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Dwight Freeney, John Abraham to meet Broncos; Dumervil looks elsewhere , nothing definitive


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You covered a lot of ground there in your response. Yes, I have always liked Wes Welker even when he was a WR in Miami & his career skyrocketed in NE. Am I letting my passion for Wes blur my objectivity? Perhaps a little, but despite his age he can still deliver on the intelligence & field production front IMO. I don't give a darn what other football organizations do & Dwight Freeney has zero relevancy in a Wes Welker contract discussion. Other than to say they are 2 veteran players who contributed a lot to their franchises & both were not signed to a new contract with their most familiar clubs. A completely different situation in both cases. 


Nope. I disagree 100%. Mentioning that status of contract negotiations with a player is one thing, but discussing how much you offered a player to the media is completely out of bounds. You don't do that under any circumstances ever. And another thing, Wes Welker's contract was driven by incentives not guaranteed money. So, when Robert Kraft says NE offered Welker a better contract with more money than Denver did, that's not entirely accurate. Again, Kraft can talk about Wes Welker's loyal years of service to the Patriots organization, how much his team mates & the coaching staff loved him on the field & in the locker room, & he can wish him success down the road with his new team, but the fans never need to know what the Pats offered Wes ever. Very non "Patriot Way" if you ask me personally. The only thing Robert Kraft & Bill Belichick is obligated to do for the fans is put a Championship caliber team on the field every single season. If Robert & Bill does that, ticket & jersey sales will remain high, the stadium still makes a handsome product, & fans & ownership are happy & content. 


I also disagree with you on Welker's dropped balls & level of production. Sometimes a change of scenery does a veteran player wonders in the long run. Wes is gonna fit like a glove in Denver. "1 person's trash is another person's treasure." 

It has been nice discussing this with you even though we don't see eye to eye.


I am not sure where your loathing of discussing contracts is coming from. The Pats have done it in the past, most recently Kraft spoke to Peter King in detail about Brady's new extension, explaining guarantees, etc. Also, pretty sure Elway explained the Doom deal ad nauseum to the point that we knew the exact hour and minute the late fax arrived. I don't particularly like it either but I think Kraft felt the fanbase deserved an explanation on what happened. I am for one am glad he did. And Welker's camp responded so no harm, no foul.


And in terms of Welker, you have said that he has been disrespected but has he ever said that? When he was introduced in Denver all he did was thank the Patriot organization.  I have not heard one sour grape from that man last year or this year.


One other note, Welker did not carry the Pats to the SB in either 2007 or 2012. Moss caught 23 TDs an NFL record in 2007 and also caught what looked to be the game winner in the SB until Eli worked his magic. In 2012, Gronk set the NFL record for TDs and yardage for a TE and most believe had he even been at 80 percent for the SB, the Pats would have won. Of course that SB ended with Welker's infamous drop. Again, I know you love Welker but I think you are over stating his contributions to the Patriots a bit. He was a durable guy that caught a ton of balls and moved the chains and BTW, was paid handsomely for his efforts all six years including the franchise tender last year at age 31. And don't forget the Pats gave up a #2 and #7 pick for him (they gave up less a #4 pick for Moss) when no one knew who he was other than a punt returner for Miami. The Dolphins had tendered him a contract of $1.34 mil in 2007 as that is what they thought he was worth. So again, this idea that the Pats somehow disrespected him when he went to play for Denver for 1mil more a year is laughable. If anyone is looking at revenge, it is Brady who took a below market deal so the Pats could retain Welker. I would think he will have something to prove when the Pats meet Denver moreso than Welker who clearly left for the money.

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Look amfootball, I respect you & your football knowledge. But, Freeney is a much better fit in Denver than he ever was under HC Pagano. I also want the Pats to do well & they will just fine like a precision clock. Tick, Tock, Tick...

Wes Welker will also do well. The interesting thing to me is this: If Wes wins a ring with the Broncos, which team is gonna retire as? A member of the NE Patriots or the Denver Broncos?

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It has been nice discussing this with you even though we don't see eye to eye.


I am not sure where your loathing of discussing contracts is coming from. The Pats have done it in the past, most recently Kraft spoke to Peter King in detail about Brady's new extension, explaining guarantees, etc. Also, pretty sure Elway explained the Doom deal ad nauseum to the point that we knew the exact hour and minute the late fax arrived. I don't particularly like it either but I think Kraft felt the fanbase deserved an explanation on what happened. I am for one am glad he did. And Welker's camp responded so no harm, no foul.


And in terms of Welker, you have said that he has been disrespected but has he ever said that? When he was introduced in Denver all he did was thank the Patriot organization.  I have not heard one sour grape from that man last year or this year.


One other note, Welker did not carry the Pats to the SB in either 2007 or 2012. Moss caught 23 TDs an NFL record in 2007 and also caught what looked to be the game winner in the SB until Eli worked his magic. In 2012, Gronk set the NFL record for TDs and yardage for a TE and most believe had he even been at 80 percent for the SB, the Pats would have won. Of course that SB ended with Welker's infamous drop. Again, I know you love Welker but I think you are over stating his contributions to the Patriots a bit. He was a durable guy that caught a ton of balls and moved the chains and BTW, was paid handsomely for his efforts all six years including the franchise tender last year at age 31. And don't forget the Pats gave up a #2 and #7 pick for him (they gave up less a #4 pick for Moss) when no one knew who he was other than a punt returner for Miami. The Dolphins had tendered him a contract of $1.34 mil in 2007 as that is what they thought he was worth. So again, this idea that the Pats somehow disrespected him when he went to play for Denver for 1mil more a year is laughable. If anyone is looking at revenge, it is Brady who took a below market deal so the Pats could retain Welker. I would think he will have something to prove when the Pats meet Denver moreso than Welker who clearly left for the money.

I wouldn't call it contract loathing. Think of the Pittsburgh Steelers & the Rooney ownership or the NY Giants & the Mara family. Both NFL franchises run a tight ship regarding player contract negotiations & I have always respected that personally. 


"And in terms of Welker, you have said that he has been disrespected but has he ever said that? When he was introduced in Denver all he did was thank the Patriot organization.  I have not heard one sour grape from that man last year or this year." If Welker felt respected, he'd be in a NE Patriots uniform right now not a Denver Broncos uniform period. 


"Welker did not carry the Pats to the SB in either 2007 or 2012." Everytime Brady needed a vital 1st down in the 4th Qtr. he went to Welker not Moss. Welker was Brady's security blanket who are we kidding? Did Welker carry the Pats to the SB all by himself? No, but please don't act like his contributions to your squad were insignificant. Thank you. 


I love how people blame Welker for drops in 2007 & 2012, yet they had plenty of other opportunities to win both SBs. The NFL is a team sport not Tennis or Golf. Also, even if Wes had caught Brady's pass in 2012, there's no guarantee that NE wins that game either. Strange stuff happens in SBs from nerves, to power failures, to bad zebra calls, to bad clock management etc. etc. 


Actually, the owner Robert Kraft signs all the players checks. He determines which players stay & which players go not Tom Brady. 

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I wouldn't call it contract loathing. Think of the Pittsburgh Steelers & the Rooney ownership or the NY Giants & the Mara family. Both NFL franchises run a tight ship regarding player contract negotiations & I have always respected that personally. 


"And in terms of Welker, you have said that he has been disrespected but has he ever said that? When he was introduced in Denver all he did was thank the Patriot organization.  I have not heard one sour grape from that man last year or this year." If Welker felt respected, he'd be in a NE Patriots uniform right now not a Denver Broncos uniform period. 


"Welker did not carry the Pats to the SB in either 2007 or 2012." Everytime Brady needed a vital 1st down in the 4th Qtr. he went to Welker not Moss. Welker was Brady's security blanket who are we kidding? Did Welker carry the Pats to the SB all by himself? No, but please don't act like his contributions to your squad were insignificant. Thank you. 


I love how people blame Welker for drops in 2007 & 2012, yet they had plenty of other opportunities to win both SBs. The NFL is a team sport not Tennis or Golf. Also, even if Wes had caught Brady's pass in 2012, there's no guarantee that NE wins that game either. Strange stuff happens in SBs from nerves, to power failures, to bad zebra calls, to bad clock management etc. etc. 


Actually, the owner Robert Kraft signs all the players checks. He determines which players stay & which players go not Tom Brady. 

Yes, I agree. But I would not say the Pats are tight lipped. Kraft has discussed contracts because he gets it like no other owner. He understands the deals he needs to talk about like Brady and Welker and the ones he does not need to discuss like Talib, Wilson, etc. Again, he has to keep his season ticket holders happy and ALL contracts are public so things need to get addressed from time to time. I will admit with the Welker discussion he seemed defensive. Probably because he has taken a lot flak for it understandly. I think if Welker had went to the Titans instead of the Broncos no one would care or at least not as much. 


I was not blaming Welker for the SB loss in 2012 but more refuting your point about him being the guy to get the Pats there. It was Gronk that carried that team that year and would have been the biggest difference maker in the SB. The dropped pass from Welker could have easily been Gronk's ball if he is healthy and that hits him right between the numbers given he is almost a foot taller than Welker. It is what it is but that pass unfortunately is the one that lingers in Patriot fans minds understandably. I know Welker will never forget it either. Such is life.


Funny that you bring up the fact that Kraft signs the checks. I thought his "I don't answer to Tom Brady" was his most disingenuous comment of the interview. Of course he answers to Brady on some level because he is the cash cow for him. I mean he said himself he spent 18 months negotiating Brady's contract extension because he wanted Tom to retire a Patriot. I doubt he or Bill has negotiated that long with any other player ever. I mean why when Welker signed with Denver did he have Amendola on speed dial if he does not answer to Brady? It was a ridiculous statment.

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Look amfootball, I respect you & your football knowledge. But, Freeney is a much better fit in Denver than he ever was under HC Pagano. I also want the Pats to do well & they will just fine like a precision clock. Tick, Tock, Tick...

Wes Welker will also do well. The interesting thing to me is this: If Wes wins a ring with the Broncos, which team is gonna retire as? A member of the NE Patriots or the Denver Broncos?

What's going on with Freeney? Is Elway talking to him?


I could care less what team Welker retires as.


And I wouldn't hold my breath on Denver winning a ring. Their defense got worse and they still have not addressed LBs or secondary...or have they? Have not been following them that much.

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If Osi signs with the Falcons, Broncos need to make a move on Freeney or Abraham. It is what it is.


Broncos aren't even looking at Osi


trifecta for agent Tom Condon, since doom started with him has been ,as onl;y abe isnt represented by him, Osi to Falcons, Doom to Ravens , & Freenery to Colts, we shall see who real winner is


JUst like the fired agent, Condon seems like he just may be the winner


Tom Condon factor in Elvis Dumervil saga? 3 horses in 4-horse pass rush race


Condon represents Elvis Dumervil, most recently with the Broncos, the New York Giants’ Osi Umenyiora and the Indianapolis Colts’ Dwight Freeney. The fourth, Atlanta’s John Abraham, is represented by Tony Agnone/Rich Rosa.


A home run for Condon, then, would be to sign Dumervil with the Ravens, Freeney with the Broncos and Umenyiora with the Falcons



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