we are sitting at 4 and 3 did we expect to go 14 - 2 nah so we still okay our division is in shambles so we can take advantage of that and just execute well in the games going forward

As far as 14-2, some people did, and I agree we can still win the division.  But you can't count Houston completely out because of the start.  They start winning games, even as soon as next week and we are dead even, then the pressure is on.  I just really wanted us to win this week and not have pressure going into the next game. 

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