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Bitter Polian


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I am so tired of everyone trashing on Pollian, this guy did something most of us  including myself thought imposable getting to 2 super bowls & winning 1. Pollian was a victim of the Colt success, because as you win you have to pay your players or draft replacements every year, & take the rookie woes or the wrath of the fans for not keeping a veteran. In the end he did a great job! Last few years other than the last draft we didn't draft well but honestly it is hard when you draft at the bottom of the draft every year. Pollian won EVERYWHERE he ever went that is the fact. I have been a Colt fan since 1972 & let me tell you we at many times were looked at as the laughing stocks of the league for bad drafts horrible free agent pickups ect. All this with some sprinkled success. Honestly if the Patriots weren't so good & Dungy's son doesn't pass away we probably win more super bowls. Don't get me wrong, I like Grigson , but for all of you who have anointed  him as the second coming, if we keep winning how, or will he be able to maintain it? Who is he going to pay! How many draft picks will he continue to trade away? I for 1 am happy for the continued year in an year out success that Pollian & his staff did. He made the Colts prevalent & a super bowl contender year in an year out. Thank you Mr. Pollian!! And if Pollian doesn't think we are in the top 5 teams its his choice. Really I don't think we are. Yes we beat Sea. & SF, but HONESTLY if we played either in the Super bowl both would be favored over us, throw in NO, Den, NE, KC, GB. these are the top teams, we are like CIN. a box of chocolate, your just not sure what your going to get. Yes we all saw the Mia, Oak, SD, SEA, & Houston games. all close or loses. We got a chance but honestly we just got lucky & beat Houston, after that ugly SD game! this is who we are! With that said go Colts!!

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I am so tired of everyone trashing on Pollian, this guy did something most of us  including myself thought imposable getting to 2 super bowls & winning 1. Pollian was a victim of the Colt success, because as you win you have to pay your players or draft replacements every year, & take the rookie woes or the wrath of the fans for not keeping a veteran. In the end he did a great job! Last few years other than the last draft we didn't draft well but honestly it is hard when you draft at the bottom of the draft every year. Pollian won EVERYWHERE he ever went that is the fact. I have been a Colt fan since 1972 & let me tell you we at many times were looked at as the laughing stocks of the league for bad drafts horrible free agent pickups ect. All this with some sprinkled success. Honestly if the Patriots weren't so good & Dungy's son doesn't pass away we probably win more super bowls. Don't get me wrong, I like Grigson , but for all of you who have anointed  him as the second coming, if we keep winning how, or will he be able to maintain it? Who is he going to pay! How many draft picks will he continue to trade away? I for 1 am happy for the continued year in an year out success that Pollian & his staff did. He made the Colts prevalent & a super bowl contender year in an year out. Thank you Mr. Pollian!! And if Pollian doesn't think we are in the top 5 teams its his choice. Really I don't think we are. Yes we beat Sea. & SF, but HONESTLY if we played either in the Super bowl both would be favored over us, throw in NO, Den, NE, KC, GB. these are the top teams, we are like CIN. a box of chocolate, your just not sure what your going to get. Yes we all saw the Mia, Oak, SD, SEA, & Houston games. all close or loses. We got a chance but honestly we just got lucky & beat Houston, after that ugly SD game! this is who we are! With that said go Colts!!


Last year they said we played beyond our means........not sure they aren't going to say that about us again this year

Doesn't matter anyway.........we shouldn't diss someone who was so important to us


My favorite Bill Polian quote..........following a game with a bad call, on the post game radio show they were talking about what the officials had to say about it and Bill said.....


hmmmmmmm......sounds like the usual likely story.



I love that line.  Say it all the time myself now and think of Bill every time

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Last year they said we played beyond our means........not sure they aren't going to say that about us again this year

Doesn't matter anyway.........we shouldn't diss someone who was so important to us


My favorite Bill Polian quote..........following a game with a bad call, on the post game radio show they were talking about what the officials had to say about it and Bill said.....



I love that line.  Say it all the time myself now and think of Bill every time


That is possible but I look at it this way,  Once may be a fluke. Twice is reality

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I am so tired of everyone trashing on Pollian, this guy did something most of us  including myself thought imposable getting to 2 super bowls & winning 1. Pollian was a victim of the Colt success, because as you win you have to pay your players or draft replacements every year, & take the rookie woes or the wrath of the fans for not keeping a veteran. In the end he did a great job! Last few years other than the last draft we didn't draft well but honestly it is hard when you draft at the bottom of the draft every year. Pollian won EVERYWHERE he ever went that is the fact. I have been a Colt fan since 1972 & let me tell you we at many times were looked at as the laughing stocks of the league for bad drafts horrible free agent pickups ect. All this with some sprinkled success. Honestly if the Patriots weren't so good & Dungy's son doesn't pass away we probably win more super bowls. Don't get me wrong, I like Grigson , but for all of you who have anointed  him as the second coming, if we keep winning how, or will he be able to maintain it? Who is he going to pay! How many draft picks will he continue to trade away? I for 1 am happy for the continued year in an year out success that Pollian & his staff did. He made the Colts prevalent & a super bowl contender year in an year out. Thank you Mr. Pollian!! And if Pollian doesn't think we are in the top 5 teams its his choice. Really I don't think we are. Yes we beat Sea. & SF, but HONESTLY if we played either in the Super bowl both would be favored over us, throw in NO, Den, NE, KC, GB. these are the top teams, we are like CIN. a box of chocolate, your just not sure what your going to get. Yes we all saw the Mia, Oak, SD, SEA, & Houston games. all close or loses. We got a chance but honestly we just got lucky & beat Houston, after that ugly SD game! this is who we are! With that said go Colts!!

Without question this team has an issue with playing to the level of their competition.  That's not uncommon for younger teams.  Peyton and his early teams did that too.  You just kinda have to grow out of it.  The thing that is so encouraging about this team is that unlike most younger teams they are don't just do well under pressure they thrive under it.  I can't help but think that is going to payoff for years to come.  Honestly, I look at any winning the Colts do now or over the next year or two as kinda bonus.  Despite what everyone said the expectation was not for this team to be this good this soon.  If they thought that they would have kept Manning.  They expected rebuilding and even Irsay in one of his more recent interviews pretty much said he didn't expect this this soon but since we are here he wants us to be as good as we can be. 


Grigson is off to a good start but you are right the real challenges of sustaining the success lay a head of him.  Building with the end of the first round draft picks.  Figuring out who to pay and who not to pay because you can't pay everyone.  That's the thing about Polian that people don't really talk about in all his years as General Manager his teams failed to make the playoffs just seven times in 23 years and of those seven times four of them came within his first two years of taking over a team.  He didn't just win, his teams kept on winning.  Winning year in and year out like the Colts did under Polian is not what teams do.  They have ups and downs they are like the Giants, Steelers, or Packers where they are really good for two or three years take a step back, reload and then come back again.  The Colts didn't do that they just kept on winning.  Even New England had more down years during that run than the Colts did.  I think it's unrealistic to think Grigson will have the same kind of success.  Don't get me wrong I hope he does but I am not expecting it. 


I will add one thing he's also a victim of being a well known jerk.  People just don't like him and that makes it much easier to find fault with a guy you already dislike and harder to give him credit when he does well.  Case in point people don't like to blame Manning or Dungy because they like them more and are much quicker to point out their successes.  Honestly, Polian sealed his fate with Colts fans they day after the starters were yanked in the Jets game.  How he handled things on his radio show the next day just feed into people's anger and several people have never let that go and will never forgive Polian for it. 

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Unfortunately we found out what life was like without Peyton. Life without Bill, well, you've seen how well that goes. Still the most overrated guy in the NFL. His current behaviour just sums him up. He was even testy with his own fans when he was winning regularly. And the huge rush of relief from within the org was so telling after he was released.

Tells me all I need to know.

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Unfortunately we found out what life was like without Peyton. Life without Bill, well, you've seen how well that goes. Still the most overrated guy in the NFL. His current behaviour just sums him up. He was even testy with his own fans when he was winning regularly. And the huge rush of relief from within the org was so telling after he was released.

Tells me all I need to know.

Not to continue the bash, but Chris Polian did ONE Polian Corner on Colts.com and was a total jerk to the fans.  That was THE day I knew they had to go.


I wish we could go to archives to see the old 'testy' Polian Corners...loved them, but wow Bill was terse...and Chris was a 'butt-head.'


"Son, your are not Bill Polian."

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