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2 hours ago, NFLfan said:


Congrats! I was rooting for them and for you last night. I checked online and saw that ND was up by 10 at one point early on. I was disappointed when I checked again and they were down by 6 or so with four plus minutes. I turned off the TV and hoped ND would come back. I am glad they won. I am tired of UConn winning all the time.

I hear that. Geno reminds me of some movie 'Don' from a crime family....

He's obviously a great coach but they didnt handle ND's zone defense at all


I'm impressed with how ND's Muffet McGraw manuveraed a team of basically 6-7 players through 5 game s of playoffs now..

Louisville beat ND by 30 during the regular season...




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5 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

I hear that. Geno reminds me of some movie 'Don' from a crime family....

He's obviously a great coach but they didnt handle ND's zone defense at all


I'm impressed with how ND's Muffet McGraw manuveraed a team of basically 6-7 players through 5 game s of playoffs now..

Louisville beat ND by 30 during the regular season...


I thought Louisville had made the Finals. How did they lose that game against Miss St? I checked out the game late and I thought they had the game won. I woke up and noticed they had lost. 

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On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 2:19 PM, PrincetonTiger said:

Louisville has a new HC

 Former Xavier HC Chris Mack

That's a good get for them. He recruits the area well already and always has a tough minded team. I can't believe he gave up Xavier to go there considering he has got them to a national top 10 team year in and year out....but I guess 28 million dollars will get you to do a lot. Hard to believe someone of his stature is willing to go to a school like that where they are likely to get a post season ban and scholarships taken away and maybe more. Louisville athletics has got to be some of the most dirty pool I've seen in recent years. I know the NCAA is corrupt but I can't imagine Louisville doesn't get some major penalties.

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On 3/29/2018 at 10:30 PM, dgambill said:

They will get better. He already has some of the best high school players in Indiana coming in next year and good shot in 19. Playing with Creans scrubs last year I thought we overachieved. That was about as bad a team I’ve seen since Samson left us. Archie is a good coach. We should make some good strides next couple years and hopefully he will be able to coach a team over the hump unlike Crean.

Yeah they got a commitment from one of our local high school kids, Robert Phinisee. Keep an eye on him, he’s got some amazing talent. Everyone around here assumed he would pick Purdue being local and all, but he saw IU as a better fit. Guess I’ll have another reason to root for them, as long as it isn’t against Purdue lol!

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57 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

I hear that. Geno reminds me of some movie 'Don' from a crime family....

He's obviously a great coach but they didnt handle ND's zone defense at all


I'm impressed with how ND's Muffet McGraw manuveraed a team of basically 6-7 players through 5 game s of playoffs now..

Louisville beat ND by 30 during the regular season...




You forgot the part where onenof his assistants had to get in his face to calm him down

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52 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


I thought Louisville had made the Finals. How did they lose that game against Miss St? I checked out the game late and I thought they had the game won. I woke up and noticed they had lost. 

That was a great game too./

Louisville led by 1 with 11 seconds left and a Cardinal girl broke through the press and instead of just running around and killing the clock,...she scored a layup for a 3-point lead....

Mississippi State came back down and got  a '3' to tie it....and won in OT.


I'm not sure who was the better team.

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10 minutes ago, GOZER said:

Yeah they got a commitment from one of our local high school kids, Robert Phinisee. Keep an eye on him, he’s got some amazing talent. Everyone around here assumed he would pick Purdue being local and all, but he saw IU as a better fit. Guess I’ll have another reason to root for them, as long as it isn’t against Purdue lol!

If he can’t get RL he will be in trouble soon

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2 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

That was a great game too./

Louisville led by 1 with 11 seconds left and a Cardinal girl broke through the press and instead of just running around and killing the clock,...she scored a layup for a 3-point lead....

Mississippi State came back down and got  a '3' to tie it....and won in OT.


I'm not sure who was the better team.

The T changed the outcome

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1 minute ago, PrincetonTiger said:

You forgot the part where onenof his assistants had to get in his face to calm him down

That same assistant coach has been there as long as I've watched Connecticut..

She probably is the 'good cop' to Geno's 'bad cop' (or 'crazy cop')



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3 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

The T changed the outcome

You mean when the girl slammed the ball on the floor...?

I really wish the ref hadnt called that.....She didnt throw the ball. She just slammed is down and caught it..

The ref needs to show 'late game' judgement there and give the girl a  'warning'


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1 minute ago, oldunclemark said:

You mean when the girl slammed the ball on the floor...?

I really wish the ref hadnt called that.....She didnt throw the ball. She just slammed is down and caught it..

The ref needs to show 'late game' judgement there and give the girl a  'warning'


I loved it and would have called it myself

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Hey PT...Is Romeo going to IU.....??

Its another world up here.......all we talk about is the Cubs..and 'when will Glenn Robisnon get more playing time for the Pacers'

..we don't get much IU rumor talk.


I know they have the top player from Riley....but it will be a while before he impacts anything

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2 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

I loved it and would have called it myself

Wow. I diasgree.......That's a 'warning' ..dont do it again..and then 'T' her if she does.

That's how it would have been handled in the first quarter.


Its not like she was Kevin Durant ...always complaining



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1 minute ago, oldunclemark said:

Wow. I diasgree.......That's a 'warning' ..dont do it again..and then 'T' her if she does.

That's how it would have been handled in the first quarter.


Its not like she was Kevin Durant ...always complaining



Yes she does


   This is coach and ref speak 

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4 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Any coach who cannot get the great ones from your state/area will be on the hot seat soon

He had only one year to recruit him. We were way down the list when Crean was here. It says a lot to even be in the hunt for him. With Michigan State getting the northern kids and UK and Louisville down south and guys like Bryce Drew and Steve Alford pulling guys to UCLA and Vandy it’s tough to land them all. Especially with some schools “cough cough” willing to spend money and shoe companies directing them to their schools who wear their shoes it’s tough. I agree Langford would be a big get but he is just a one year player...it’s those 4 stars like Phineese and Anderson those are big (especially northern schools) and if we have a great shot at Brooks and Jackson-Davis next year and Watfords little bro that’s some fine recruiting with or without Langford. I hope with though of course. Recruiting hasn’t been a horrible issue here. Crean had some good recruits...Archie can actually coach and that’s the exciting part.

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6 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

Hey PT...Is Romeo going to IU.....??

Its another world up here.......all we talk about is the Cubs..and 'when will Glenn Robisnon get more playing time for the Pacers'

..we don't get much IU rumor talk.


I know they have the top player from Riley....but it will be a while before he impacts anything

He will decide later in April. He has his last visit at IU so that’s a good sign. Kansas has me worried but they have a pretty heavy class coming in and if a couple of their players don’t go pro his shots will be limited. IU makes a lot of sense with connections across the state if he ever wants to return and find work he wouldn’t have a problem. IU even had Damon Bailey putting a good word in and IU has sent players and coaches to almost all of his recent games. They’ve done all they can but it’s the kids decision. A year ago he was a lock to Louisville until the scandal. I don’t think he ever thought he would have to go else where. His dad seems to think highly of Archie and Indiana..and I know IU would allow them to go to most of his games but Romeo can go anywhere and it seems these Aau kids like to play with each other so Vandy with Garland is also in the picture. Hope we get him. Send a good signal to other Indiana kids to stay home and represent the Crimson and Cream.

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6 hours ago, GOZER said:

Yeah they got a commitment from one of our local high school kids, Robert Phinisee. Keep an eye on him, he’s got some amazing talent. Everyone around here assumed he would pick Purdue being local and all, but he saw IU as a better fit. Guess I’ll have another reason to root for them, as long as it isn’t against Purdue lol!

Do you think Carson Edwards goes pro? That would really hurt your team next year. His decision will be big imo.

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9 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Congrats to IU women’s team for winning the NIT! Record crowd for IUWBB over 13000 to see them beat VT. Just need ND to win tomorrow night for an all Indiana women’s dominance!

Tyra’s Hometown is only 13 miles from Princeton and the Golden Aces are Conference Opponents of PCHS

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34 minutes ago, dgambill said:

He had only one year to recruit him. We were way down the list when Crean was here. It says a lot to even be in the hunt for him. With Michigan State getting the northern kids and UK and Louisville down south and guys like Bryce Drew and Steve Alford pulling guys to UCLA and Vandy it’s tough to land them all. Especially with some schools “cough cough” willing to spend money and shoe companies directing them to their schools who wear their shoes it’s tough. I agree Langford would be a big get but he is just a one year player...it’s those 4 stars like Phineese and Anderson those are big (especially northern schools) and if we have a great shot at Brooks and Jackson-Davis next year and Watfords little bro that’s some fine recruiting with or without Langford. I hope with though of course. Recruiting hasn’t been a horrible issue here. Crean had some good recruits...Archie can actually coach and that’s the exciting part.

IU will not get back to prominence if they cannot keep the Indiana kids home for two reasons

   Talent reasons and money reasons


  the IUWBB made their comeback with a homegrown coach and “local” players



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5 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:


  Because fans follow teams and players that they know not so guy/gal from who knows where



   Gibson County was not a ND community but is now

Dakich says the exact same thing..and its true of IU..

Not so much of Notre Dame....


From many years of watching I am convinced that ND fans don't favor in state players nearly as much as IU followers do....ND doesnt need in-state players

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15 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Dakich says the exact same thing..and its true of IU..

Not so much of Notre Dame....


From many years of watching I am convinced that ND fans don't favor in state players nearly as much as IU followers do....ND doesnt need in-state players

Public vs Private


  was using ND to show how fans follow a player to a school

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8 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Public vs Private


  was using ND to show how fans follow a player to a school

I was just using ND to show how some schools do not need and have never needed instate players.

IU isn't one of them

Saying you sound like Dakich speaking of IU wasn't an insult or a compliment.......its just exactly what he says..and its true

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1 hour ago, dgambill said:

Do you think Carson Edwards goes pro? That would really hurt your team next year. His decision will be big imo.

Not sure...he didn’t hire an agent so might be just testing the waters.....I believe Swanigan did the same thing. If he leaves, Purdue will definitely be a different team especially since 3 seniors are leaving too.

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2 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

I was just using ND to show how some schools do not need and have never needed instate players.

IU isn't one of them

Saying you sound like Dakich speaking of IU wasn't an insult or a compliment.......its just exactly what he says..and its true

 NCAA sports and money driven anymore

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2 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Its always been that way....football and basketball bank big and support the others. Its the business model...

But you could have a bad year or miss on someone and still survive but unless you are someone Calipari in today’s game you have a down you are working for ESPN, CBS, or Fox looking for a new home

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    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
    • Yeah North.....maybe I got confused about the Pittsburgh Pirates playing in the central.  But I think before realignment there were only 3 divisions, I think.. Like the Colts and Dolphins played in the East, the Raiders and Broncos played in the West and the Steelers and Brownies played in the Central.  But yeah my mistake the Steelers currently in the North division. 
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    • "I think he flashed last year and can add some value to the LB room."  And I also responded directly to the LB room question. I will simplify, he has a looooow ceiling.   So what's the Problem, why argue?  
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