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Simplify Offense for Luck


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Tom James of the TribStar tweeted that coach Ariens said that Luck has about 90% of the offense down already. Maybe the offense is already simplified or Luck is absolutely brilliant. It took Dallas Clark nearly 2 years to grasp Tom Moore's offense and Luck has Areiens' offense down in a month with only a few days of practice.

I am going to say first I love Dallas but Dallas never struck me as the smartest guy on the team. I don't think he was dumb by any means but I wouldn't have a hard time believing that Luck is smarter than dallas. Also since a big part of lucks job is to call the play I can see why he would pick up on it quickly. Also I am sure this offense is the basics of what they want to do and they will build from there like they did with manning. A lot of guys said the hard part with the moore offense was learning mannings new checks every week and I don't think luck is doing the check with me that Peyton did at least not yet.
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No....as of the off-season when everyone was fired,...there was no Colts offense...

..and since we have a coach who's never been a head coach..the 'offense' may be a work in progress...

Its new to all the players and Andrew Luck should have no trouble learning it along with everybody else...

our problem would be the veterans learning a new offense...not the rookies and newcomers...

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Part of the temptation for having s simplified offense is due to the performances of Andy Dalton and Cam Newton who did not have an off season last year. They were intoroduced into the league with limited play books which allowed them to play faster without having to compute so much information. Of course, at the same time, the defenses did not have time to establish their defensive playbook and essentially at the begining of the season you had more simplified offenses versus more simplified defenses, which allowed for the QB's to excel.

If we made the argument that we can simplify the offense for Luck based on last year's sucess, then essentially we would have a simplified offensive attack vs complex defenses. This would not be a recipe for success. Of course there are other factors to consider in a discussion for simplifying the offense, but I am of the opinion that Andrew Luck would prefer to have more than less. As nother poster pointed out earlier, it's not the play book that may hold Luck back; rather, it would be the adjustment to the pro grame. He just needs more time and reps.

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I quote Pagano on this "Run a Defense that's Simple for the Players, but Complex for the Opponents". He didn't say anything about a Simple Offense. When you have Andrew Luck as your QB, I don't think anything is Simple. At Stanford they gave him like 3 Plays & he called one of them based on how the D lined up when he got to the Line. So he'll probably do the same here

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Sure! Can you slow the rotation with effecting the clarity? haha:)

Should be no problem, I still have the 3D model I made.

I'm also going to make a Bizzaro one for the resident haters.

(EDIT: You may need to click on the images and save those; the original images have been auto-sized and it's making them choppy, at least on my computer)



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No we dont need to simplify things for him. Hes got the smarts to grasp everything and apply it and as has alrady been said he is alrady calling long plays and alrady making auidbles call and calling various play at the line. He is well on his way to having this offense down mentally, the bigger matter just getting him out there physically and putting that side to work by giving him constant repetition and putting what he has learned in his mind to work on the feild, as well as building cheemistry and contuing to feed him more information as he shows more progression. This guy can handle this without modifactions hes alrady showing it. I see no need to modify anything for him, let him have what he can handle which is alot.

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Oh yeah...we should simplify our Offense for Luck. And as a next step we should ask our opponents, to simplify their D for Luck too...

C'mon, Luck is considered as a best prospect QB since...You know... He isn't dumb, and is able to learn the playbook. Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry...that cannot be learned, chemistry comes only with playing time no matter how "simply" the offense is.

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I hope we spend the year challenging him, rather than simplifying things for him. He'll get so much more out of it that way.

People grow by being challenged, not by being spoon fed. I have already figured that we will have a season like we did in 1998, but Peyton was able to go to 13-3 his second year because we didn't simplify things for him.

We also are going to a totally different offense than we had under Moore.

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