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Things I noticed during tonights game.

Legend of Luck

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1. All of the Titans success came on the SAME routes. Just simple crossing routes across the middle. The biggest mistake of the night was that we kept playing Freeman and Angerer on Kendall Wright and he SCORCHED them. They couldnt cover him to save their jobs.


2. Antoine Bethea had a terrrrrrrible game. EVERY time he lined up in man coverage he lost. He just couldnt catch up. He allowed the final TD as well.


3. Our D line is simply not good enough. We cant create pressure outside of Mathis, period. 





1. Donald Brown is a boss. Who the heck is this guy? Ive never seen THIS Donald Brown before. He looks like a first round pick now! Just WOW.


2. SO PROUD of Coby. What a game. Big plays when they mattered most. I have supported him all season. Thats the type of performance that I saw during camp.


3. DHB is worthless.



Slow Starts:


I think the best way to avoid the slow starts on offense is to go no-huddle, up tempo, with the emphasis on PASSING. Once we get a few conversions, then run up the gut and gash the d.



Anything else stand out to you guys tonight?


SOOOO Thankful we won. 7-3 baby! 

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1. All of the Titans success came on the SAME routes. Just simple crossing routes across the middle. The biggest mistake of the night was that we kept playing Freeman and Angerer on Kendall Wright and he SCORCHED them. They couldnt cover him to save their jobs.


2. Antoine Bethea had a terrrrrrrible game. EVERY time he lined up in man coverage he lost. He just couldnt catch up. He allowed the final TD as well.


3. Our D line is simply not good enough. We cant create pressure outside of Mathis, period. 





1. Donald Brown is a boss. Who the heck is this guy? Ive never seen THIS Donald Brown before. He looks like a first round pick now! Just WOW.


2. SO PROUD of Coby. What a game. Big plays when they mattered most. I have supported him all season. Thats the type of performance that I saw during camp.


3. DHB is worthless.



Slow Starts:


I think the best way to avoid the slow starts on offense is to go no-huddle, up tempo, with the emphasis on PASSING. Once we get a few conversions, then run up the gut and gash the d.



Anything else stand out to you guys tonight?


SOOOO Thankful we won. 7-3 baby! 




No ... nuttin else . You covered it very well.

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Slow Starts:


I think the best way to avoid the slow starts on offense is to go no-huddle, up tempo, with the emphasis on PASSING. Once we get a few conversions, then run up the gut and gash the d.



It seems to me the defense is the bigger reason for the slow starts. 


I wonder what goes into Manusky's game planning over the week because the D just looks confused out there for the first half.  Kudos for being able to adjust.  Seriously, that isn't easy to do.  Many teams struggle with mid game adjustments and it says a lot about our players and our coaching staff that they are able to get it done but, I mean, come on.  Got to get that D ready to go at kick off.

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Hugh Thornton played very well tonight, particularly in the second half.  Many of those huge DB rushes were sprung by blocks from him.


Thornton and Costonzo did a real good job. I liked the 3 tackle sets in the 4th quarter they worked well vs a pretty good defense. Let me just say that DB hits a crease so much faster than TR. TR is doing way too much dancing. DB hits a crease and he's to the 2nd level right now. TR just looks like he's 2 steps slower and too indecisive

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Thornton and Costonzo did a real good job. I liked the 3 tackle sets in the 4th quarter they worked well vs a pretty good defense. Let me just say that DB hits a crease so much faster than TR. TR is doing way too much dancing. DB hits a crease and he's to the 2nd level right now. TR just looks like he's 2 steps slower and too indecisive


And TRich never seems to break a tackle when he (rarely) finds some space.

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I saw a bunch of immature ill prepared punks out there in the first half whining because they lost to the Rams last week. "The Penalty Drive" should be replayed in their locker room every day. What the xxxx was that? Hey Coaches, are you watching you guys?! I am farthest from an expert but when a consistent pattern of late starts becomes the thing a team is recognized for it is time to change something NOW. Are we anxious to watch a playoff game where the Colts drag their butts for two quarters and end up losing by one point? I don't get this at all. It's like a stain on your couch that won't come out.

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