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Vilma's Lawsuit vs Goodell Dismissed


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Vilma is going to push it to the limits, as he has already done. Now I am one of the most outspoken people against bounty gate and thinking it was totally blown out of proportion but none of this has helped either. The NFL controls this, which has been proven with the whole "bounty" crap. This was not some big story broken by great journalism. The NFL created this problem, they control it, and they will control this. He's just wasting his time.

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Mr. Vilma had to know that this character defamation lawsuit had no leg to stand on. The fact that he's been fully reinstated & was paid his full salary again game check wise is all he could really expect to win here. I always revert back to the fact that during CBA negotiations the Saints gave the NFL Commissioner sweeping disciple authority for 10 years. You get what you pay for or what you fail to stop, slow down, or cripple anyway. 

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Vilma is going to push it to the limits, as he has already done. Now I am one of the most outspoken people against bounty gate and thinking it was totally blown out of proportion but none of this has helped either. The NFL controls this, which has been proven with the whole "bounty" crap. This was not some big story broken by great journalism. The NFL created this problem, they control it, and they will control this. He's just wasting his time.

I think Vilma's lying and Brees is lying..

Of course there were bounties....and of course Vilma paid $10,000 for a hit....

Goddell didnt make those numbers up...

Like Lance Armstrong and Pete Rose..you just keep lying and badmouthing those who accuse you.

The Saints created this problem... and they should have quit it when they were asked to 2 1/2 years ago..

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I think Vilma's lying and Brees is lying..

Of course there were bounties....and of course Vilma paid $10,000 for a hit....

Goddell didnt make those numbers up...

Like Lance Armstrong and Pete Rose..you just keep lying and badmouthing those who accuse you.

The Saints created this problem... and they should have quit it when they were asked to 2 1/2 years ago..




There is bounties on all teams. Of course, I will not deny that, but to say the Saints created this problem is ridiculous. Bounties have went on forever. Look at Jerry Glanville and Buddy Ryan. Ryan actually admitted to this, many teams have admitted to it. Just a few years ago the Ravens were busted running bounties, no big witch hunt to destroy their organization. Do you really think they stopped it? Everything else I think is a load of crap. Bounties have went on forever. if you are going to crucify one team for it, you might as well just admit that it's been part of the league's culture for a long long time. Where is the proof of it 2 and a half years ago? I think Goodell is full of it. The NFL indeed created this problem. This was no break through from crusading journalism, just like the Michael Vick case. No one, absolutely NO ONE reported Vick's stuff until AFTER he was arrested. NFL Security knew about it all along and did nothing until the FBI got involved. I 100% believe Goodell made an example out of the Saints just to battle the lawsuits from former players.



Like Brett Favre said "there is a bounty on you every single play, it's football you are going to get hit."

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