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Melvin Bullitt Needs Season Ending Surgery


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I've asked this before and not gotten a reply. Anyone know Jamie Silva's status now that Bullitt's down?

Jamie silva was slow like really slow lol, only part of the team he was good on was special teams cause the player ran to him.. that being said im sure he's still a free agent.

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I thought we would want to get away from that philosphy,dependent on one player has caused us to be contender's for the first pick in the draft.

It also had us contending for Super Bowls when that guy is healthy. I don't know if the Colts want to change how they are built or not because I am not in on team meetings (no duh I know). I think some fans want that change but I get the idea from listening to the Colts talk they 1, don't think they are built that way, and 2, aren't wanting to change how they are built.

Also, it doesn't change what I think Smitto was trying to say, if we had Manning this team would win games even with the other holes. I could be 100% wrong on that too. I am just telling how I read what Smitto was saying which is what he was saying QB was the only real poistion of need.

I am not saying we should ingore the other poistions of need either. We need to address them but right now the biggest issue is the QB poistion and that's the main reason we aren't winning. If we had better QB play the other poistions would still be holes but they wouldn't be as big of an issue.

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It also had us contending for Super Bowls when that guy is healthy. I don't know if the Colts want to change how they are built or not because I am not in on team meetings (no duh I know). I think some fans want that change but I get the idea from listening to the Colts talk they 1, don't think they are built that way, and 2, aren't wanting to change how they are built.

Also, it doesn't change what I think Smitto was trying to say, if we had Manning this team would win games even with the other holes. I could be 100% wrong on that too. I am just telling how I read what Smitto was saying which is what he was saying QB was the only real poistion of need.

I am not saying we should ingore the other poistions of need either. We need to address them but right now the biggest issue is the QB poistion and that's the main reason we aren't winning. If we had better QB play the other poistions would still be holes but they wouldn't be as big of an issue.

Than what happens if peyton does not play or get's hurt again?I think the colts will get away from the that,without peyton we are a draft lottery team.They may be forced to change.Some changes had begun before the injury upgrading the o-line and drafting carter.I also think our defense was built with peyton in mind,that could change as well.I can see us trying to get bigger on defense while still having speed.Life without peyton may not happen{hopefully}for sometime but it is best to be prepared.I recall smitto was very critical that the colts put the whole team on one player.This was back when peyton was injured.I know what he was saying,i have said it myself.The point is whether we can build a team entirely around one player,anymore.P.S.how can corner not be a major need?

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Team needs now include:








we may need to draft a SS but that is not our main priority. CB is #1 priority going into next year. we are solid on the DL for now... so basically best available player in secondary, maybe even a LB if they are top 5 draft pick caliber. OL is also a priority given that Saturday and Diem are aging. qb remains to be seen. depends on whether peyton can make a comeback.

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Sarcasm,i am just saying with joe do we really know what we have?I hope to heck he develops into a player for us,i just want to see more.

I kinda figured that was sarcasm... i think with time lefeged will be a really good player for the colts... best way to do that is get a pic in your first game.

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He's listed as a LB wonder if they would use him as SS. He's big though 6"4 244. Apparently he has coverage skills and could be a solid 3rd and long LB. Not sure what the Colts are going tonuse him for.

Its probably LBer depth now that Angerer is the starting MIKE and will not play OLB the rest of the year. Sims is still injured and the Colts need a backup for Conner and Wheeler. Still have Triplett though...man we are getting t h i n.

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Than what happens if peyton does not play or get's hurt again?I think the colts will get away from the that,without peyton we are a draft lottery team.They may be forced to change.Some changes had begun before the injury upgrading the o-line and drafting carter.I also think our defense was built with peyton in mind,that could change as well.I can see us trying to get bigger on defense while still having speed.Life without peyton may not happen{hopefully}for sometime but it is best to be prepared.I recall smitto was very critical that the colts put the whole team on one player.This was back when peyton was injured.I know what he was saying,i have said it myself.The point is whether we can build a team entirely around one player,anymore.P.S.how can corner not be a major need?

Then we struggle like any other team built around their super star QB and they lose him. What did you not want us to get tools for Peyton Manning to use? Then we would have people complaining that we are wasting Manning by not giving him the tools he needs to win. Every team has holes it's what the sallary cap forces. Again I am not saying the Colts should just ignore them. We should try to correct them but it's going to cause holes on other parts of team. IF Peyton can't come back at all they we rebuild or we draft Andrew Luck or another QB in the first round.

I agree corner is a need, I have said I hope we use our first round pick on a play making corner next year if we don't use it on a WR to be groomed to replace Reggie Wayne.

With that said, we aren't losing this year because of cornerback play. We are losing because of a lack of a super star QB. If Manning was healthy I think we would be winning games even with the suspect cornerback play.

The Colts are tweaking a few things, but they aren't going to throw everything out the window. The core of how everything is built is going to remain the same and that's with the offense in first and foremost.

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Then we struggle like any other team built around their super star QB and they lose him. What did you not want us to get tools for Peyton Manning to use? Then we would have people complaining that we are wasting Manning by not giving him the tools he needs to win. Every team has holes it's what the sallary cap forces. Again I am not saying the Colts should just ignore them. We should try to correct them but it's going to cause holes on other parts of team. IF Peyton can't come back at all they we rebuild or we draft Andrew Luck or another QB in the first round.

I agree corner is a need, I have said I hope we use our first round pick on a play making corner next year if we don't use it on a WR to be groomed to replace Reggie Wayne.

With that said, we aren't losing this year because of cornerback play. We are losing because of a lack of a super star QB. If Manning was healthy I think we would be winning games even with the suspect cornerback play.

The Colts are tweaking a few things, but they aren't going to throw everything out the window. The core of how everything is built is going to remain the same and that's with the offense in first and foremost.

I am not suggesting tearing it all down but rather becoming less dependent on a 36 year old with a bum neck.We started to make some changes even before peyton got hurt.We drafted bigger o-lineman and a power back,that was something in the past we did not do.As you state the obvious in which without peyton we are losing,we know that.The pats won 11 games without brady one year.So it can be done if you have a more complete team.

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I am not suggesting tearing it all down but rather becoming less dependent on a 36 year old with a bum neck.We started to make some changes even before peyton got hurt.We drafted bigger o-lineman and a power back,that was something in the past we did not do.As you state the obvious in which without peyton we are losing,we know that.The pats won 11 games without brady one year.So it can be done if you have a more complete team.

Yeah smaller changes the system as a whole didn't really change.

The Pats were not built around Brady. They were built around their head coach, defense and running game. If Brady went down for the year now I don't think you would see the Pats win 11 games because they are much more dependent on Brady than they were. The Colts are built around Manning and it's the way they are going to stay till Manning is done or till there is a change in GMs. It's how Polian has built all his teams. Get a QB and built around him. He's not going to just change that.

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I remember when people were all over this guy instead of Bob and claimed his ability to stay healthy as his strongpoint. It's unfortunate that this happened, what is it about SS on the Colts? The more we progress into the season, the more I'm becoming convinced that our first pick (if we can't get Luck) should be a DB.

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I will say i am excited to see what these guys can do,it will go a long way in what our off season rebuilding will be.

Oh definitely, it may sound mean or whatever and i hope bullit and brackett both get healthy but the colts have just gotten better and more aggressive at both positions.

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Yeah smaller changes the system as a whole didn't really change.

The Pats were not built around Brady. They were built around their head coach, defense and running game. If Brady went down for the year now I don't think you would see the Pats win 11 games because they are much more dependent on Brady than they were. The Colts are built around Manning and it's the way they are going to stay till Manning is done or till there is a change in GMs. It's how Polian has built all his teams. Get a QB and built around him. He's not going to just change that.

I am talking about more balance on offense{edge days}to take pressure off peyton,i think it's not wise to continue to put it all on a 36 year old qb with a neck problem.Polian finally realized that with his upgrade on the line and the drafting of carter.

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I am talking about more balance on offense{edge days}to take pressure off peyton,i think it's not wise to continue to put it all on a 36 year old qb with a neck problem.Polian finally realized that with his upgrade on the line and the drafting of carter.

and I am not disagreeing with you about that, I never have.

I am just saying two things.

1. That's a minor change not a major change like switching the style of defenses for example. Yes they want to be better at running the ball but the offense is still going to be built with Manning in mind first as it should be. Even with Manning out we are throwing the ball 40 times a game. It's pretty clear the Colts are set up to be a passing team first.

2. That the team as it is set up now would win if we had Manning back with the holes. That's the largest problem right now.

It's not our only problem and I have said I think we should keep addressing issues. I am not saying we should just ignore things and now make small changes I am just saying I can see why Smitto listed QB as our main need right now because even with all the other issues with a healthy Manning our team has proven they can win with those other holes. That's all.

The other stuff I just answered your question like what happens if Manning gets hurt again, we strugle just like a team like the Saint would struggle if Brees went down. That's the risk reward you play whe you have a super star player and it's why they get paid so much they are that good and it's very difficult to replace them if they get hurt as we are seeing.

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and I am not disagreeing with you about that, I never have.

I am just saying two things.

1. That's a minor change not a major change like switching the style of defenses for example. Yes they want to be better at running the ball but the offense is still going to be built with Manning in mind first as it should be. Even with Manning out we are throwing the ball 40 times a game. It's pretty clear the Colts are set up to be a passing team first.

2. That the team as it is set up now would win if we had Manning back with the holes. That's the largest problem right now.

It's not our only problem and I have said I think we should keep addressing issues. I am not saying we should just ignore things and now make small changes I am just saying I can see why Smitto listed QB as our main need right now because even with all the other issues with a healthy Manning our team has proven they can win with those other holes. That's all.

The other stuff I just answered your question like what happens if Manning gets hurt again, we strugle just like a team like the Saint would struggle if Brees went down. That's the risk reward you play whe you have a super star player and it's why they get paid so much they are that good and it's very difficult to replace them if they get hurt as we are seeing.

You have got to admit the last 5 years this team has considered the run a afterthought.We all screamed when we lost the charger playoff game and superbowl because we could not pick up 3rd and shorts.Our offensive line was neglected with sub par players.I mean we knew we couldn't run so we did not even try.So i know you say it's minor but i think it's bigger than that.Now i do agree this is still a qb driven league,and without a qb your dead.I want peyton protected and what better way than having a diverse offense that keeps defenses off balance.

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You have got to admit the last 5 years this team has considered the run a afterthought.We all screamed when we lost the charger playoff game and superbowl because we could not pick up 3rd and shorts.Our offensive line was neglected with sub par players.I mean we knew we couldn't run so we did not even try.So i know you say it's minor but i think it's bigger than that.Now i do agree this is still a qb driven league,and without a qb your dead.I want peyton protected and what better way than having a diverse offense that keeps defenses off balance.

I don't think they thought it was an afterthought, if they did they wouldn't have drafted Brown in the first round. I just think they thought the issue was the back at first (and in fairness so did most Colts fans at the time) than the o-line. They tried to fix the wrong thing.

The line wasn't neglected, this is what happens when you have a true bust in Ugoh and Pollack isn't a total bust but he's only a step above it (although I like him and I am not really sure why) follow that up with a bad move with Lilja and you just can't have that many mistakes in one spot and not feel it.

It's the ground game that has payed for Polian's mistakes more than any other spot on the team. I wouldn't call it an afterthought as much as I would say it's moves that haven't worked out.

The Colts have also traded some run blocking for pass protection the past couple of years. This year we have seen them give up some pass protection (Link) in favor of a better run blocker and it is showing some results.

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I don't think they thought it was an afterthought, if they did they wouldn't have drafted Brown in the first round. I just think they thought the issue was the back at first (and in fairness so did most Colts fans at the time) than the o-line. They tried to fix the wrong thing.

The line wasn't neglected, this is what happens when you have a true bust in Ugoh and Pollack isn't a total bust but he's only a step above it (although I like him and I am not really sure why) follow that up with a bad move with Lilja and you just can't have that many mistakes in one spot and not feel it.

It's the ground game that has payed for Polian's mistakes more than any other spot on the team. I wouldn't call it an afterthought as much as I would say it's moves that haven't worked out.

The Colts have also traded some run blocking for pass protection the past couple of years. This year we have seen them give up some pass protection (Link) in favor of a better run blocker and it is showing some results.

The 2 guys you mention pollack and ugoh were 2nd round picks,i felt we needed to get lineman sooner{stafford instead of hughes}.We finally drafted a stud in costanza.Charlie johnson was a starter at left tackle and is basically a back up.I felt peyton hid the deficiencies the o-line had with his ability to get rid of the ball fast.Can we argue the failure to put competent player's {left tackle}actually contributed to peyton's injury?So in closing i do believe that the colt's were lacking in addressing peyton's needs in both the run and in pass protection.Polian has never drafted a o-lineman in the first round until this year...why?Maybe he saw the need to invest in a left tackle that should have been here sooner.To bad for peyton it didn't come sooner.

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I remember when people were all over this guy instead of Bob and claimed his ability to stay healthy as his strongpoint. It's unfortunate that this happened, what is it about SS on the Colts? The more we progress into the season, the more I'm becoming convinced that our first pick (if we can't get Luck) should be a DB.

I'm almost 97% convinced it's going to be Claiborne or one from the Alabama duo.

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The 2 guys you mention pollack and ugoh were 2nd round picks,i felt we needed to get lineman sooner{stafford instead of hughes}.We finally drafted a stud in costanza.Charlie johnson was a starter at left tackle and is basically a back up.I felt peyton hid the deficiencies the o-line had with his ability to get rid of the ball fast.Can we argue the failure to put competent player's {left tackle}actually contributed to peyton's injury?So in closing i do believe that the colt's were lacking in addressing peyton's needs in both the run and in pass protection.Polian has never drafted a o-lineman in the first round until this year...why?Maybe he saw the need to invest in a left tackle that should have been here sooner.To bad for peyton it didn't come sooner.

Yeah second picks are fairly high picks in fact we gave up a first rounder to get Ugoh because he was the last lineman in the draft the year he came out with a first round grade on him so some view him as a first round pick because that's what we gave up for him. It's not like he tried to address it with late round picks and undrafted free agents.

No we can't argue the failure to put competent players at the left tackle spot helped contribute to Peyton Manning's injury. He was still one of the least sacked QBs in the NFL and did not take very many bone jaring hits. He's a QB in the NFL, they all get hit at some point, Manning was hit much less than most QBs in the league. Also early reports are he first suffered the injury in the Redskins game in 2006 when Glenn, a pro-bowler, was the left tackle. So I don't think many would call Glenn a sub par left tackle.

Polian didn't have to draft an o-lineman in the first round till this year because till 2007 we had one of the best o-lines in football in terms of run blocking and pass blocking. Then Glenn retired, we lost Jake Scott to free agency and Lilja was hurt. He then traded a first round pick in the 2008 draft for a 2007 pick to take Ugoh to try to address the left tackle spot. Ugoh then busted out. It took time to figure that out and once he did Polian drafted a tackle in the first round to try again.

Polian has tried to to address the o-line and ground game in recent drafts they just haven't worked out so going back to your orginal point I don't think it's been an after thought as much as it has been guys they took not working out and the Colts are paying for it. The good news is that Addai and Carter seem to be giving us a spark and Castonzo and Reitz both look like keepers so the future looks good in that department.

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