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Pittsburgh Steelers @ Baltimore Ravens game thread


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If the ravens lose this game they will be in a big hole to open the season. Two divisional home losses to start out would be brutal


Both teams have something to prove. 


Ravens have a better roster, however they lack production.

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Ok genius..    Where else was this guys helmet going to go?     WHERE?   Form tackle and wrap.?  hehehee  


These are NFL games..   it happens FAST.        not like in HS.  



Crown of the helmet hits have been penalties for years now.  Surprised a few players and  a couple fans still aren't aware of that.

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It is truly comical how a "few" folk actually think that a player can "AT GAME SPEED" ...   "SAFELY POSITION THEIR HELMET SO THE PREY CAN RECEIVE THE SOFTEST BLOW POSSIBLE"    Really..   ?   


It will be "touch" or "flag" ball sooner than later if this comical crap keeps getting called.


It just doesn't work that way.   D players are taught to HIT.      not comfort.  


but whatever.....

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Ok genius..    Where else was this guys helmet going to go?     WHERE?   Form tackle and wrap.?  hehehee  


These are NFL games..   it happens FAST.        not like in HS.  



Rule states as long as his eyes can read jersey numbers, the forehead part of the helmet can be used.  But if your eyes are to the ground and see grass, and top of helmet hits 1st, take your personal foul penalty and move on.  He lowered his head/eyes.  He must not be keeping up on the NFL Heads Up program. Nor you.

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