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Eric Dickerson and Marshall Faulk to join the ROH


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jim irsay should have gone out of his way to heal the wounds left by his father with the baltimore colt players. maybe if he put as much effort into this as he does twitter it would have been done already. those players should be there, and it wouldn't have to be cheapened by putting marginal players there. it could be one of the best in football!

I think he is a guy that mostly looks ahead. , and not backwards. I think he is mostly interested in the team he has been part of 1984- present, and may be just leaving the other stuff in the past , and moving on. All together , it would be one of the most impressive ROH's.

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Please go back to your odd blasting Matt Schaub thread and exit here. You won't be missed.

That's your response to a deleted post? Oh no, I must be on the bitter old man's most hated list along with the Irsays and John Elway.

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That's your response to a deleted post? Oh no, I must be on the bitter old man's most hated list along with the Irsays and John Elway.

For the record , I don't have a Nixon- style enemies list, but there are certain sports figures I don't respect. I just never understand your comments . I don't care if you don't like me or my comments , but I don't even know what you're talking about most of the time .

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That's your response to a deleted post? Oh no, I must be on the bitter old man's most hated list along with the Irsays and John Elway.

You shall not fight.

Speaking of Elway can we put him in the Colts ring of honor along with Jeff George to show the low points of this franchise... and how we are so blessed to have two class acts like Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck back to back.

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Very good points. Its fine...it isn't my franchise to say who and who doesn't get honored. I would like to honor guys that contributed more to the franchise than just stats imo....maybe in the community...or to promote the team or city. These guys as far as I know haven't really promoted the team or organization too much down through the years. Your right...it isn't the HOF..so I kind of look for people who represent the Colts...these guys were great....my favorite two running backs outside of Barry Sanders growing up in my teens but I just don't see them trying to represent the city or the Colts....if that is what this is about....guess I just don't understand our ROH...no biggie...is it just about Indy why not baltimore colt players?? Is it just for on the field statistics or success or is it about what they brought to the organization and community and building the Colts legacy in Indy. Just have my questions.....Irsay can honor them if he wants....they were clearly great players....and had some great seasons with us too.

There is something to be said for doing stuff in community and things beyond stats.  Honestly that's why a guy like Bill Brooks is up there.  However, being the guy who pretty much ran the team into their first ever playoff game did have an impact on the community.  It made them care about the team at a time when people were really turning away from them because the novelty of football in Indianapolis had worn off and people realized they were just a bad football team.  I agree Dickerson was a jerk in terms of how he left but no question he made a major impact on the Colts in the early days of them being Indianapolis.  As for Faulk I'd agree he hasn't done much since he's left to promote the team.  Honestly it those things that have probably kept them off the Ring of Honor till now.  Dickerson was brought back when he went into the Hall of Fame and the Colts just recognized him fro going into the Hall and him and Irsay kinda made up.  Faulk by accounts didn't like Bill Polian, maybe now that he's gone Faulk is more friendly towards Irsay. 


I think the Ring of Honor in Indianapolis has pretty much been reserved for just Indy Colts although Uncle Ted's time in Baltimore is up there.  I just think putting old Baltimore Colts up there would be more a headache than it's worth.  People in Baltimore would scream bloody murder over it and honestly a lot of people in Indianapolis could probably care less.  You also have someone like Johnny U whose family would try to block it I am sure and then how to do you explain to fans that Johnny U isn't up there while other ex great Baltimore Colts are. 


The Colts have never said exactly what one has to do to go into the Ring of Honor.  I think they do that on purpose because it pretty much comes down to if Irsay wants to put you into it or not.  They have said it's more than just numbers, things like impact on the team, impact on the city and what not matter.  I think the best way to describe it is guys who meant a lot to the Indianapolis Colts franchise.  I know that's vague but I think you would have to get Jim Irsay to give you a better definition than that.  In a way it's a way to honor guys who are important to your team but aren't good enough to go into the Hall of Fame.  Jim Harbaugh is the perfect example of this.  The guy had probably the most special season in Colts history none Manning/Luck Division and some would probably say most special season including Manning/Luck Division but he's never going to sniff the Hall of Fame so the Colts want to have away to honor a guy like that because he meant a lot to the franchise.

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I agree with most of what has been said.. I definitely don't think Dickerson belongs up there.. It would be like putting Peyton in the HOF as a Bronco.

Manning will go into the Hall of Fame as a Bronco as well as a Colt.  They don't put you in as one team or another in the NFL HOF they list all the teams you played for.  Look up Richard Dent he's listed as an Indianapolis Colt Hall of Famer because he happened to play for the Colts for a year late in his career.  He's also listed as every other team he played for. 


Also I don't think the Ring of Honor is on the same level as a Hall of Fame or a retired number.  It's a way to honor guys who weren't good enough to get those honors per say but still meant a lot to your franchise.  The Rams have already given Dickerson and Faulk a higher honor by retiring their numbers. 

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The Baltimore Colts players are in the Ravens Ring of Honor. Not sure why Irsay doesn't have them in Indy. The Ravens have Ernest Byner in their Hall of Fame, which doesn't make sense as he's a Brown, but Modell wanted him in. Faulk and Dickerson have the stats to be in a Ring of Honor, but as I said, they are known more as Rams than Colts, by most. 


The owner can put anyone they want in the ROH, but does it make sense to the fans, and do they deserve to get in based on what they did for the team when they were there ? Brooks and Hinton I get being in there, although Hinton is more well known as being involved in one of the worst trades in NFL history for John Elway. Harbaugh was there for three years, which doesn't make sense to me. He is known mostly as a Chicago Bear quarterback.

I think Byner is in there because he played and coached for the Ravens for a while.  He's like a Ron Stark or Ray Donaldson with the Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts he just got caught up in the move and kinda belongs to both cities. 


I would agree when people think of Faulk and Dickerson they remember them as Rams first but both had major contributions as Colts as well.  I don't think anyone would argue they will be remembered as Colts before Rams.  I am just saying, and I think you agree here, that just because they were great as Rams doesn't mean their greatness with the Colts shouldn't be recognized. 


Harbaugh is probably the most beloved player from the days before Manning and to some still is the most beloved player.  He also had maybe the most special season in Indianapolis Colts history.  To the Colts in Indianapolis he means a lot.  Just like Ted Marchibroda being up there.  If you look at his record guys like Jim Caldwell and Jim Mora had better records than him but I have a feeling neither will ever go into the Ring of Honor.  He was just the Head Coach of the Colts for a special season and was their color guy on radio broadcasts for a while.  That's the great thing about a Ring of Honor you can put those kinds of guys in it without them having to be one of the NFL's all-time greats.  The fact that we have guys Dungy, Harrison, and Edge up there who will be joined by the likes of Saturday, Manning, Wayne, etc makes it a truly special ring of honor but it's also nice to say thank you to the Hintons, Marchibrodas, Harbaughs, and Brooks of the words as well. 

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jim irsay should have gone out of his way to heal the wounds left by his father with the baltimore colt players. maybe if he put as much effort into this as he does twitter it would have been done already. those players should be there, and it wouldn't have to be cheapened by putting marginal players there. it could be one of the best in football!

He has with several he brought the whole 1975 team to Indianapolis to honor them before a game.  Raymond Barry has been on their sidelines for games before.  He will pretty much take care of any ex-Baltimore Colt there is.  Some don't want to be honored by Jim Irsay and there is nothing he can do about that.  I think the Ring of Honor is something he has pretty much reserved for people in Indianapolis and I laid out the reasons I think that in a post before.  I could be wrong but I don't think it's because Irsay isn't willing to reach out to those former players. 

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He has with several he brought the whole 1975 team to Indianapolis to honor them before a game.  Raymond Barry has been on their sidelines for games before.  He will pretty much take care of any ex-Baltimore Colt there is.  Some don't want to be honored by Jim Irsay and there is nothing he can do about that.  I think the Ring of Honor is something he has pretty much reserved for people in Indianapolis and I laid out the reasons I think that in a post before.  I could be wrong but I don't think it's because Irsay isn't willing to reach out to those former players. 


i know about the hard feelings with people/players here in the baltimore area. i am someone that believes that there is always a way to get something done if you really want to. i don't just throw my hands up and say they aren't co-operating and forget about it. if i were in his position, restoring colt history would be a top priority for me and would keep trying until i accomplish it. i am sure it doesn't mean anything to young fans that only know the indianopolis colts.

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Manning will go into the Hall of Fame as a Bronco as well as a Colt.  They don't put you in as one team or another in the NFL HOF they list all the teams you played for.  Look up Richard Dent he's listed as an Indianapolis Colt Hall of Famer because he happened to play for the Colts for a year late in his career.  He's also listed as every other team he played for. 


Also I don't think the Ring of Honor is on the same level as a Hall of Fame or a retired number.  It's a way to honor guys who weren't good enough to get those honors per say but still meant a lot to your franchise.  The Rams have already given Dickerson and Faulk a higher honor by retiring their numbers. 


I'm pretty sure you know what I meant

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