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What did Adongo do?


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He recovered a muffed squib kick in the 3rd(?) quarter. That's about all I saw from him.


He ran about 15 yards to attempt to catch that though (iirc) and the general rule is that you don't run back for the ball, you let the next line run up for it. I assume he got a talking to by the coaches for that.

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maybe they can work him in more but I doubt it.  It would be like trying to start a Cricket player at Center field because he's an athlete and he swings a stick and can field against all the other players who played college baseball, worked their way up through the ranks and busted all their knuckles off to get there..... i sooooo hope he can be put in soon even having said the aforementioned.  Big supporter of hard work!!!

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maybe they can work him in more but I doubt it.  It would be like trying to start a Cricket player at Center field because he's an athlete and he swings a stick and can field against all the other players who played college baseball, worked their way up through the ranks and busted all their knuckles off to get there..... i sooooo hope he can be put in soon even having said the aforementioned.  Big supporter of hard work!!!

As a few said on the original Adongo thread a few months back, it's not even across the positions.  There are some positions where the chances of anyone transferring from rugby are basically nil (QB most obviously, CB too I'd suggest).  There are some which would seem much easier and logical and could be done quickly for the right players (TE, MLB, SS).  Outside linebacker/rusher is somewhere in the middle.  The role he played in his rugby career really has very little in common with that position other than you have to be able to tackle. So he's basically an athlete starting from scratch.


At least this three game stretch will give them a chance a try him in a few situations.

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