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Has boom been averaging under 3 ypc for over two years?

That was the worst game boom had. He averaged over 5 ypc in the previous games. Not sure how that's a "double standard"

Yes.  His first year he average 0.0 ypc.


Not sure what you mean by his "previous games" but he averaged, 5.4, 11.0, 3.3, 5.5, 0.3, 3.4, 4.7, 2.7.


That's why it's a double standard.

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My buddies back in Warren were yelling Boom! before you ever heard of him. We were yelling Boom! when he was the featured back at THE. I'm happy to yell Boom! now that he's a Colt.

So, he's NOT called Daniel everywhere you look unless you're looking in places that don't know him.

I'll continue to yell Boom! Sorry if it bothers you.

Go Buckeyes!

Smonroe, being a long suffering IU Football fan, I was not as familiar with Daniel as you.  I do enjoy yelling "BBBOOOOMMM" at the home games at The Oil Can.  This is due to being a Natural Born Hoosier and having been conditioned by many years of yelling "BOOM Baby" at the Pacer games lol.  So it naturally rolls of my tongue.  I could, however, just as easily yell "TRRRIIICCHH", it he deserved it :thmup:

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