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the no fun league strikes again


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Guest TeamLoloJones

i can understand the league's stance here. otherwise you'd have all sorts of crazy facemasks. can't blame them for wanting standardized uniforms. it makes good business sense

I bet the nfl would be fine with it, if mathis promised to wear a giant nike symbol across the mask.  Now that's where their business sense lies.

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Come on Roger Goodell....A menacing helmet goes a long way on the intimidation front like a stealth & slick ride with tinted windows. I prefer it when you can't see a LB's, DE's, or pass rushers eyes. Besides, if you are any good studying film on offense, you study body language on the field not eye movements anyway. It's not like eyes are similar to Medusa's head of snakes in Greek Mythology. Sad just sad IMO...



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"Mathis wasn't surprised by the decision. On Thursday, he used Twitter to explain that he "may not" win the battle with the league office and asked fans: "anybody got pics/suggestions of a face mask within the horizontal4 and vertical3 guidelines?"


1 Question: If a WR or TE started wearing a face mask outside those specific dimensions would they be forbidden from wearing it on the field too? I highly doubt it, but I'd love to test my theory to see if the rules are applied equally & fairly though.


I am getting so sick of the offense getting pampered & awarded so many advantages in this league as opposed to the defense. It's quite infuriating actually...And what justifies medical approval for a specialized face mask anyway? A Dr.'s prescription? With enough money, a player can get a note from their physician to green light almost anything or are we mandating that only the Chief team Dr. can make this call on all 32 squads? 

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i can understand the league's stance here. otherwise you'd have all sorts of crazy facemasks. can't blame them for wanting standardized uniforms. it makes good business sense

Sure as long as this anti-trust, multi-billion dollar global corporation called the NFL gets to monopolize the market with it's thumb on the scale SDS.  :P  Sorry SW1's sarcasm is seeping through again...

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Give people an inch and they'll take a mile. Just as some just want to do something cool, others will push the limit beyond safety ....but then use fairness as an argument.


I agree with the league.

I'd like to believe that WH, but SW1 knows better. This move is strictly about profit margins & who gets to reap the benefits, the league, it has nothing to do with safety. It's just a diversion tactic like advancements in concussion helmets are a means to sanction tort reform [the size of financial class action lawsuits] meaning limit the amount of punitive settlements owners would be required to pay out for physical & psychological injuries sustained on a football field over an extended period of time. 

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I can see where the league is coming from on this, doesn't mean that I necessarily agree with them though.  What needs to happen is they can offer the standard facemask, and then a customized mask.  If the standard is a 3/4 then maybe the customized could be a 6/8 or something along those lines.  But make them all look the same, so that you don't have a ton of wild looking masks out there.  In a league that is all about image (especially in this new age of "player safety") they do seem to shoot themselves in the foot quite often.

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I'd like to believe that WH, but SW1 knows better. This move is strictly about profit margins & who gets to reap the benefits, the league, it has nothing to do with safety. It's just a diversion tactic like advancements in concussion helmets are a means to sanction tort reform [the size of financial class action lawsuits] meaning limit the amount of punitive settlements owners would be required to pay out for physical & psychological injuries sustained on a football field over an extended period of time. 

Alright, take safety out of it. Next comes a religous symbol...or a gang sign. I still stand by my opinion, give em an inch, and some will take as far as they can...as fast as they can. Open the can of worms, and everyone wants one.

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