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2017-2018 Indiana Pacers and Everything NBA Thread

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   I'd like to see us get TJ Leaf in a little more tonight..

If we're short two forwards,  lets give the young boy a chance and let him shoot the ball. something we need.


He's hardly a monster in the paint and he wont be for a couple of years....

But if we use player Booker at center on the second team (looked like we were doing that at Washington) then give Leafs 10-15 minutes at the '4'


We have a need...he can shoot....and we wont be playing him in the post-season...so it would seem now is 'TJ time'

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3 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

and our top rebounder is in street clothes..we may need 120 points tonight

We haven't won a game this season that Domas hasn't played I didn't realize that I knew we were winless minus Vic

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