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The Colts in the 21st Century


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I bet he could use that five grand right about now.

Probably. He certainly didn't make the money Peyton made, or had his career. Still , he was close to Unitas. Unitas also liked Peyton, as he knew him from Archie. The one guy Unitas never liked was Bob Irsay. His , and Joe Thomas's disrespectful treatment of him , was never forgiven or forgotten .

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Probably. He certainly didn't make the money Peyton made, or had his career. Still , he was close to Unitas. Unitas also liked Peyton, as he knew him from Archie. The one guy Unitas never liked was Bob Irsay. His , and Joe Thomas's disrespectful treatment of him , was never forgiven or forgotten .

He was traded in the twilight of his career. Its happened many times in the history of the league. He was a shadow of his former self in the seasons leading up to his trade

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He was traded in the twilight of his career. Its happened many times in the history of the league. He was a shadow of his former self in the seasons leading up to his trade

That may be true, but Unitas hated Irsay and Thomas because they promised to give him a heads up on a trade, and renigged on a promise of money . His treatment by these two clowns in 1972, and the subsequent trade to San Diego , was eerily similar to the Irsay press conference with Manning, at least in my opinion. Irsay's treatment of Unitas in 1972 set a bad tone for his ownership in Baltimore . As an out of towner from Chicago, he had no idea how people from Baltimore felt about Unitas. Other than making money, he just didn't know how to be a good owner. He was so out of touch, he hardly knew any

of the Colt player's names, and referred to most of them as " Tiger."

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That may be true, but Unitas hated Irsay and Thomas because they promised to give him a heads up on a trade, and renigged on a promise of money . His treatment by these two clowns in 1972, and the subsequent trade to San Diego , was eerily similar to the Irsay press conference with Manning, at least in my opinion. Irsay's treatment of Unitas in 1972 set a bad tone for his ownership in Baltimore . As an out of towner from Chicago, he had no idea how people from Baltimore felt about Unitas. Other than making money, he just didn't know how to be a good owner. He was so out of touch, he hardly knew any

of the Colt player's names, and referred to most of them as " Tiger."

He could have retired.

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IMO as a Indy fan I agreed with the popular sentiment easily because Peyton Manning was & much more to this city "  LOS  the house that Peyton built "  & the state  18 's many charitable works a  Lombardi , Both on & off the field Peyton Manning is a class act  he brought to Indy that winning attitude if he had a decent defense his 4'th quarter heroics may have not been needed co often .


PB     18 has on several occasions expressed his admiration & appreciation of Johnny U & what he accomplished & once I believe he asked the NFL to allow him to add something to his Uni to acknowledge Unitas  but was denied by the No fun League .


 Lastly I'v always felt Peyton Manning was the Johnny Unitas of the modern day Colts & IMO Unitas would be great in any era .




I agree. If Johnny U could have played with these passer friendly rules....wooohooo:)

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Manning just had the best season in his career. Not even close to the same situation

I am sure Johnny didn't think he was finished at the time he went to San Diego. Remember, Peyton had the neck deal where things were not clear. Even Irsay's buddy talked about retirement in another ill-advised tweet

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I grew up in Maryland, that's why I was a Colts fan. I just stayed true is all. Robert Irsay was an * sometimes, but I stayed true cuz I love the Horseshoe.

I'm not faulting you if that's how you feel. I am personally loyal to the horseshoe pre- 1984. In that, I am loyal to the history of the Baltimore Colts, and their ex-players. I am loyal to my home city and state, which is why I am now a Raven's fan. I have nothing against the Indianapolis Colts, but as they are from Indiana, I could follow them no more than I could the Pacers. The Colts happen to wear my old team's colors and logos, but to me, it's a totally different team, in a different time, but the same ownership family. The second generation ownership is much more competent than the first. Some of you see the same lineage as a franchise, which is fine. Even though both teams had the horseshoe, it is as different as the Brooklyn Dodgers and LA Dodgers.

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I just had to chuckle myself. but I agree wholeheartedly:) I grew up in Maryland but stayed loyal to the Horseshoe::)

It was a Maryland writer in this article, but I also saw stories in the Indy Star and elsewhere with a more Indy slant. As we all know, the truth and full story lies somewhere in the middle. To be fair, looking back at it through the prism of time 30 years later, I find fault with both Irsay and the city of Baltimore which caused the Colts to leave . I think the hardest thing was for the fans , who always get it in the neck when these things happen. We never left the Colts, they left us. I know attendance was down at the time, but you had to be there to understand the situation. Irsay was such a bad owner, it was hopeless. The Elway debacle was just the final in a series of debilitating events along with trading Bert Jones and Rodger Carr. Baltimore supported the Colts with sell outs pre Irsay , and the Ravens have been selling out games since 1996. Unfortunately, this was a perfect storm for a franchise to move. I never knew sitting in Memorial Stadium for that game against the Oilers, that it would be my last Baltimore Colts game. I'm just glad I was one of the 20,000 or so that was there.

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Why does it always turn into an Indy/Baltimore thing in here?  And if you who comment are really Colts fans, you should be fan regardless of where they play.  Let me ask you guys this.  Lets pretend that the Colts moved to LA like next year.  LA Colts.  Would you still follow them?  Would you say that Peyton Manning never played in LA so he shouldn't count as one of the best Colts players?  Or what if the LA fans said the Indy fans were a bunch of crybabies for losing their team?


Look, I don't live in Indy or Baltimore. I am a Colts fan since Bert Jones.  I don't care where they move, I will always be a Colts fan.  I have no idea why some of you act like the Colts came to be the day Manning was drafted.  Or put down older Baltimore fans.  Give the Baltimore fans credit.  Some live in Baltimore and remain Colts fans.  That is a true fan.


You have to feel for the Baltimore residents.  It is not their fault their government screwed up things with Robert Irsay.  And from what I have read, I don't think he had much choice but move.  The Baltimore residents didn't ask for that.  I am sure they would have loved to keep the Colts.  I don't know why there has to be this hate and bickering in here.  We are all COLTS fans.  The means from John Unitas to Andrew Luck.  Embrace all of it.  It is their history.  Can't pretend it didn't happen.

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You have to feel for the Baltimore residents.  It is not their fault their government screwed up things with Robert Irsay.  And from what I have read, I don't think he had much choice but move.  The Baltimore residents didn't ask for that.  I am sure they would have loved to keep the Colts.  I don't know why there has to be this hate and bickering in here.  We are all COLTS fans.  The means from John Unitas to Andrew Luck.  Embrace all of it.  It is their history.  Can't pretend it didn't happen.

No one pretends it did'nt happen .  I'm from L.A   It Happens  the Chargers back in the day , the Rams & the Raiders I feel ya somehow no one gets it , Right ?  Well I do L.A is now building or going to build a stadium in hopes of attracting a team unless you the people own the team it can be moved just like any other business in the nation .


Baltimore residents voted in support of there government & voted down much needed improvements that would have kept the Colts .


Any hate & bickering I'v ever witnessed come from Baltimore fans . The hate runs deep & petty , I recently read a story about a Unitas grand daughter  I believe it was who works for Andretti Racing here in Indy & her family is not happy she's here in the Hoosier state . IMO it mostly comes from Baltimore who claims victim even after stealing the Browns & there front office who quickly  won a Superbowl congrats Baltimore sorry about your Luck Cleveland .


 Clearly the Colts have a great history & at some point all Colts fans can agree we are fans & thats all that really matters the only differences are the ones we make & focus on , I for one would rather enjoy my Colts in the here & non ..


Letting go  is hard for some .   The past is a bridge that has been built & maybe its time to get over that bridge ..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not faulting you if that's how you feel. I am personally loyal to the horseshoe pre- 1984. In that, I am loyal to the history of the Baltimore Colts, and their ex-players. I am loyal to my home city and state, which is why I am now a Raven's fan. I have nothing against the Indianapolis Colts, but as they are from Indiana, I could follow them no more than I could the Pacers. The Colts happen to wear my old team's colors and logos, but to me, it's a totally different team, in a different time, but the same ownership family. The second generation ownership is much more competent than the first. Some of you see the same lineage as a franchise, which is fine. Even though both teams had the horseshoe, it is as different as the Brooklyn Dodgers and LA Dodgers.

I can't disagree with your reasoning there. I do look at all Colts players from all the eras as Colts. I have nothing against the Ravens, they have done a great job in a short time, and I think Ozzie has had a big part in that. I'm some Cleveland fans would disagree, but loyalty is an individual choice. just irks me to still hear some complain about the move is all.

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Probably. He certainly didn't make the money Peyton made, or had his career. Still , he was close to Unitas. Unitas also liked Peyton, as he knew him from Archie. The one guy Unitas never liked was Bob Irsay. His , and Joe Thomas's disrespectful treatment of him , was never forgiven or forgotten .

I think that was more  Thomas, but Rob Irsay went along. The last few years, Irsay was already planning to leave  and was a lost cause. Unitas should have never been treated like that, end of career or not

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I can't disagree with your reasoning there. I do look at all Colts players from all the eras as Colts. I have nothing against the Ravens, they have done a great job in a short time, and I think Ozzie has had a big part in that. I'm some Cleveland fans would disagree, but loyalty is an individual choice. just irks me to still hear some complain about the move is all.

It's fine if you like all the Colts . I don't dislike the Indy Colts, they are just not my team. I like many of their players Manning , Luck, Redding , Jones to name a few. I think you would find that the majority opinion in Baltimore is , they understand and accept the move itself. They know a new stadium should have been built, and the politicians moved way too slow. They would have just preferred the logos and records for the Baltimore Colts retired , and Irsay named the new Indianapolis team something else, like the Ravens did with Cleveland. It's just hard sometimes when you see the 1950's and 1960's bucking Colt hats being trotted back out by Irsay. I think everyone is beyond the move, it's just putting history in the right context sometimes becomes an issue.

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Not sure how many of you bothered to watch the old video near the top of this page:




Before we had a team, one of the radio stations in Indy broadcast a "fake" game with the Bengals - using actual crowd noise from the Bengals games and everything - to give the fans some idea what it would be like to have a pro team and listen to it on the radio.


Their name for the Colts was the "Indianapolis Lasers."


I dunno, too much like "Losers" for my taste!



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I think that was more  Thomas, but Rob Irsay went along. The last few years, Irsay was already planning to leave  and was a lost cause. Unitas should have never been treated like that, end of career or not

You are right about Joe Thomas, he treated Unitas with complete disrespect , and Irsay didn't stand up to him. You bring up a good point with this. This was 1972, and this incident soured Irsay 's relationship with the fans, media , and local politicians almost immediately. Thomas made some good moves that helped get the Colts three division titles in 75, 76, and 77, but as a person , he was a complete jerk. Irsay actually fired Howard Schnellenberger and replaced him with Joe Thomas as head coach mid season. So Thomas was GM and head coach ! You can draw a direct line , in my opinion, why Irsay got off to a horrible start in dealing with fans and the media. It didn't help getting the support of local politicians for a new stadium. I don't think Thomas and Irsay fully understood what Unitas meant to Baltimore, or the history of the NFL . For the record , Johnny knew he only had a few years left, and he would be traded. He was just given assurances from Thomas and Irsay on money , and what teams he would be traded to. They broke those promises to Unitas.

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Not sure how many of you bothered to watch the old video near the top of this page:




Before we had a team, one of the radio stations in Indy broadcast a "fake" game with the Bengals - using actual crowd noise from the Bengals games and everything - to give the fans some idea what it would be like to have a pro team and listen to it on the radio.


Their name for the Colts was the "Indianapolis Lasers."


I dunno, too much like "Losers" for my taste!



I think I've told you it's too late for the Colts logo to come back to Baltimore. We have the Ravens, and you guys have a 30 year history with the Colts name and logo. This is my opinion , but probably a majority opinion in a Baltimore is that we would like the old Baltimore Colts records retired. In fact, modern Indy Colts have already retired many of these records involuntarily . We would like to see the Hall of Fame have a seperate section for the old Baltimore Colts, and be able to fly our Colt Championship banners flown in Baltimore , since they are not flown in Indy. Those who enjoy both eras, still have the Baltimore and Indianapolis eras of the Colts. Heck, keep paying Irsay for Baltimore Colt retro gear, he would sell a heck of a lot more of it in Baltimore with these acts of goodwill. It would be good business on top of that

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