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5 Reasons to Believe the Colts Can Make the Super Bowl


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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Just to break the tension between you 2, don't feel bad I am a nobody but kept saying Denver would win the SB in several Posts all season when almost every on the planet said the Patriots would blow them out and then almost everyone said the Panthers would smoke them in the SB haha I guess every once in a while we know more than the media.

Absolutely, the blind squirrel theory lol....I've loved this games since I was 8 years old and what I love about it is that it always surprises me. 


The year we won the SB, was my most pessimistic season. We gave up 3 bills on the ground to Jacksonville that year and I wanted Bill Polians head on a stake. We had NO chance in my mind. Then Bob Sanders put his cape on and next thing you know, we are the champs. I decided that year that I was always gonna try my best to be optimistic. 


It just goes to show you that nobody really knows. If it were that easy we wouldn't love it so much.

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6 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:

Absolutely, the blind squirrel theory lol....I've loved this games since I was 8 years old and what I love about it is that it always surprises me. 


The year we won the SB, was my most pessimistic season. We gave up 3 bills on the ground to Jacksonville that year and I wanted Bill Polians head on a stake. We had NO chance in my mind. Then Bob Sanders put his cape on and next thing you know, we are the champs. I decided that year that I was always gonna try my best to be optimistic. 


It just goes to show you that nobody really knows. If it were that easy we wouldn't love it so much.

I kind of had a great feeling all season long that would be our year but after we got destroyed by the Jags I was worried. I didn't see that coming at all! I am glad we got Bob back for the Playoffs.

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If Denzell can play like this every down...he's another reason...flat fact, the man can run block.  If he's beat out at RT..put the man at RG...heck that was his very first game, and after Thorton said that guy twisted his arm.  Denzell said " I got him".......


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17 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:



I'm not interested in evaluations through the eyes of a fan.    I'm interested in serious objective analysis.   And so far,  that's not looking great for the Colts.


I've already predicted the Colts to go 10-6 this year.    But I've also said I won't be shocked if we go 8-8.   The division is much better....       


I'm with you.  Few are being objective.  I believe we can reach 9-7. This division has improved and the new offensive linemen will need to adjust to power and speed of the NFL.

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Super Bowl LII Reality Check: AFC-New England Patriots.  Since Tennessee is looking better and how well Luck recovers from his shoulder surgery and a new GM no one and I mean no one, can pick where the Colts will land in 2017. Don't forget post shoulder surgery combined with lousy pass protection will likely put Luck on the sideline and that is assuming Luck will even be ready for the opening day game. 

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