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Like the Onion, a parody of an article on John Fox's conservatism


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maybe it was a good idea to punt at the time :) at least it did not show any of the two teams really wanted to try winning that game in the OT, and the TV commentator was so tired that he said "I feel it will end with one mistake" and then Manning threw the INT.


Can they opt not to play multiple OTs and instead flip the coin if it goes to the 2nd OT?

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Sports Pickle is up next........


I hope people don't take this the wrong way or too seriously. lmao lmao




haha that's pretty good. Oh poor innocent Eli


article from original post got moved to another link: http://atgsports.blogspot.com/2013/01/john-fox-vows-to-be-more-conservative.html

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maybe it was a good idea to punt at the time :) at least it did not show any of the two teams really wanted to try winning that game in the OT, and the TV commentator was so tired that he said "I feel it will end with one mistake" and then Manning threw the INT.


Can they opt not to play multiple OTs and instead flip the coin if it goes to the 2nd OT?

The last line was best. "Manning was not available for comment after the game, he was making another Papa Johns commercial."

Great article! Here's my favorite part: 


"“Well, duh,” said Fox. “Isn't that the purpose of the game? You play to not lose the game!” Classic just classic... :funny:  :spit:  lmao



Instead of OT why don't we have a pizza eating contest? Pizza toss? Or place pizzas on pass paterns as a post, out, deep and let the qb's hit the pizza. Got to be fair have three contestants (any amount) and only one can be the qb. Punt/kick contest.

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Oops my comment was posted on SW1's quote.

Instead of OT why don't we have a pizza eating contest? Pizza toss? Or place pizzas on pass paterns as a post, out, deep and let the qb's hit the pizza. Got to be fair have three contestants (any amount) and only one can be the qb. Punt/kick contest.

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Sports Pickle is up next........


I hope people don't take this the wrong way or too seriously. lmao lmao



 Best line in the article: ""You can't help that you were born like you are," said Archie [Manning]. "It's not your fault. I just hope you know that when I'm hitting you, I'm really hitting Peyton. He's the one I care about."


Poor Eli...He can't catch a break...Just Kidding! It made me think of this...



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