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Tiebreaker / Strength Of Schedule


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Does anyone know the true way they rank for schedule if we are tied with Minnesota or St Louis. Does it change if there are 2 or three teams tied?

We should start looking at this.

I have a weird feeling we're gonna beat Houston or Jax. my gut tells me Houston is best chance.

Although, look at the stats from our last game:

We had 82 passing yards

We had 205 rushing yards (Brown had 80yd & 40ish yarder) which equals 60ish rushing except for 2 plays

No receiver had over 33 yards.

Our offense didn't do much. Defense stepped up.

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Basically the two of us have enough of the same opponents that no combination of results in the next two weeks could lead to them getting 7 more results than us - helped hugely by 49ers and Chargers winning this week. We have a lot of games where two teams we've played square off, guaranteed points.

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This is what I know from listening to the radio and watching TV:

We currently own the tie breaker and the Chargers and 49ers winning helped us in that department.

It is nearly impossiable for the Rams to move head of us in the tiebreaker.

The Vikings are much closer and it will depend on what happens down the stretch.

Pretty much you want teams we have played this year to lose and teams that play the Rams and Vikings to win.

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Here's an NFL.com article on a bit more of this subject:


» When there is a tie for draft order' date=' the first tiebreaker is strength of schedule, with the team with the easier (lower) strength of schedule picking first.

» If the Colts lose to the Texans, the best their strength of schedule could be at the end of the season is .5469.

» If the Vikings lose their final two games, the worst their strength of schedule could be [i']also is .5469.

» The Rams' strength of schedule could be at worst .5586, so they cannot land the No. 1 pick if the Colts lose a 14th game because Indy's best strength of schedule will be lower than the worst possible for St. Louis.

» The only other tiebreakers for draft order apply to teams in the same division or conference, which the Colts and Vikings are not. What this means is if any of the Colts' unique opponents (teams who didn't also play the Vikings) lose or any of the Vikings' unique opponents win, then Indy will lock up the No. 1 pick. It will just take one loss by a Colts unique opponents or one win by a Vikings unique opponent.

Bottom line: The Colts still have a very good chance at owning the No. 1 pick come April.

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