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Cap is official-$133 Million-Does this change our approach?

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The official cap number is not set. Adam Schefter tweeted it and http://www.overthecap.com,

has confirmed the number. It was supposed to be 130M, but they guess due to the CBS Thursday night deal possibly, it got bumped up further. 10M more than last year, and they believe it goes to 140M in 2015 and 150M in 2016, which are some hefty increases. They do note though that projection of the cap often turns out wrong. They never expected this year to go up as much as it did, and they question the estimates going forward. Regardless, it is a significant bump considering how the cap had been stagnant for the last two years. I know a few teams are very happy. Dallas and New Orleans to name two. Can you believe Dallas is still 17M over the cap, and if you throw in their estimated rookie class signings, it will be about 22M. Our estimated rookie signings are about 700K due to our draft picks, or lack thereof.


OK, so I am going to pretend, hope and prey that we cut Satele. That takes us up to just under 45M under the cap. So the question is, does this change what we plan to do in Free Agency, since we have more cash. I know we have to keep an eye out on next year, since we have to extend TY, Dwayne and Coby. Yes, I believe both TE's get extended, and in my opinion the sooner the better. All three are in the plans going forward, and extending them earlier makes more sense. This is the 49ers MO, and it works well. Establish your core young players you want to keep and extend them a year earlier because it is cheaper this way. I would also like to think about extending Luck after next season so we could keep his cap number at a reasonable number if we extend after the 3rd year, but the extensions are up for debate.


The important thing right now is, with 45M assuming Satele gone, due we go after any of the higher marguis players, like Mack if he is not franchised. The cap growing adds to the argument that we could afford to buffer the line at one of the most important positions. The talk of Decker is getting louder, and before the cap going up, I was dead set against it. I have softened my thoughts a bit, but only if we can get him at around 8M/yr. I think that is still a risk, but he is tall, has good hands, and in time I think he will improve. Luck will make him better just like Peyton did, but I can go either way on that one. In the end, with the extra cap room, I would like Mack, DeLapuente, or the Packers center, and then the rest we have to see who gets franchised, let go, etc. I would not mind thinking about Red Bryant. Seattle released him today, and he can clog up that middle. Would not mind Bennett either. Both could be good additions to the line, and would not cost an arm and a leg.


Let me know your thoughts please. I think the cap going up to 133M changes the way we have to think a bit. It really puts us in a good position. If we cut Satele, we will have more cap room than we did last year. Never thought I would say that. 45 Million!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On a side note, I want to thank whoever was the one to post the site overthecap.com. It is a great site. I never thought capology could be so interesting, and it has great articles and insight. If you look at all the teams going forward, beyond 2014, we are in great shape!

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Definitely think it gives us the luxury of picking up a marquee player or two. with the increase i too wouldn't mind seeing Decker brought in for $9 million per year. Get a centre such as the GB guy for 6.5 and maybe a cheap guard for competition for 4, that makes for an awesome offence imo. That leaves 20 million for defence so could resign Davis for 8, get a safety for 6 and  an ILB for another 6. Then go BPA in the draft and get some depth at D line. 

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If it does not rise, then we are stuck with getting rid of players.  IMO, it would be better to go as if the raise will not happen than to go after the high price FAs this year and the raise doesn't happen and we have to release our players.

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No doubt. Imagine Ryan Grigson's smile on his face after hearing it went up. He has a ton of cash and room to work with. In now way am I saying we are going to spend all of it, but I am saying Im sure Grigson has a plan in place with all this cash and wiggle room. GO COLTS

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Considering all the marquee players being re-signed or tagged...there may not be very many left worth spending the extra $$$$ on. There might be some attractive cap casualties but they are usually cap casualties for a reason...they don't warrant the salary cap jujitsu necessary for cap-strapped teams to keep them.


Leading to the one thing I hope does NOT happen....which is that we overpay for above-average (non-Pro Bowl level) free agents by virtue of the resulting supply and demand.


Evan Deitrich-Smith and Brian Dela Puente are two cases of what I'm talking about. They are good centers....but not 7-8M a year good. We can upgrade C for less.


We have a good problem in that there is plenty of cap space....but not if we reward mid-level guys with Pro Bowl money.

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Considering all the marquee players being re-signed or tagged...there may not be very many left worth spending the extra $$$$ on. There might be some attractive cap casualties but they are usually cap casualties for a reason...they don't warrant the salary cap jujitsu necessary for cap-strapped teams to keep them.


Leading to the one thing I hope does NOT happen....which is that we overpay for above-average (non-Pro Bowl level) free agents by virtue of the resulting supply and demand.


Evan Deitrich-Smith and Brian Dela Puente are two cases of what I'm talking about. They are good centers....but not 7-8M a year good. We can upgrade C for less.


We have a good problem in that there is plenty of cap space....but not if we reward mid-level guys with Pro Bowl money.


EDS, all this love for a guy (UDFA) who had never played in more than 6 games till last season. His 5th. Better than Satele of course,  a fine journeyman.

Green Bay thinks they have someone else that should be enough to replace him i believe.

de la Puente, another UDFA. He made $2M last season. Has been on 6 teams since he joined the NFL.


 We would be lucky to have either one after what Grigson has put us through the last 2 seasons.

 But the good news is, Holmes will be good.

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EDS, all this love for a guy (UDFA) who had never played in more than 6 games till last season. His 5th. Better than Satele of course,  a fine journeyman.

Green Bay thinks they have someone else that should be enough to replace him i believe.

de la Puente, another UDFA. He made $2M last season. Has been on 6 teams since he joined the NFL.


 We would be lucky to have either one after what Grigson has put us through the last 2 seasons.

 But the good news is, Holmes will be good.

That would be the ideal outcome.


As long as we don't go high-$$$$ at C and upgrade from Satele we oughta be okay. But EDS and DLP could get very inflated offers thanks to the money Mack gets.....and we should avoid that.

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