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Should there be a rule to stop teams from contacting other coaches....?


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until the Super Bowl is done?


The Bears requested to talk to Arians and the Chargers will most likely do it...


Its becomes a distraction and the its most likely the last thing Arians is thinking about...I just wish they would be respectful and wait...If i were Jim, i would give Arians top money for him to stay...hes much too valuable and can help Luck develop to be amazing....

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It falls on to the coaches and teams.  Teams contact other teams asking for permission.  The latter team can say no since they want to wait until their season is over or they can say yes and say that the coach has given them hard work and deserves the opportunity to look for a head coaching position, if he so desires.  If a team does say yes, the coach can also tell that team that he prefers not to talk about it until after the season is done.  So while a team like the Chargers might say they are interested in BA, that doesn't necessarily mean they have contacted him.  Perhaps they have and BA has told them he will answer their questions after the playoffs and might even promise them that they will be the first team he contacts once the Colts' season is over.

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Arians can't interview until the Colts are done. Now if the Colts had a bye this week then he could interview with anyone. 


Well, that's what I thought too but this link, that was posted in another topic in the colts forum, says differently.  http://espn.go.com/blog/afcsouth/post/_/id/45805/the-policy-dictating-potential-arians-interviews


In particular:


Should they win, here’s what the league’s rules on tampering dictate could happen going forward:

“For assistant coaches of clubs that participate in a Wild Card game and advance to the Divisional Playoffs, interviews must be conducted after the Wild Card games and prior to the conclusion of Divisional Playoff games. An inquiring club is permitted only one interview with an assistant coach while his team is competing in the postseason, and there shall be no other direct or indirect contact between any employee or agent of the inquiring club and the assistant coach or any representative or agent of the assistant coach.”


The article says that these are the league's rules on tampering but doesn't provide a link to the official NFL rules so I'm still completely sure this is 100% accurate. 


i do agree though that all interviewing should be done after the SB has finished, for all teams, not just playoff teams.  That way all coaches are on equal footing and have an equal shot at every open position.  Case in point was last year, had Baltimore gone to the SB then we likely wouldn't have Pagano as our HC because the Colts may not have wanted to wait around that long to finally make a hire, so Pagano would have never even had a shot. 

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Arians can't interview until the Colts are done. Now if the Colts had a bye this week then he could interview with anyone. 


Right on. Teams can't interview assistant coaches during the season. However, there is an exception during the plaoffs, because there is a timely nee for non playoff teams to fill their HC position.  In this case (quotes)-


"The NFL does allow teams to request permission to interview a postseason participant's assistants during the wild card week for teams who have the bye that week. They can also request permission to do so during the first week of Super Bowl preparations as long as there is a two-week break between the conference championships and the Super Bowl. The team only has one chance to talk to the assistant coach, once permission is granted, before the coach's team is eliminated from the playoffs."


Arians can focus on OC dutiesthis week, even if permission is sought and granted, because we don't have a bye and our season is not over yet. At least until Monday.  Then he can interview, win or lose.


I found this-



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I am fine with how the rules that are in place. The rules give some wiggle room, but also controls things so you do not have a coach out there interviewing when he has a game that Sunday.

I do not think they should stand in the way of someones career. If we had a bye and Bruce wanted to interview with a few teams that think is best for his career then more power to him. Who are we to stand in the way of his career path?

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I am fine with how the rules that are in place. The rules give some wiggle room, but also controls things so you do not have a coach out there interviewing when he has a game that Sunday.

I do not think they should stand in the way of someones career. If we had a bye and Bruce wanted to interview with a few teams that think is best for his career then more power to him. Who are we to stand in the way of his career path?


Exactly. Manning just endorsed Mike McCoy his OC at Denver for his interviews with several teams.

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Well, that's what I thought too but this link, that was posted in another topic in the colts forum, says differently.  http://espn.go.com/blog/afcsouth/post/_/id/45805/the-policy-dictating-potential-arians-interviews


In particular:




The article says that these are the league's rules on tampering but doesn't provide a link to the official NFL rules so I'm still completely sure this is 100% accurate. 


i do agree though that all interviewing should be done after the SB has finished, for all teams, not just playoff teams.  That way all coaches are on equal footing and have an equal shot at every open position.  Case in point was last year, had Baltimore gone to the SB then we likely wouldn't have Pagano as our HC because the Colts may not have wanted to wait around that long to finally make a hire, so Pagano would have never even had a shot. 



Right on. Teams can't interview assistant coaches during the season. However, there is an exception during the plaoffs, because there is a timely nee for non playoff teams to fill their HC position.  In this case (quotes)-


"The NFL does allow teams to request permission to interview a postseason participant's assistants during the wild card week for teams who have the bye that week. They can also request permission to do so during the first week of Super Bowl preparations as long as there is a two-week break between the conference championships and the Super Bowl. The team only has one chance to talk to the assistant coach, once permission is granted, before the coach's team is eliminated from the playoffs."


Arians can focus on OC dutiesthis week, even if permission is sought and granted, because we don't have a bye and our season is not over yet. At least until Monday.  Then he can interview, win or lose.


I found this-





I stand corrected. They must have changed that recently. 

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I stand corrected. They must have changed that recently. 


that rule is why Broncos Mcoy as at least 3 if not now 4 interviews this weekend for HC, dont know if its a rule but know he has to do it in Denver, teams have to come to him, that may be Broncos rule ??


see  post on Mcoy interviews , after posted I now hear a 4th team is interested



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that rule is why Broncos Mcoy as at least 3 if not now 4 interviews this weekend for HC

Yeah, I knew that part of it, it's been that way for years.

It used to be that the only discussion teams/coaches could have were during the bye weeks of the playoffs with the coaches of teams that had a bye. Evidently they have changed that at some point. 

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Yeah, I knew that part of it, it's been that way for years.

It used to be that the only discussion teams/coaches could have were during the bye weeks of the playoffs with the coaches of teams that had a bye. Evidently they have changed that at some point. 


I guess I am confused , thought that was what u were discussing what i said,


I clicked on link that had all rules but right now to much for me to properly go threw & understand with my confusion issues,


I hate that my Dr says periodic states of confusion will come up unexpectedly at least threw Superbowl and then pending need for another round of medicine adjustments , maybe another month or 2 

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I guess I am confused , thought that was what u were discussing what i said,


I clicked on link that had all rules but right now to much for me to properly go threw & understand with my confusion issues,


I hate that my Dr says periodic states of confusion will come up unexpectedly at least threw Superbowl and then pending need for another round of medicine adjustments , maybe another month or 2 

Basically , I was under the impression that the only coaches that could take on interviews during the playoffs, were the coaches of teams with bye's, i.e. Denver/New England, Atlanta & San Fran. That is how it used to be, but evidently they have changed.


I'm sure that makes things even more complicated.  Just take care of yourself. 

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I stand corrected. They must have changed that recently. 


Wait a minute, you pretty much still right right, but #3 is a twist,   This (#4 below) contradicts the other statement in an earlier post.  What do you think?  Especially #4?


"If Permission is granted for an interview during the post-season period, then 

1. There can be ONE (1) interview only, and it must be held in the Assistant 
Coach’s home team city; 
2. For teams earning byes during the Wild Card weekend, the interviews of its 
coaches must be conducted before the end of the Wild Card games; 
3. For Assistant Coaches whose team win the Wild Card game, then the 
interviews must be held after the Wild Card game, and before the Divisional 
Playoff game. 
Hmmm, seems pretty cut and dried.  Now I need to find out which is the real current rules...  If you find out, let us know.  i'll do the same.
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Wait a minute, you pretty much still right right, but #3 is a twist,   This (#4 below) contradicts the other statement in an earlier post.  What do you think?  Especially #4?


"If Permission is granted for an interview during the post-season period, then 

1. There can be ONE (1) interview only, and it must be held in the Assistant 
Coach’s home team city; 
2. For teams earning byes during the Wild Card weekend, the interviews of its 
coaches must be conducted before the end of the Wild Card games; 
3. For Assistant Coaches whose team win the Wild Card game, then the 
interviews must be held after the Wild Card game, and before the Divisional 
Playoff game. 
Hmmm, seems pretty cut and dried.  Now I need to find out which is the real current rules...  If you find out, let us know.  i'll do the same.

 I'm not sure if that information is part of the CBA or not. I'll try to take a look in that this afternoon.  I'll kick around some rocks and see what I can find.


To me #4 simply means that during the week of the AFC/NFC Championship games that teams can't request permission/make interest known or interview a coach during that week so that the coaches can concentrate on the task at hand which is preparing for the AFC/NFC CG. 


Based on that PDF, it seems that if team x has a bye, their coaches can interview for a job during their bye week and then no contact can be had until their seasons ends. If team Y has a wild card game then their coaches can interview in between the WC/Divisional round and then no other contact can be had until their season ends.

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until the Super Bowl is done?


The Bears requested to talk to Arians and the Chargers will most likely do it...


Its becomes a distraction and the its most likely the last thing Arians is thinking about...I just wish they would be respectful and wait...If i were Jim, i would give Arians top money for him to stay...hes much too valuable and can help Luck develop to be amazing....



Nope, Patriots had to deal with that for years... Brady went through so many offensive coordinators during a stretch of time because teams kept plucking away their coordinators and turning them into Head Coaches when they weren't ready.  Its part of how the NFL is designed, you're not suppose to remain good in the NFL, the system is designed to pluck you to death of all your talent by other teams.


When the Patriots were winning Super Bowls, they couldn't take a dump without other franchises running in and trying to hire the toilet that they sat on to coach for their team.  It was ridiculous for a long time, which is why I also don't put much weight into the whole "Manning has a new team and coordinator!"  Lots of teams change players and coaches, its rare to have the same offensive coordinator like Manning did for the majority of his entire career in Indy.


Teams interviewing coaches is part of that whole balance and keeping the league competitive.  It sucked as a Patriot fan whenever we would have a new coordinator for a year or so and then they would be snatched up by other teams, but that is life in the NFL.  You have to design your franchise to be able to adapt, if you put too much weight into 1 person then you'll be destined to fail.

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