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Coaches working with Andrew Luck to cut down his mental mistakes


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Finally!!!! Got it!!! haha


Mods...... Can one of you post this in my OP? Quite sure the time frame to edit that post is long gone now. Thank You


Thanks for posting this TK. I appreciate it. Here's what I got out of the article: Clyde wants Andrew to process information faster as the play unfolds live, Matthew is working with Luck in the film room to learn to throw more decisive out of bounds balls that have no chance of being picked off, & overall push Andrew to react more & not let his brilliant Stanford brain bog him down essentially forcing the game to slow down before his eyes.


My favorite part was that Nevada AirForce Base pilot awareness stuff:


"His intent was to apply techniques used in teaching the pilots to his quarterbacks because the speed at which their decisions are made – in split seconds – is similar." 


Cool mindset there & I know that Andrew is wicked smart, but like Matthew said previously, I hope Pagano's staff isn't putting expectations too high too quickly on Luck. Then again, he does have a Master's Degree in Architecture so I'm probably overreacting a little.  

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Where did this come from?

Do you have a link to back that up?

It seems highly counter-intuitive......

I knew someone would call me out on this. I still don't quite believe it myself.

I first saw it in a stampede blue article. I followed it up by searching it up and low and behold he does. Cant seem to paste link here but google career interception %.

Say what you want about era, but in raw statistics he is so far ahead of any QB through 3 years not named Dan Marino it's a joke.

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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, November 15, 2014 - Double Post
Hidden by SteelCityColt, November 15, 2014 - Double Post

Where did this come from?

Do you have a link to back that up?

It seems highly counter-intuitive......

I knew someone would call me out on this. I still don't quite believe it myself.

I first saw it in a stampede blue article. I followed it up by searching it up and low and behold he does. Cant seem to paste link here but google career interception %.

Say what you want about era, but in raw statistics he is so far ahead of any QB through 3 years not named Dan Marino it's a joke.

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When I read these quotes from another article in the "INDY Star" about the mutual admiration Brady & Luck have for 1 another, I had 2 reactions...


"Guys that are able to move really well, they're able to – like Andrew Luck, he makes a ton of those plays. He's fast enough that he can outrun guys, but he's also strong enough to kind of shrug off blockers and throw with guys when they're wrapped around his legs and stuff like that," Brady said. "He's pretty phenomenal at that. I've watched a lot of players over the years, and it's always been a part of the NFL – guys who can really be athletic and mobile." --Tom Brady

Luck had plenty to say in favor of Brady, too.
"If you're a fan of football, it's hard not to be a fan of Tom Brady," he said. "He's got the respect of everybody around the league, every fan, every player. He does things at a high level and he's done it for a long, long time. He seems to go about it the right way. Great role model for any kid at any level playing the position."--Andrew Luck
My 1st reaction was this: It's nice to see equal respect being bestowed upon 2 brilliant QBs from 2 separate field generals regarding the other 1. 
My 2nd reaction: Ah fellas, you have a job to do...Save the man crush love for after the game when you shake hands & say good game alright. Is that an Air Supply song I hear? Just Kidding! 
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When I watch Luck I see a more mobile version of Drew Bledsoe. Great big arm, can take a hit and shake off tacklers but makes 2-3 plays a game that are head scratching. That was his rap in college as well. I have a tough time believe the Colts will ever win a championship with him. These types of tendencies don't go away. They creep in at the most inopportune times. I am sure BB is licking his chops like he was every time he faced Bledsoe.





You mean the Bledsoe that had more interceptions than touchdowns in his first 3 years????  The Drew Bledsoe that no one has ever compared Andrew Luck to??? 




:funny:  :spit:

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Luck is really good though, would probably be one of my favorite players if he wasn't on the Colts, but they tanked a season fair and square to get him


And the Patriots video taped every team and stole all of the plays and signals and then radio in the play to their players before it even happened on the field in winning all of their Super Bowls fair and square.


{ Illustrating absurdity by using absurdity }


Please do us all a favor and cut that nonsense from here on out please.  This was covered ad nauseam before, and now I'm thinking you are just trying to incite the Colt fan base (and you know that is a no no, yes?)

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I think this is old news now, ever since he (Reggie) went down with injury.


Luck does seem to have umm bad luck with tipped balls but then again why so many tips? I can remember a couple of picks that I'd put on Nicks' being lazy in his route running but Luck does also make some just plain bad decisions but I'm not overly concerned with it.

Sometimes, when passing close to the LOS, Andrew seems to crouch (trying to hide?), reducing his effective height and distorting his throwing mechanics.

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And the Patriots video taped every team and stole all of the plays and signals and then radio in the play to their players before it even happened on the field in winning all of their Super Bowls fair and square.


{ Illustrating absurdity by using absurdity }


Please do us all a favor and cut that nonsense from here on out please.  This was covered ad nauseam before, and now I'm thinking you are just trying to incite the Colt fan base (and you know that is a no no, yes?)


What nonsense is that exactly?  Just as Colts fans throw spygate stuff into our faces on a daily basis, there are people out there, even in the media it was suggested by some writers, that the Colts just didn't look the same that year..It coincided with a year that Peyton Manning had nerve damage in his neck and had to have surgery to fix it at the same exact time one of the biggest draft prospects out of college in 15+ years.. since oh, i dunno... Peyton Manning?


I don't see you going after Colts fans who bring up Spygate and say that is what won the Pats their SBs...  Thats purely opinion, just the same as its some people's opinions that the Colts did not look like a team trying to play very hard that year.  What a crazy year to go from a team that is winning its division and competing for Super Bowls every single year to the worst team in the league and then that gets the 1st draft pick and lands the greatest QB prospect since the Colts last 1st overall pick to get Manning.


I'm in no violation of any forum rules, I can have whatever opinion I want of that, and you're simply incorrect for suggesting that I'm trying to incite fans, especially when it doesn't even scratch the surface of what is said to Patriots fans on here on a nearly daily basis. 

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What nonsense is that exactly? Just as Colts fans throw spygate stuff into our faces on a daily basis, there are people out there, even in the media it was suggested by some writers, that the Colts just didn't look the same that year..It coincided with a year that Peyton Manning had nerve damage in his neck and had to have surgery to fix it at the same exact time one of the biggest draft prospects out of college in 15+ years.. since oh, i dunno... Peyton Manning?

I don't see you going after Colts fans who bring up Spygate and say that is what won the Pats their SBs... Thats purely opinion, just the same as its some people's opinions that the Colts did not look like a team trying to play very hard that year. What a crazy year to go from a team that is winning its division and competing for Super Bowls every single year to the worst team in the league and then that gets the 1st draft pick and lands the greatest QB prospect since the Colts last 1st overall pick to get Manning.

I'm in no violation of any forum rules, I can have whatever opinion I want of that, and you're simply incorrect for suggesting that I'm trying to incite fans, especially when it doesn't even scratch the surface of what is said to Patriots fans on here on a nearly daily basis.

You omitted one small difference. You're offering that in your opinion impropriety occurred whereas the Patriots were punished for breeching the league rules, that's factual. No two ways about it.

Have you got anything to offer other than circumstantial postulations? Did you watch every Colts game that season? Do you think 53 pros would agree to tanking a season and not say squat?

Btw as a small aside your opinions may well breech forum rules of they're considered to be baiting or inflammatory so while you can have "whatever opinion" you like, how you express or is a different matter.

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What nonsense is that exactly?  Just as Colts fans throw spygate stuff into our faces on a daily basis, there are people out there, even in the media it was suggested by some writers, that the Colts just didn't look the same that year..It coincided with a year that Peyton Manning had nerve damage in his neck and had to have surgery to fix it at the same exact time one of the biggest draft prospects out of college in 15+ years.. since oh, i dunno... Peyton Manning?


I don't see you going after Colts fans who bring up Spygate and say that is what won the Pats their SBs...  Thats purely opinion, just the same as its some people's opinions that the Colts did not look like a team trying to play very hard that year.  What a crazy year to go from a team that is winning its division and competing for Super Bowls every single year to the worst team in the league and then that gets the 1st draft pick and lands the greatest QB prospect since the Colts last 1st overall pick to get Manning.


I'm in no violation of any forum rules, I can have whatever opinion I want of that, and you're simply incorrect for suggesting that I'm trying to incite fans, especially when it doesn't even scratch the surface of what is said to Patriots fans on here on a nearly daily basis. 


Please allow me to address a couple of things then.  First, your statement " but they tanked a season fair and square to get him "   is your opinion, but stated as fact without any supporting documentation.  And, you offered that up without any Rhyme or reason.  Nothing in the thread would prompt such a  response stated so strongly, except an opposing fan wanting to get the local fanbase riled up.  The whole thing took pages of threads  of back and forth.  The NFL never even hinted at the Colts having been in the wrong. It is sour grapes wishful thinking from our opponents fans.  OTOH, the Patriots did in fact receive penalty associated with their  video taping scandal.  So that can be factually referred to.  Specifics not so much as the NFL buried the details, burned the tapes and moved on.


Next, you mention about Colts fans expressing an opinion that Spygate won the Pats SB's.  You're right.  Expressing opinions is fine and advances discussion, without making puffed up chest statements.  And you can have yours too.  But I guarantee you that if a Colts fan makes a factually worded statement, without any provocation, that Spygate was the only reason the Pats won their Super Bowls, you better believe they (quietly) will be receiving a private message and maybe potential warnings about inciting the visiting fans of other teams unnecessarily. Just like you did.  Did you catch that?  No reason at all for that bolded and unsupported statement above  to have been included in your response in this thread. Unless you are trying to bait and incite negative reactions from others in the thread, and that is against the rules here.


So I'll end by saying that this-  "but they tanked a season fair and square to get him." (stated as a fact which, of course, it is not) isn't true and you don't have, nor offered any evidence to support that position. Nothing in the thread prompted that particular part of the response either. So again, I ask, please don't post that in that manner without any provocation unless you can bring solid evidence to the table to back it up.  Then, I'd ask you do it by starting a new thread, not tacked onto the end of an otherwise relevant post.

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