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Jacksonville down to two healthy WR's


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One thing you can say about Jacksonville is they have been very unlucky in the injury department. They have been savaged by injuries on both sides of the ball, and now they are down to only two healthy receivers, Cecil Shorts and rookie Ace Sanders. Of course they have what they call the offensive weapon position of Denard Robinson, but he does not count as a WR. So with two healthy receivers, they brought in two players off of the practice squad. I have never heard of either, and considering how little time Gabbert has played, how much timing could they have. Regardless, they always seem to play us tough!

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I seen that. They had to bring up some practice squad players. There are too many weaknesses on this Jaguar team to not give ourselves a good cushion this game.

Even if the Jags had Megatron and Fitzgerald for WRs, they still have Gabbert throwing it.

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I'm not even going to talk trash. I tried it last year and we got Blaine Gabbert's sole pro highlight when he ripped off that game winning bullet pass to Shorts, who also destroyed us.


All in all, being a Colts fan has been a source of pride, but that and Peyton Manning losing his final Colts game to Mark Sanchez will continue to be a source of embarrassment. I'll be happy when Blaine and/or Shorts is gone so I don't get reminded of it every time we play them lol.

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I'm not even going to talk trash. I tried it last year and we got Blaine Gabbert's sole pro highlight when he ripped off that game winning bullet pass to Shorts, who also destroyed us.


All in all, being a Colts fan has been a source of pride, but that and Peyton Manning losing his final Colts game to Mark Sanchez will continue to be a source of embarrassment. I'll be happy when Blaine and/or Shorts is gone so I don't get reminded of it every time we play them lol.


Fun fact: Sancheez(Spelled like that on purpose) is the only QB to beat Peyton n Brady in back to back weeks.

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Jags got a couple weapons, they just have a gun that shoots blanks firing at them :funny: .......seriously somebody get pressure on Gabbert, If by chance we miss out on the playoffs this year I dont want to look back on the season and say......well we got beat by both Miami (overrated....watch and see, Poor defensive play calling cost us that game more then anything else) and Jacksonville

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The injury bug always bites in sports period. We definitely have our share of injuries and this what happens especially in this sport, guys go down early not being able to show the league and the fans what they can fully do. All in all, this is a perfect storm for the Colts to execute on all ends in a divisional football game. This is the first divisional match up for a NEW team, to show the Division And the league what time it is! Don't forget about the Defense either, because right now their solid as a mountain with that D-line. Ooh but when Landry heals from the injury bug ladies and gents, you just may be looking at a Colts team who already look similarly erie to the old school Ravens. Cant forget about  The Angerer, when they all return and hopefully the rest of the team can stay healthy, all the pieces will come together for another trip to the Bowl!!!

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