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If We Had Peyton


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If we had Peyton this year, what would you guys guess or record would be, and do you think we would have made a run to the playoffs or even the superbowl.

Keep the first surgery in mind and the fact he might have missed the first 2 or 3 games. Saying he never had the third surgery and played with a pain in the neck all season. There was a few fans back when the first surgery happened who wished it didnt happen but yet wished for better health of Peyton. I agree, but then got to thinking what would our season be like if he was here and missed the first 3 games max

So The team and fans know manning will be back week 3, No need to sign Kerry Collins, we will just use painter for 3 weeks.

Week 1 - Texans

Even with Manning in at qb I think we would have still lost this game. Not nearly as bad as we would with Painter or Collins but Still we would start the season 0-1.

Week 2 - Browns

After a pretty brutal week 1 beating by the texans. Painter realizes he needs to get into a rhyme with this team and Brings us a very close and very tight game, giving us a record of 1-1.

Week 3 - Steelers

If we all remember this was a very close game, one we could have even won..but we failed to do so simply because our offense couldnt get the ball rolling. Well in the imaginary simulation I am attempting to create. Painter would have been behind center all game and give us a 27-24 victory. But dont give the offense the credit for this win, it still goes to our Defense. 2-1

Week 4 - Tampa Bay

This week is when Manning comes back, and the fans see that we have a good shot of finishing this season and being the first team to play at home for the superbowl. But dont get you hopes up yet! Manning has a pretty mediocre game and our defense gets murdered. but Luckly for us, Manning does what has always done, covers up our defensive mishaps and our offense scores fast and early. so now the D just plays with their ears pinned back and makes this game closer than it should have been with a score like 24-21 or something. giving us a 3-1 records

Week 5 - Kansas City

This is more like Mannings home coming, and with another week of extra practice our team blows the chiefs apart. Nothing more to say, Manning has more time with the receivers, we are at home, and The Chiefs are a victim to a Manning-Slaughter. 4-1

Week 6 - Bengals

Bengals have been playing very good this year, and so good that I think they could have even potential beat us with Manning under center. Making it 4-2

Week 7- Saints

Mannings actual homecoming. The Rematch of the Superbowl the colts lost, Alot of hype and anger going into the game. Manning must seek revenge. Unfortunately our defense gives the saints this game. Not nearly as bad as what really happened but still like a 35-27 loss. 4-3

Week 8- Titans

Colts come in to this game on a 2 game losing streak. Titans are our AFC south rival and we pretty much own them at their field. 5-3

Week 9- Falcons

Another game at home and finally our teams seems to be firing on all cylinders. Defense steps up big, offense does what the offense would normally do and we win at home going 6-3

Week 10- Jags

Easy win, Jags suck..7-3

Week-11 Bye

Week 12- Panthers

Cam newton makes our defense looks horrible. The kid runs and throws all over this team and we have no answer for it but to keep driving our offense out there. Now we do get a few turnovers on D and that really becomes the difference in the game going 8-3

Week 13- Patriots

This is a game everyone in the world watches, not knowing what team will come out on top. both very powerful offense and to average to poor defenses. Colts lose unfortunately giving them a 8-4 record.

Week 14- Ravens

These games are usually decided by field goals. except this time Ray lewis and his defense get to manning and make his whole game off balance. Ray rice has a big game and we lose yet another game going 8-5 for the season.

Week 15-17

We beat the titans at home and get ready for our week one rematch against the Texans. Texans come to LOS and get Manning does what he does best at home. and thats WIN. So we are sitting at 10-5 on the season and Go against one of the worse teams in the nfl. The jags... Now we already have a strong hold on the AFC south and are in the playoffs no matter how this game goes. Caldwell and Their staff do that dumb thing they do every year. Rest the starters after the first half. we lose and go 10-6 for the season

The Imaginary 10-6 with Manning or 0-16 Without manning.

How do you think the season would have went.

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You say in the beginning that he may likely have missed the 1st two or three games and then turn around and have them winning two of the three and sitting at 2-1 after those 3 games???

I would say it's safe to say that even if Manning were working his way back and didn't play those 3 games -- they would have played out almost exactly like they did and they would have lost all 3.

So, after starting 0-3, over the next 13 games I could see Manning leading the team to a record of 8-5 which would have left them about 8 - 8 this season.

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