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at least 3 more Broncos injured today OL, DL, Other, dont know severity no time tio read article


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I can only hope this means that Peyton packed up the injury bug and took it with him when he moved.  It overstayed it's welcome in the Indy area!

Why would you say that? It could just as easily infect our squad...Sigh...I never openly embrace player injuries ever. Really a shortsighted statement IMO...


Also, beating a team at full strength carries more satisfaction that one limbing & riddled with injury That Guy. JMO.

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None of these sound too serious.  



Good to see that Jacob Tamme and Sylvester Williams were back at practice....


....Sounds like Orlando Franklin might have to sit out some pre-season games



Well, I'd rather get snake bit now with the injury bug in August vs say November. Hang in there Peyton...  


tight end Jacob Tamme returned to practice, but he was limited and didn't participate in team drills , no details were noted on how much Sly Williams prcaticed  (( but I imagine easing both in is normal, u dont want sudden stress ))


Joel Dreessen, was scheduled to undergo a knee scope Monday and is expected to be out 3-4 weeks. ( they are hoping I read elswhere he can play Vs Ravens , same with Cromartie )




are ?? marks on degree of  new injuries  but as of now here is where I see it & things could be worse so for teams sake hope not


Starting right tackle Orlando Franklin left practice after suffering a leg injury. He was on the ground for several minutes after going down in a drill. Franklin was helped up, but limped off the field under his own power.

Source: #Broncos T Orlando Franklin injures hip in prax. So far X-rays of that area are negative. Franklin is sore and receiving treatment.

(((( X rays are nothing  save for ruling out overt fractures , not stress fractures  but doubt a stress fracture occurred with an injury , need MRI to evaluate soft tissues if feel is a tear , hip injuries can be nil or linger & last awhile 2-4 weeks even just with bad bruise and no tears pending degree of injury to soft tissues  - if no MRI taken, its a good sign nothing is felt to be torn by team medical staff  ))))
& no update on Vikerson while Carter came back out and practiced so have to wait to hear exactly what that means, hopefuly its nothing for that team and hes back soon
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The Broncos moved right guard Louis Vasquez to right tackle and inserted newly signed Ryan Lilja to right guard. Manny Ramirez stayed at center.


There were times when Lilja, who is small by modern-era lineman standards, didn't match up well against defensive tackle Derek Wolfe. Then again, Lilja was on his couch a few days ago as a retired player. And Wolfe was arguably the NFL's top rookie defensive lineman last season.


Had copied this in an e-mail yesterday , know i saw same in some tweets on practice, but forgot to copy link 

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Broncos' Franklin day-to-day with hip injury


Franklin then had a MRI on the hip later Monday.

The results of the MRI showed no significant damage


and   considered by the Broncos coaches as day-to-day at this point. He is not expected, however, to play in Thursday night's preseason game in San Francisco.


Pendings Liljas Physical conditioning 


 When Franklin left Monday's practice, Louis Vasquez, who signed to a four-year deal in free agency, was moved into Franklin's right tackle spot and Ryan Lilja, who was signed only last Thursday, moved into Vasquez' right guard spot.


The Broncos would likely stick with that alignment in Franklin's absence if Lilja is ready physically for increased work


Lilja said he considered himself to be retired when the Broncos called last week. He had knee and toe surgeries early in the offseason.




Meanwhile with Clady still recovering the LT goes to 


 backup Chris Clark has been working at Clady's left tackle spot. 


As a whole the position ( LT ) continues to represent the biggest point of uncertainty for a Super Bowl hopeful. 

But Broncos coach John Fox remains optimistic. 

"We feel good about where we are in the offensive line,'' Fox said




This is what u call a state of constant flux ! ! ! ,

Fox may feel good but I guarantee u thats said just for the public 

Just to many variables and no depth left worth anything 


Manny never started an NFL game at Center & I think Vasquez last was a RT in HS but not sure

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