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Painter And The Draft


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im just wondering what "if" painter comes in the next few weeks or season and plays very well do we still draft qb this year or wait if we cant get luck

also remember painter only played 1 meaningful game in his career and it was only what a half a game

jets was a top ranked defense that was fighting for their season in which most of the starters where out

steelers pretty good team on the defense side of the ball

also both fumbles were hits from his blind side

remember this is expecting peyton back healthy do we focus on defense?

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In my opinion:

IF Peyton is 100% healthy AND Painter proves that he is a suitable backup QB, then I don't see the point in investing a draft pick in a quarterback. I'd much rather see them load up for more PM led SB runs - with the one provision that if the front office sees the absolute perfect guy (whomever that might be) drop to them then they would have to seriously consider it. (And see the threads about trading down and trying to have our cake and eat it too).

IF Peyton is 100% healthy AND Painter proves that he is NOT a suitable backup, than they probably use a lower pick on another QB.

IF Peyton has serious lingering doubts about his health, than trying to grab a franchise QB overrides all other concerns. We'd be in rebuilding mode, and without a franchise QB you aren't going anywhere.

Obviously it would be nice for Painter to prove that he can be a suitable starter, but that would likely only result in him being traded down the road.

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Unless Painter has such a good season that he proves he can be a starter I still think we should use either the first or second round pick for a QB. With Manning's surgery he may be healthy and play just as well as before, but he is one bad hit from retirement. Also he will be 36 next season, this team needs to plan for the future.

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In my opinion:

IF Peyton is 100% healthy AND Painter proves that he is a suitable backup QB, then I don't see the point in investing a draft pick in a quarterback. I'd much rather see them load up for more PM led SB runs - with the one provision that if the front office sees the absolute perfect guy (whomever that might be) drop to them then they would have to seriously consider it. (And see the threads about trading down and trying to have our cake and eat it too).

IF Peyton is 100% healthy AND Painter proves that he is NOT a suitable backup, than they probably use a lower pick on another QB.

IF Peyton has serious lingering doubts about his health, than trying to grab a franchise QB overrides all other concerns. We'd be in rebuilding mode, and without a franchise QB you aren't going anywhere.

Obviously it would be nice for Painter to prove that he can be a suitable starter, but that would likely only result in him being traded down the road.

Agreed...and perhaps one of the reasons I'm going to be cheering for Painter most...I want a lot of defensive picks this year. :D lol

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Odds are if Painter plays well we aren't going to be poistion to draft Luck so the problem takes care of it's self.

very true. Painter could play well but the colts still lose due to the secondary, so there could still be a high pick but not the #1.

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Id just really like for Painter to play well enough to remain the starter. I didnt like bringing in Collins from the beginning. I understood it but i didnt like it. i dont like bringingin outside guys at QB. Especially for a bandaide. Collins IMO is not a Colt. Painter may not be good, but he is a Colt so I would rather watch my Colts with a Colt QB regardless.

The only way I would want a new QB that played for another team is in the case like the Cards and Kolb. A young guy you plan on being the franchise QB. I dont like a guy from the outside coming in and playing QB for a year and then gone unless hes a back up and stays on the sideline. Ive always loved how we build from the inside. I like using FA signings to fill roles and depth. QB just seems too sacred of a position for lack of a better word.

We win about 4 games maybe and draft in top 5 and surround Peyton with talent and improve at DB and Oline in the draft. Maybe take a midround developmental QB we could see being a Starter in 3 or 4 years. Pick a guy with potential and a high Ceiling. We dont need a guy that is pro ready, unless Mannings injury is a bigger problem than we expect.

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I think Luck is going to be one of the best QBs to come out of the draft that weve seen in awhile. I have more faith in the colts to think they will end up with the worst record in the NFL when its all said and done, and I believe whoever does get the 1st overall pick will take him. However with this being said I still wouldnt take luck if I was Polian. I would trade the pick for an extra 2nd round and 4th round or something of that nature. Manning will be back for atleast 2 yrs. if we got a good quality 2nd round QB I would be happy. I meen think about it even a 2nd or 3rd round QB with 2 to 4 yrs under Peyton 101 would end up being a very good long term QB for us after peyton is done. The past QBs weve gotten in the draft where late round pick ups that no other teams wanted. Hard for manning to mold anything out of what hes been given as backups, The main reason I say these things are because We have ALOT more needs on this team other than a QB. I would like to see 1st round WR. 2nd QB, CB. 3rd SS. 4th OL, DT. 5th C. 6th LB. and 7th whoever is left with the most potential . Painter may end up helping this team out its to early to tell I meen he hasn't been good in the past but seems to have matured a bit and hasn't really got to play with all the starters in the past besides a few preseason games but even if he wins us a few games I would still go after a QB in 2nd or 3rd. I just don't have enough faith in painter to be our future QB

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