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This Board will have a Meltdown if the Colts draft......

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T'eo? At #24? Really Jeremiah?


Since the college season ended, has T'eo shown anything in workouts or interviews or off the field news stories that he is worth a 1st rounder?


He is a MASSIVE reach at #24. He would bring a 'Tebow-like' media storm with him. And he would get destroyed in the locker room.


No thanks.

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With the #24th pick in the NFL 2013 draft the Colts select...Mr. Irrelevant.  




With the #24th pick in the NFL 2013 draft the Colts have traded the rights to Andrew Luck and the 24th pick to Baltimore for Curtis Painter and a second round pick in 2014....


Full meltdown.

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I don't know if we want people all over the world doing the TEO. I think he is a great LB but I definitely don't want that story following my team.

There's not really a story to follow. Some people won't let it go, but it's long over.

That said, the only defensive positions we are really solid at are FS and ILB, so I'd be shocked if we took him. But happy too. I think the kid's a stud. That said, we have multiple other needs in a year with a low amount of draft picks.

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