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Closet for Andys Season Long Prediction game-comments, questions, bragging rights


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Lots of losses this week again, but I was saved by the Rams and Dallas..(thank goodness Romo didn't blow that game)..

Considering all of the upsets last week, I am 8-6 going into tonight's game...

Come on Brady Bunch!! (OMG...did I actually just say that??)..

Yes I heard you say it and since I quoted your post now you can't change it. :funny: No edits now. haha

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Looking back at some of the old posts, we were joking about copying others picks, but it seems to me that even if we did, we'd still be doing terrible..this has been a bad last 3 weeks for picking games..

The way its been going lately...maybe we should all just picks teams out of a hat...It really can't get worse doing that than we have been lately..lol

Yes I heard you say it and since I quoted your post now you can't change it. :funny: No edits now. haha

Awww Susie...I didn't know you had such a mean streak...you made that statement last forever by quoting it...and now...I'll have to live with that shame forever...

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Looking back at some of the old posts, we were joking about copying others picks, but it seems to me that even if we did, we'd still be doing terrible..this has been a bad last 3 weeks for picking games..

The way its been going lately...maybe we should all just picks teams out of a hat...It really can't get worse doing that than we have been lately..lol

Awww Susie...I didn't know you had such a mean streak...you made that statement last forever by quoting it...and now...I'll have to live with that shame forever...

you really need to watch your back when Susie and I are together..... :lol::yahoo:
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Well...I'm still holding onto a 2 game lead over jvan..and moved to 4 ahead of my friend Coltman...

At least I got 2 good presents for my 50th b-day this week...a Colts win that almost assures us a playoff spot, and increasing my lead in our little pick'em game. (even if its only 2 games...)

I looked at the games this week on the yahoo pick'em site...and I have a feeling this is going to be the toughest week yet for picking winners this week...There are a LOT of games that could very easily go the other way...It'll be a miracle if I'm still holding onto the lead after this week...

Oh Susie...please do us all a favor, and tell us if you're picking Houston this week, especially since every time you pick against the Colts, they win..I want to see us beat Houston and clinch the playoffs!!!... :D:thmup:

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Well...I'm still holding onto a 2 game lead over jvan..and moved to 4 ahead of my friend Coltman...

At least I got 2 good presents for my 50th b-day this week...a Colts win that almost assures us a playoff spot, and increasing my lead in our little pick'em game. (even if its only 2 games...)

I looked at the games this week on the yahoo pick'em site...and I have a feeling this is going to be the toughest week yet for picking winners this week...There are a LOT of games that could very easily go the other way...It'll be a miracle if I'm still holding onto the lead after this week...

Oh Susie...please do us all a favor, and tell us if you're picking Houston this week, especially since every time you pick against the Colts, they win..I want to see us beat Houston and clinch the playoffs!!!... :D:thmup:

Glad my friend that I could make your birthday happier and more joyous. Only 3 weeks to try and catch you and it doesn't look promising, you are correct with another tough week to pick.

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won't let me copy and paste, see if I type my picks in if it will post.


Green Bay

New Orleans











New England


Hmm. Wrong thread. If they get dismissed on a technicality I might have a chance to catch you!


Wait, that would require me to get a four. Looking at this weeks games, even that looks like a steep hill. :)

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Hmm. Wrong thread. If they get dismissed on a technicality I might have a chance to catch you!


Wait, that would require me to get a four. Looking at this weeks games, even that looks like a steep hill. :)

Well I feel stupid now. Thanks for the heads up. Can't put in any smiley faces, redfaced here.

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Well my dear friend Coltman...This is your week to catch me, or basically have me leave you in the dust..We have 5 different picks this week...and jvan and shecolt are so close...I think there may be a changing of the guard this week...I'm hoping the upsets continue to come in bunches again.. :goodluck:


And while we all want the Colts to wim in our hearts..I can understand why you all picked Houston..but for some reason..I have a strong feeling this week, even with all the injuries, adversity, etc..the next men up (pluralized), when all is said and done, are going to say to the world THE COLTS HAVE ARRIVED!!..and I can hear Bob Lamey screaming..COLTS WIN!! COLTS WIN!! :disco:


I once heard a saying...If it looks like a sure thing...it usually isn't...Few if any people are picking the Colts...most are saying we are going to lose, and possibly lose big..This is one time I am going along with that saying...



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I knew it, a Forun conspiracy to undo me.  YOu are probably both henchmen under the employ of the devious Gramz and She Colt. :bored:  :facepalm:

Perhaps your "hench" is correct. :P But I can't say. Like with most spy cells, I've only been given enough information to enable me to lose grace-lessly.


(But my money would be on SheColt. Just too quiet.)

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Perhaps your "hench" is correct. :P But I can't say. Like with most spy cells, I've only been given enough information to enable me to lose grace-lessly.


(But my money would be on SheColt. Just too quiet.)

MAC are you saying Gramz isn't quiet ?  :funny: My bad my fingers at it again. :monkeydance: Sorry Gramz :yahoo:

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Susie..you are the only person in the universe that could ever get away with that  post.. :lol::funny:

Well that's cause I'm sweet.  :monkeydance::headspin::banana::yahoo::woah::funny:  Kind of over did it on that one. haha  Watch out here comes Gramz with one of her great replies. :woah::excited: I guess I'd better be good to her on her B-Day  :birthday: :party: :cheers::gift::cake:

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:heh: Perhaps your "hench" is correct. :P But I can't say. Like with most spy cells, I've only been given enough information to enable me to lose grace-lessly.


(But my money would be on SheColt. Just too quiet.)


It's always the person you least suspect.  Shecolt is so sweet, lovable, and mild-mannered.  :flirt: But, does she have a devious streak that has been hidden to all of us? :heh:  Perhaps, but I don't think so.


My money is on Coltman51 :shifty: who seems to be playing the naive/innocent card when in all actuality he probably posted in the wrong thread just to give the rest of us a false sense of security while he plots to zoom in to win this contest. 

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Well..congrats to the new leaders...cause I had a terrible week...esp when i know the Colts could have won that game...8-6 going into Monday Night..


As you can see in my avatar..i have very little hair left after pulling it all out yesterday...guess i gotta start taking rogaine, or get some of thee spray on hair stuff...Don't laugh that spray on stuff really works..I used it on a chihuahua and it turned into a shih tzu... :D

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Well my dear friend Coltman...This is your week to catch me, or basically have me leave you in the dust..We have 5 different picks this week...and jvan and shecolt are so close...I think there may be a changing of the guard this week...I'm hoping the upsets continue to come in bunches again.. :goodluck:


And while we all want the Colts to wim in our hearts..I can understand why you all picked Houston..but for some reason..I have a strong feeling this week, even with all the injuries, adversity, etc..the next men up (pluralized), when all is said and done, are going to say to the world THE COLTS HAVE ARRIVED!!..and I can hear Bob Lamey screaming..COLTS WIN!! COLTS WIN!! :disco:


I once heard a saying...If it looks like a sure thing...it usually isn't...Few if any people are picking the Colts...most are saying we are going to lose, and possibly lose big..This is one time I am going along with that saying...




Seeing as you didn't catch me, my dear Coltman, your chance has come and gone. Since I had a comfortable lead on you, I thought I would be generous, and give you an early Christmas present, by allowing you to get what little hopes you had up just a bit. Besides, when having such a big lead, its no fun to have you so far back, that it is no longer competitive...So, out of the generosity of my heart, and for the Holiday Season, you are now back in contention with me...However, your hopes will soon be dashed, and again, the boulder will roll back on you as you slowly fall back to the bottom of the mountain...


Oh, and for another Christmas present, there's a little note waiting for you when you get back to the bottom..It says..."Thanks for participating in the contest this year..I hope you'll try again next year." :lol::funny::lol::funny::lol:

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Seeing as you didn't catch me, my dear Coltman, your chance has come and gone. Since I had a comfortable lead on you, I thought I would be generous, and give you an early Christmas present, by allowing you to get what little hopes you had up just a bit. Besides, when having such a big lead, its no fun to have you so far back, that it is no longer competitive...So, out of the generosity of my heart, and for the Holiday Season, you are now back in contention with me...However, your hopes will soon be dashed, and again, the boulder will roll back on you as you slowly fall back to the bottom of the mountain...


Oh, and for another Christmas present, there's a little note waiting for you when you get back to the bottom..It says..."Thanks for participating in the contest this year..I hope you'll try again next year." :lol::funny::lol::funny::lol:




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The 3 Amigos :lol:


Say WHAT. I was congratulating myself on catching Gramz (not that I was going to say anything about it :P ) and forgot to look behind me.

Actually I thought that you were already ahead of me. haha



Well like Gramz said the 3 Amigos and we are going head to head. :yahoo::funny:

I can't handle the stress. We could all pick the same and finish as a block.

(Ahhhhhhhhhh, how nice. Until someone sneaks in a last second "edit" to grab the victory.) : haha: "Oooops, it was a honest mistake".

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It's always the person you least suspect.  Shecolt is so sweet, lovable, and mild-mannered.  :flirt: But, does she have a devious streak that has been hidden to all of us? :heh:  Perhaps, but I don't think so.


My money is on Coltman51 :shifty: who seems to be playing the naive/innocent card when in all actuality he probably posted in the wrong thread just to give the rest of us a false sense of security while he plots to zoom in to win this contest. 


And, it looks like I was correct.  Coltman51 was the culprit. 


He was 12-3 while poor, pathetic shecolt was 8-7.  :Cry:

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Well Mr Coltman...you only have two games you need to win...You are praying that Toothlessburger can lead the beat up, banged up, Charlie Batch Lovin', Running Back a'fumblin steelers to beat Cincinnati..led by the Machine A .J. Green, and you're praying that Flacco doesn't go wacko and lose the game for the team formerly known as the Cleveland Browns, now residing in the great city of Baltimore..OH..I figured out why Flacco is having so much trouble..I heard he was out in the Chesapeake Bay, and caught a ton of crabs...Besides, its about that time of the year, for Eli to start lighting up the scoreboard...it might even be as bad as last week's Ravens loss....


Like I said previously..You had your chance last week...you made a valiant effort, but its too little too late my friend... :facepalm:


After this week..you'll be just like the Ravens..nevermore... :lol::funny::lol::funny::lol:

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