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No one is talking about Brady for MVP


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The media has an easier time hyping up a QB then they do a RB or defensive player. OOoooOOoooo

But, at this point I would feel bad for Peterson if he came up empty handed by years end. Dude deserves something badly. Heck I wish the Vikes could make the playoffs too. The man is insane this season. But, if they miss the playoffs he might not get the support. Ouch!

Peyton is great and Brady is great but we already know this. We have known this for many many years. And they both have several trophies of various kinds and might get more.

I just hope Peterson gets something now..he is having one of "those seasons." Heck this isn't even the best I have seen Brady or Manning play, not to my eye test after watching them for so many years and years.

As for Brady, I feel it is almost a shame that if he completed the comeback tonight he might get it in many eyes but now he can't? So a few plays here or there cost him an MVP award? Thats rough too!

Thats why I hate these awards some times. So nit picky in any given week, "Oh look Luck threw a pick, RG3 didn't today, so that means Luck is gonna lose the rookie award."

So in conclusion give it to Rodgers. J/K

Your first line made me laugh pretty good. AP has worked his tail off this year. No argument there. Just not feelin' AP though sorry. Nope.

Brady can't do it all himself. Even HOF field generals need a little help every now & then. I don't blame Brady tonight at all. He doesn't play defense or Special Teams. Brady was spectacular tonight!

I agree 100% ROY seems like a week to week joke to me. It's more than just dry statistics & TDs to me...Who wills your team to victory...Russell Wilson anyone? A little consideration at least...

HA! HA! Your loyalty to Rodgers is admirable Jules....

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Your first line made me laugh pretty good. AP has worked his tail off this year. No argument there. Just not feelin' AP though sorry. Nope.

Brady can't do it all himself. Even HOF field generals need a little help every now & then. I don't blame Brady tonight at all. He doesn't play defense or Special Teams. Brady was spectacular tonight!

I agree 100% ROY seems like a week to week joke to me. It's more than just dry statistics & TDs to me...Who wills your team to victory...Russell Wilson anyone? A little consideration at least...

HA! HA! Your loyalty to Rodgers is admirable Jules....


Oh I don't even care anymore if Luck gets this rookie trophy thing at this point. Beat the Chiefs, even if the final score is 3-0.

As for NE, that D is still painfully inconsistent at times to me. They fizzled out a bit tonight. I still wonder if they are boned on D if they don't get the turnovers....but they can stop the run "most" of the time it seems.

I mean hey NO won a SB living and dying by the turnover in 2009 and it worked with the high powered offense. But, on the flip side we saw the 2011 Packers/2010 Pats try the same formula with little success but unlike the Saints neither scared you with the run game.

So who knows.

Denver's D is looking solid as a rock. I am suprised. They may have it tougher vs. a top QB of course but they are looking good. If Manning gets MVP and I think he does then good for him but I am finding myself more impressed with Denver gelling as a complete team lately more then just Peyton himself. Which is not a slight against Manning at all because he is the leader and player this team might have needed to rise to the occasion and reach it's full potential.

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Yes, I know...Russell Wilson also played for a short time at UW-Madison. SW1 is such a Bucky Badger Alumni/ RoseBowl homer it isn't even funny. First in 2011, TCU's Andy Dalton kills us, then Oregon in 2012, if we loss again against Stanford in 2013, I will be really....Not bleeping happy at all...Grrr! I might have to smash something or play my nephews latest Call of Duty on XBOX for a few hours to calm my nerves. HA! HA!

Thanks for letting me vent & blow off some steam, but if Stanford kicks our caboose, I will give them credit. I always do no matter what...Except the Dallas Cowboys...Bleep em IMO. So vain, so egotistical, so self centered...Not the "Patriot Way" or INDY model at all IMO.

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Thanks for letting me vent & blow off some steam, but if Stanford kicks our caboose, I will give them credit. I always do no matter what...Except the Dallas Cowboys...Bleep em IMO. So vain, so egotistical, so self centered...Not the "Patriot Way" or INDY model at all IMO.

Wait, that says you quoted me but I didn't write that! haha This forum lately.

Gotta go but nice talking to ya again. As usual I like your open mindedness and appreciate it!!!

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Oh I don't even care anymore if Luck gets this rookie trophy thing at this point. Beat the Chiefs, even if the final score is 3-0.

As for NE, that D is still painfully inconsistent at times to me. They fizzled out a bit tonight. I still wonder if they are boned on D if they don't get the turnovers....but they can stop the run "most" of the time it seems.

I mean hey NO won a SB living and dying by the turnover in 2009 and it worked with the high powered offense. But, on the flip side we saw the 2011 Packers/2010 Pats try the same formula with little success but unlike the Saints neither scared you with the run game.

So who knows.

Denver's D is looking solid as a rock. I am suprised. They may have it tougher vs. a top QB of course but they are looking good. If Manning gets MVP and I think he does then good for him but I am finding myself more impressed with Denver gelling as a complete team lately more then just Peyton himself. Which is not a slight against Manning at all because he is the leader and player this team might have needed to rise to the occasion and reach it's full potential.

Yeah, Denver is certainly a different team now not the same won NE faced earlier in the season. Part of me, just for familiar old time sake wants to see Peyton & Tom meet in the AFC Championship Game since their rivalry is in their sunset years now. God, I love those final drive games. NE is such a classy & formidable adversary. I'm really gonna miss that when Peyton retires...Sigh...

I will always respect NE though. No matter what the outcome in Playoff games. Sure, I want INDY or Denver to win, but if I have to lose to Robert Kraft's fine organization I am fine with that. Plus, like I always say, Wes Welker deserves a ring.

Good point Jules! Just get hot in Nov/Dec. & generate turnovers...Yes, INDY must beat the Chiefs next week. We better NOT lose to both the Jets & Chiefs in the same season...Any secrets on Romeo Crennel that my NE brethren wish to share? Hmmm....Just Kidding!!!

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Wait, that says you quoted me but I didn't write that! haha This forum lately.

Gotta go but nice talking to ya again. As usual I like your open mindedness and appreciate it!!!

My bad Jules! Either that or my Safari browser on my iMac is having a compatibility issue with new software on the Forum right now. Who knows...No, you didn't write that I did. Skynet is taking over man....Terminator 2 movie reference...The machines are rising up & will destroy mankind now. "Oh, the humanity!!!" Just Kidding!!! Thanks everyone with tolerating my humor & general foolishness. HA! HA! 


You know what the weird thing is...The 49ers won & I don't even care. Why? Because Belichick & Brady will level the playing field in the SB. They always do like precision clockwork. 

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You know, after Peyton & Brady retire, I'd love to see an NFL Films behind the scenes documentary on how both #18 & #12 prepare for a game against to tough foe like the Ravens, Steelers, or the 49ers. Take me beyond the weight room. I wanna see how Belichick & Fox cracks the whip, turns weaknesses into strengths, & motivates players. I love that kind of stuff, especially breaking down film. What makes a HC decide to leave a guy in a game vs pull him while the game is still unfolding? When these HC's cut players, do they do it eye to eye & face to face?

Is NFL Network's Mike Mayock allowed behind closed doors to help Bill manipulate the upcoming april draft? Mayock is a great scout man even Steve Belichick would admit that. When Belichick or Fox is talking to their defense, what are they saying? Get your crap together man! Just Kidding!!!

What was it like behind franchise doors when Brady & Peyton watched film on Safety Ed Reed for the very 1st time? Did they go...."Oh Bleep! If I don't grow eyes in the back of my head this safety will break this game wide open even as young QBs?" What's it like when 1 genius sees another genius on the opposite line of scrimmage for the very 1st time? I am mesmerized by this kind of stuff...

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Good Game NE...Whoever you face in SB, it's gonna be a great game. If Belichick heard me say that, he'd say "SW1 how many times do I have to say this? Shut the Hades up will Ya!"


Otherwise, I'll punish you just as harshly as I did Wes Welker after the foot fetish/Rex Ryan Press Conference man...Still hilarious BTW! Not the punishment; Rather how clever Welker was with his snappy comebacks..."Put your best foot forward" My personal favorite...HA! HA! HA!


Gotta fly now...See Ya later gentlemen....Always a pleasure fellas... 

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Yeah, Denver is certainly a different team now not the same won NE faced earlier in the season. Part of me, just for familiar old time sake wants to see Peyton & Tom meet in the AFC Championship Game since their rivalry is in their sunset years now. God, I love those final drive games. NE is such a classy & formidable adversary. I'm really gonna miss that when Peyton retires...Sigh...

I will always respect NE though. No matter what the outcome in Playoff games. Sure, I want INDY or Denver to win, but if I have to lose to Robert Kraft's fine organization I am fine with that. Plus, like I always say, Wes Welker deserves a ring.

Good point Jules! Just get hot in Nov/Dec. & generate turnovers...Yes, INDY must beat the Chiefs next week. We better NOT lose to both the Jets & Chiefs in the same season...Any secrets on Romeo Crennel that my NE brethren wish to share? Hmmm....Just Kidding!!!



My bad Jules! Either that or my Safari browser on my iMac is having a compatibility issue with new software on the Forum right now. Who knows...No, you didn't write that I did. Skynet is taking over man....Terminator 2 movie reference...The machines are rising up & will destroy mankind now. "Oh, the humanity!!!" Just Kidding!!! Thanks everyone with tolerating my humor & general foolishness. HA! HA! 


You know what the weird thing is...The 49ers won & I don't even care. Why? Because Belichick & Brady will level the playing field in the SB. They always do like precision clockwork. 



There is some weird things going on with software, here , cant describe but had to adjust settings or couldnt change size , highlight etrc




let me know if u got these quotes notified to u via your e-mail if u have it set up that way to be notified






In the Ravens' locker room, Manning is known as a nightmare for Baltimore, a fact he underlined Sunday by winning a ninth consecutive game against them. The 34-17 count was more lopsided than the scoreboard indicated. He was steady and efficient, if unspectacular. He took risks when he got the downfield coverage he wanted and checked down or audibled into a run play when he didn't.

Manning was his typical, metronomically effective self.  ( definition at the end of this comment )


Loved his play calling audibles yesterday, 


Midway through the third quarter, Manning had the Broncos in a goal-to-go situation at the same end of the field where Flacco threw for Boldin. Instead of throwing the ball, Manning identified a heavy rush from the flanks and audibled into a handoff to Knowshon Moreno.


Six yards later, Moreno had the Broncos’ final touchdown.


“Peyton just made the call, and the guys came around the corner. It was easy,” Moreno said. “I just walked in.”

That said it all. At the same point where Flacco made his team’s comeback nearly impossible, Manning made the Broncos’ work simple. That’s why Manning has been—and remains—elite. His elevation of the Broncos from six seasons of mediocrity is obvious. 


  ((  45 runs to 28 passes , has Peyton ever called that  ))




metronomically   adverb form metronome

a mechanical or electrical instrument that makes repeated clicking sounds at an adjustable pace, used for marking rhythm, especially in practicing music.


Peyton is just repeatedly good I guess, whether he is passing or making an audible   and managing , just dissecting that defense I guess on a regular basis

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OK no  idea why quote came out below & not in box above  , in above comment quoting worked great, not now & didnt change 1 setting

Jules, on 17 Dec 2012 - 02:53, said: the below


The media has an easier time hyping up a QB then they do a RB or defensive player. OOoooOOoooo
But, at this point I would feel bad for Peterson if he came up empty handed by years end. Dude deserves something badly. Heck I wish the Vikes could make the playoffs too. The man is insane this season. But, if they miss the playoffs he might not get the support. Ouch!
Peyton is great and Brady is great but we already know this. We have known this for many many years. And they both have several trophies of various kinds and might get more.
I just hope Peterson gets something now..he is having one of "those seasons." Heck this isn't even the best I have seen Brady or Manning play, not to my eye test after watching them for so many years and years.
As for Brady, I feel it is almost a shame that if he completed the comeback tonight he might get it in many eyes but now he can't? So a few plays here or there cost him an MVP award? Thats rough too!
Thats why I hate these awards some times. So nit picky in any given week, "Oh look Luck threw a pick, RG3 didn't today, so that means Luck is gonna lose the rookie award."
So in conclusion give it to Rodgers. J/K


Yes Meidia hype, yes ap deserves something YES  but Vikings must make playoffs are # 6 right now
unless he breaks dickenson record and should as faces weak run d's # 30 & 24 in packers and texans  , though may get still opoy instead of MVP but desserves something
few plays here or there cost him an MVP award ,
true for any one and doesnt have to be your fault either, team can let u down and u suffer for it esp if are the QB
So nit picky in any given week  ---   this drives me crazy,   esp when multiple players really need to be honored
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forget it, sometimes muti or single quotes work for me, then in another  second comment    in same post dioesnt & this has nothing to do with my signature , started  Friday or sat afternoon, & if i have to play with quoting like in above comments and say who said what as didnt appear inside the box  i just cant, takes to long and to much from me , this is on CHROME Browser and watch what happens when I try to make a space


u get another quote box
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Good point Jules! Just get hot in Nov/Dec. & generate turnovers...Yes, INDY must beat the Chiefs next week. We better NOT lose to both the Jets & Chiefs in the same season...Any secrets on Romeo Crennel that my NE brethren wish to share? Hmmm....Just Kidding!!!




Oh I don't even care anymore if Luck gets this rookie trophy thing at this point. Beat the Chiefs, even if the final score is 3-0.


Really fickle software , working again


yeah thats true, Chiefs have lost some more key players too, they are hurting, think Bowe now out & thats a biggie right there & others added to injured list after this weekend I believe


I believe  1 of u noted    brady had great 4th qrter last night


Thats where great ones shine


on that i will add  goping into yesterdays game at Baltimore


According to ESPN Stats & Information, Manning has 19 touchdowns in the second half of games this season. In the fourth quarter, Manning has thrown nine touchdown passes with no interceptions. YODA , YODA 



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 "The MVP, man, that's something that I've always wanted to grab. I work hard. I want to be the best player to play this game, so with that, MVP awards come. But I know this league and how it is, man. They're kind of biased to the quarterback, which is unfortunate. They make it hard for other players to win it, but I will."


Those are the words of Minnesota Vikings wonderback Adrian Peterson.He uttered them to The Associated Press last week,beforehe rushed for 212 yards Sunday against the St. Louis Rams.


 Peterson's story is remarkable, almost unbelievable. Just a year ago, on Christmas Eve, he tore the anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments in his left knee. Now he's threatening to break Eric Dickerson's single-season rushing mark, a record that's stood for nearly 30 years.


Dickerson ran for 2,105 yards for the Los Angeles Rams in 1984. Peterson has a career-high 1,812 yards though 14 games. To set the all-time record, Peterson must average 147 yards in his final two games.

If he pulls it off — if he even comes close — does he deserve to be the NFL MVP?


​Its a Denver article so Peyton Biased



For a recent story about where PM ranks among the all time greats  , I asked some people I respect to define what the MVP award means.


"I've always thought the award should really be 'MVTP,' with the T standing for team player," legendary broadcaster Dick Enberg told me.


Fox Sports analyst John Lynch, the former Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Broncos Pro Bowl safety, told me that Manning epitomizes the term MVP.

 Dickerson, the single-season rushing king? He didn't win the MVP in 1984. Miami quarterback Dan Marino did.


Still, the question lingers. If Peterson passes Dickerson and re-writes one of the greatest records in NFL history, does he deserve the MVP? It's a great debate.


My vote? It goes to Manning.


Why? Because I agree with Enberg. The MVP, especially in the NFL, goes to the most valuableteamplayer. No player — and especially no player on a championship caliber team — means more to his team than Manning does to the Broncos.


Read more:NFL MVP debate: Does Adrian Peterson trump Peyton Manning, Tom Brady? - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpost.com/lunchspecial/ci_22208882/nfl-mvp-debate-does-petersons-rush-history-trump#ixzz2FLHvR0hP

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 "The MVP, man, that's something that I've always wanted to grab. I work hard. I want to be the best player to play this game, so with that, MVP awards come. But I know this league and how it is, man. They're kind of biased to the quarterback, which is unfortunate. They make it hard for other players to win it, but I will."


Those are the words of Minnesota Vikings wonderback Adrian Peterson.He uttered them to The Associated Press last week,beforehe rushed for 212 yards Sunday against the St. Louis Rams.


 Peterson's story is remarkable, almost unbelievable. Just a year ago, on Christmas Eve, he tore the anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments in his left knee. Now he's threatening to break Eric Dickerson's single-season rushing mark, a record that's stood for nearly 30 years.


Dickerson ran for 2,105 yards for the Los Angeles Rams in 1984. Peterson has a career-high 1,812 yards though 14 games. To set the all-time record, Peterson must average 147 yards in his final two games.

If he pulls it off — if he even comes close — does he deserve to be the NFL MVP?


​Its a Denver article so Peyton Biased



For a recent story about where PM ranks among the all time greats  , I asked some people I respect to define what the MVP award means.


"I've always thought the award should really be 'MVTP,' with the T standing for team player," legendary broadcaster Dick Enberg told me.


Fox Sports analyst John Lynch, the former Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Broncos Pro Bowl safety, told me that Manning epitomizes the term MVP.

 Dickerson, the single-season rushing king? He didn't win the MVP in 1984. Miami quarterback Dan Marino did.


Still, the question lingers. If Peterson passes Dickerson and re-writes one of the greatest records in NFL history, does he deserve the MVP? It's a great debate.


My vote? It goes to Manning.


Why? Because I agree with Enberg. The MVP, especially in the NFL, goes to the most valuableteamplayer. No player — and especially no player on a championship caliber team — means more to his team than Manning does to the Broncos.


Read more:NFL MVP debate: Does Adrian Peterson trump Peyton Manning, Tom Brady? - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpost.com/lunchspecial/ci_22208882/nfl-mvp-debate-does-petersons-rush-history-trump#ixzz2FLHvR0hP


Nice article there. Thanks for posting the link Barry.  :thmup:


"Peterson said that the NFL "is kind of biased to the quarterback." He's right about that. Of the six previous 2,000-yard rushers, just three of them either won or shared MVP honors that season: Buffalo's O.J. Simpson in 1973, Detroit's Barry Sanders in 1997 (he shared it with Green Bay's Brett Favre) and the Broncos' Terrell Davis in 1998....Still, the question lingers. If Peterson passes Dickerson and re-writes one of the greatest records in NFL history, does he deserve the MVP? It's a great debate. My vote? It goes to Manning." 


Jules will like the bolded sections I highlighted. Yes, NFL fans are spoiled. What a great season we've had eh?  ;)  :disco:  :nfl:

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Nice article there. Thanks for posting the link Barry.  :thmup:


"Peterson said that the NFL "is kind of biased to the quarterback." He's right about that. Of the six previous 2,000-yard rushers, just three of them either won or shared MVP honors that season: Buffalo's O.J. Simpson in 1973, Detroit's Barry Sanders in 1997 (he shared it with Green Bay's Brett Favre) and the Broncos' Terrell Davis in 1998....Still, the question lingers. If Peterson passes Dickerson and re-writes one of the greatest records in NFL history, does he deserve the MVP? It's a great debate. My vote? It goes to Manning." 


Jules will like the bolded sections I highlighted. Yes, NFL fans are spoiled. What a great season we've had eh?  ;)  :disco:  :nfl:



I will vote for AP since MVP mean most valuable. With AP their team is competing for the playoff. Without him it should compete for the #1 overall pick. Broncos and Pats should all make the playoff even without Manning and Brady. At least they can give a co-MVP.


Manning really doesnt need an addional MVP. He needs Superbowl rings.

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Really fickle software , working again


yeah thats true, Chiefs have lost some more key players too, they are hurting, think Bowe now out & thats a biggie right there & others added to injured list after this weekend I believe


I believe  1 of u noted    brady had great 4th qrter last night


Thats where great ones shine


on that i will add  goping into yesterdays game at Baltimore


According to ESPN Stats & Information, Manning has 19 touchdowns in the second half of games this season. In the fourth quarter, Manning has thrown nine touchdown passes with no interceptions. YODA , YODA 



Yeah, Brady was incredible last night in the 4th quarter & Yoda is looking spectacular too IMO. This software is nice when it decides to cooperate.  haha Only kidding! Yes, we have a very good shot against the Chiefs IMO. 

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I will vote for AP since MVP mean most valuable. With AP their team is competing for the playoff. Without him it should compete for the #1 overall pick. Broncos and Pats should all make the playoff even without Manning and Brady. At least they can give a co-MVP.

Manning really doesnt need an addional MVP. He needs Superbowl rings.

AP has had a tremendous year of production. And yes, if you asked #18 what he wants more another MVP award or a SB ring, he probably say another ring too.

He working on it tonychen...He working on it. lmao:funny::goat:

A lot of players will do anything to obtain "My Precious"...Just ask Gollum from "The Return of the King." Just Kidding!!! Wrong ring...HA! HA!

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I will vote for AP since MVP mean most valuable. With AP their team is competing for the playoff. Without him it should compete for the #1 overall pick. Broncos and Pats should all make the playoff even without Manning and Brady. At least they can give a co-MVP.


Manning really doesnt need an addional MVP. He needs Superbowl rings.


honestly all 3 deserve co mvp's all great choices but u cant divide 50 votes by 3 , maybe 2 will get it or  maybe 1st & 2nd & 3rd place on ballot has different values and when totaled 3 can , I don't know, BELOW explains voting process issues &   uses co mvp of peyton and McNair for a good example  of the process and names the ap voters back then and their affiliates teams assocu iated with to certain degrees or city they write for etc


alot depends who are current voters and where allegiance lies at times, some teams doint have a local writer that votes, some have more than 1 as a national one like SI Peter king is based in Boston , I imagine he still has a vote, 


anyway here is an old article on pitfalls of voting process from Dec 31, 2009


I know i posted it somewhere . maybe here in earlier pages , it applies to all major awards


Looking inside year-end award process


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I will vote for AP since MVP mean most valuable. With AP their team is competing for the playoff. Without him it should compete for the #1 overall pick. Broncos and Pats should all make the playoff even without Manning and Brady. At least they can give a co-MVP.


Manning really doesnt need an addional MVP. He needs Superbowl rings.



U know i dont know that, Tebow was a fluke, Bradys is great Casell yrear they missed with a good record but think all 3 are needed and elevate the team , and as each really has different circumstances  etc, u just simply cant  say their team would make it without question


If Peyton wins out  its is a hell of a thing with a new team & teaching them his method, Brady is just great in all aspects, always cool to me, I rem,ember him winning with Mich as live in Mich


all 3 need recognition and comeback player of year doesnt state value of Peyton nor AP as it didnt year Brady won it


when u have such remarkable players that can stir such debate u know its splitting hairs to pick one over the other

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If AP breaks the rushing record he wins MVP going away, heck even if he comes up a bit short he might take it.... he has been a beast this year!


i think his team needs to stay in a seeded position to really be considered, something about not making the playoffs is a negative, then he will get opoy 


just an opiniuon, it weighs no more or less than yours my friend


I also think has great shot at iot as plays packers and texans and they are 30th & 24th against the run, forgot which # goes with which but read that


He seems to always get one super run that gets great yardage and then takes off afterwards with many good ones


anyway have a good night, must be off now, nice communicating wiith ya all


& read my commenbt above yours it was posted same time as yours

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AP has had a tremendous year of production. And yes, if you asked #18 what he wants more another MVP award or a SB ring, he probably say another ring too.

He working on it tonychen...He working on it. lmao:funny::goat:

A lot of players will do anything to obtain "My Precious"...Just ask Gollum from "The Return of the King." Just Kidding!!! Wrong ring...HA! HA!




see comment  378, for some reason u weren't multi qouted

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i think his team needs to stay in a seeded position to really be considered, something about not making the playoffs is a negative, then he will get opoy 


IMO, MVP is or at least should be an individual award much like ROY - unfortunately it has been abused by those who make the selections and not just in the NFL, but in every sport.

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Peyton is the MVP right now, AP is runner-up.

Vikings will finish 8-8 in all likelihood while the Broncos will be 13-3.

AP is vaulable but the truth is that his valuableness isnt translating into playoffs for his team.

Calvin Johnson gas a great chance to break the wr record held by the GOAT. How is that not more or just as remarkable than ap getting 2k?

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Looking inside year-end award process

Interesting stuff here Barry. AP [Associated Press] is essentially a panel of 50 media personnel huh? Small number...Tiny in fact...I wish the pool of voters was at least double that...Even triple...

How does a blogger or radio personality get on this list anyway? Are they asked? If so, by whom? If an AP member steps down, how do they select a replacement? It reminds me of people on the Oscar movie committee in Hollywood...Very secretive about how people get chosen...like a mini high society cult or something...Just Kidding!!!

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Peyton is the MVP right now, AP is runner-up.

Vikings will finish 8-8 in all likelihood while the Broncos will be 13-3.

AP is vaulable but the truth is that his valuableness isnt translating into playoffs for his team.

Calvin Johnson gas a great chance to break the wr record held by the GOAT. How is that not more or just as remarkable than ap getting 2k?

Okay, I like your loyalty to #18 no question supremecoltsfan300, but I'm about to ask a really dumb question: Is the MVP race really contingent on a Playoffs entrance bid or merely regular season winning percentage etc.? 

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Okay, I like your loyalty to #18 no question supremecoltsfan300, but I'm about to ask a really dumb question: Is the MVP race really contingent on a Playoffs entrance bid or merely regular season winning percentage etc.?

No loyalty involved at all in this case (I want him to win it but he deserves it the most too).

The MVP is contingent upon making the playoffs imo. Being valuable means that you brought your team to the playoffs. AP is certainly having a great year. But other RBs have had much better years. This is not an all time great year YET imo. CJ ran for 2k and didnt win the mvp just a few years ago.

The argument for ap imo should then be applied to calvin since he actually has the better shot of breaking a record. There are no other great wrs on the lions and stafford is having a horrible year, yet calvin is an absolute stud. But calvin fo some reason isnt even being mentioned in the mvp discussion yet wouldnt you say what he is doing is equally as impressive as ap?

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No loyalty involved at all in this case (I want him to win it but he deserves it the most too).

The MVP is contingent upon making the playoffs imo. Being valuable means that you brought your team to the playoffs. AP is certainly having a great year. But other RBs have had much better years. This is not an all time great year YET imo. CJ ran for 2k and didnt win the mvp just a few years ago.

The argument for ap imo should then be applied to calvin since he actually has the better shot of breaking a record. There are no other great wrs on the lions and stafford is having a horrible year, yet calvin is an absolute stud. But calvin fo some reason isnt even being mentioned in the mvp discussion yet wouldnt you say what he is doing is equally as impressive as ap?

No. Because Calvin isn't the only option on his team, the way AP is. Boxes are stacked for Peterson and he still racks up those yards. And while Calvin is having a great year, he isn't lapping other players at his own * the way ap is

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No. Because Calvin isn't the only option on his team, the way AP is. Boxes are stacked for Peterson and he still racks up those yards. And while Calvin is having a great year, he isn't lapping other players at his own * the way ap is

Peterson is getting help from great blocking by the linemen and receivers though. For calvin, his success is almost only because of him. He does rely upon the qb, but most of the time its him making a great catch rather than it being a great pass.

And Calvin is about to shatter the all time record, while ap is only gling to be joining a club of great runners.

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Interesting stuff here Barry. AP [Associated Press] is essentially a panel of 50 media personnel huh? Small number...Tiny in fact...I wish the pool of voters was at least double that...Even triple...

How does a blogger or radio personality get on this list anyway? Are they asked? If so, by whom? If an AP member steps down, how do they select a replacement? It reminds me of people on the Oscar movie committee in Hollywood...Very secretive about how people get chosen...like a mini high society cult or something...Just Kidding!!!

article is an eye opener on bias based on voter location and team  writer / coverage loyalty & where national person  not affiliated with 1 team coverage  Like King is based in Boston  


on national article notes how  " Two voters the AP considers national cover the Cleveland Browns full time, including home and away games. " & that may be  besides Clevlands 2 local ones listed   but dont know


the # of east cost coverages mean there here much about aall east coast teams


7  or 9 were changed if remember article right in 2009, , I have no idea if change is simply a new beat writer come on for same coverage area or what,  or credential needed   & getting diversity didnt apply when choosing players or more specifically it states


 " Barry Wilner, AP’s football writer, oversees the panel and manages the votes and results. He and AP are not focused on balance, either in terms of voters’ primary focus on their jobs or where they live and work. "


NOW WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN IF NOT FOCUSED ON A BALANCED PANEL Neither in terms of geograhpy of coverage or primary job focus


, so can someone whose primary job is other than sports , but also has as part of his extra duties the requirement to cover  local sports etc , well how much can he / she be on top of things , and as geography doesnt matter to balance thats why some cities & areas are overloaded with coverage


love how  indy didnt have a local voter while titans team did   when Peyton shared with Mcnair the MVP  if indy also had a local voter may not have been a tie


NOTHING IS PERFECT < BUT A BETTER SYSTEM TO PICK THE VOTERS WOULD SEEM EASY TO LESSEN THE BUILT IN BIAS OF CERTAIN AREAS & ensure primary job focus is football coverage , how someone is allowed to vote if they dont really follow the game as main part of the job is beyond me

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article is an eye opener on bias based on voter location and team  writer / coverage loyalty & where national person  not affiliated with 1 team coverage  Like King is based in Boston  


on national article notes how  " Two voters the AP considers national cover the Cleveland Browns full time, including home and away games. " & that may be  besides Clevlands 2 local ones listed   but dont know


the # of east cost coverages mean there here much about aall east coast teams


7  or 9 were changed if remember article right in 2009, , I have no idea if change is simply a new beat writer come on for same coverage area or what,  or credential needed   & getting diversity didnt apply when choosing players or more specifically it states


 " Barry Wilner, AP’s football writer, oversees the panel and manages the votes and results. He and AP are not focused on balance, either in terms of voters’ primary focus on their jobs or where they live and work. "


NOW WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN IF NOT FOCUSED ON A BALANCED PANEL Neither in terms of geograhpy of coverage or primary job focus


, so can someone whose primary job is other than sports , but also has as part of his extra duties the requirement to cover  local sports etc , well how much can he / she be on top of things , and as geography doesnt matter to balance thats why some cities & areas are overloaded with coverage


love how  indy didnt have a local voter while titans team did   when Peyton shared with Mcnair the MVP  if indy also had a local voter may not have been a tie


NOTHING IS PERFECT < BUT A BETTER SYSTEM TO PICK THE VOTERS WOULD SEEM EASY TO LESSEN THE BUILT IN BIAS OF CERTAIN AREAS & ensure primary job focus is football coverage , how someone is allowed to vote if they dont really follow the game as main part of the job is beyond me

I did stumble upon this website that has most of the voters listed.




Howard Balzer, USA TODAY — Email: HBalzer@aol.com; Twitter: @HBalzer721

Don Banks, Sports Illustrated — Twitter: @DonBanks

Jarrett Bell, USA Today — Email: jbell@usatoday.com; Twitter: @JarrettBell

Bob Berger, Sporting News Radio

Chris Berman, ESPN

Clifton Brown, Sporting News — Email: cliftonbrown@sportingnews.com; Twitter: @CliftonBrownSN

Rich Cimini, ESPN New York — Twitter: @RichCimini

John Clayton, ESPN — Twitter: @ClaytonESPN

Steve Cohen, Sirius Satellite Radio

Cris Collinsworth, NBC — Twitter: @CollinsworthNBC

Frank Cooney, The SportsXchange — Email: fcooney@sportsxchange.com

Jim Corbett, USA TODAY — Twitter: @JimCorbettUSAT

Bob Costas, NBC

Mark Craig, Minneapolis Star Tribune — Email: mcraig@startribune.com; Twitter: @markcraignfl

Tom Curran, Comcast SportsNet New England — Email: tcurran@comcastsportsnet.com; Twitter: @tomecurran

John Czarnecki, Fox Sports — Contact: http://msn.foxsports.com/writer/John_Czarnecki

Paul Domowitch, Philadelphia Daily News — Email: pdomo@aol.com; Twitter: @pdomo

Tony Dungy, NBC — Twitter: @TonyDungy

David Elfin — Twitter: @davidelfin

Boomer Esiason, CBS — Twitter: @7BOOMERESIASON

Ashley Fox, ESPN — Twitter: @AshleyMFox

Mark Gaughan, Buffalo News — Email: mgaughan@buffnews.com; Twitter: @gggaughan

Rich Gannon, CBS Sports, SiriusXM — Twitter: @RichGannon12

Darin Gantt, Pro Football Talk — Twitter: @DarrinGantt

Nancy Gay, FOXSports.com — Contact: http://msn.foxsports.com/writer/Nancy_Gay; Twitter: @nancygay

Bob Glauber, Newsday — Email: bob.glauber@newsday.com; Twitter: @BobGlauber

Dave Goldberg — Twitter: @davegoldberg84

Rick Gosselin, Dallas Morning News — Email: rgosselin@dallasnews.com

Tony Grossi, Cleveland Plain Dealer — Email: tgrossi@plaind.com; Twitter: @TonyGrossi

Paul Gutierrez, Comcast SportsNet California — Twitter: @PGutierrezCSN

Clark Judge, CBS Sports — Contact: http://www.cbssports.com/columns/writers/judge; Twitter: @ClarkJudgeCBS

Ira Kaufman, Tampa Tribune — Email: ikaufman@tampatrib.com

Peter King, Sports Illustrated — Twitter: @SI_PeterKing

Jeff Legwold, Denver Post — Email: jlegwold@denverpost.com; Twitter: @Jeff_Legwold

Alex Marvez, FOXsports.com — Contact: http://msn.foxsports.com/writer/Alex-Marvez-FOXSports.com-Senior-NFL-Writer?authorId=309; Twitter:@alexmarvez

John McClain, Houston Chronicle — Email: john.mcclain@chron.com; Twitter: @McLain_on_NFL

Pat McManamon, FOX Sports Ohio — Twitter: @PatMcManamon

Chris Mortensen, ESPN — Twitter: @mortreport

Gary Myers, New York Daily News — Email: gmyers@nydailynews.com; Twitter: @garymyersNYDN

Danny O’Neil, Seattle Times — Email: doneil@seattletimes.com; Twitter: @dannyoneil

Dan Pompei, Chicago Tribune — Email: dpompei@tribune.com; Twitter: @danpompei

Pete Prisco, CBS Sports — Contact: http://www.cbssports.com/columns/writers/prisco; Twitter: @priscoCBS

Tim Ryan, FOX Sports

Armando Salguero, Miami Herald — Email: asalguero@miamiherald.com; Twitter: @ArmandoSalguero

Adam Schein, Sirius NFL Radio — Twitter: @AdamSchein

Tom Silverstein, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel — Email: tsilverstein@journalsentinel.com; Twitter: @TomSilverstein

Kent Somers, Arizona Republic — Email: kent.somers@arizonarepublic.com; Twitter: @kentsomers

Adam Teicher, Kansas City Star — Email: ateicher@kcstar.com; Twitter: @adamteicher

Charean Williams, Fort Worth Star-Telegram — Email: cjwilliams@star-telegram.com; Twitter: @NFLCharean

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I did stumble upon this website that has most of the voters listed.




Howard Balzer, USA TODAY — Email: HBalzer@aol.com; Twitter: @HBalzer721

Don Banks, Sports Illustrated — Twitter: @DonBanks

Jarrett Bell, USA Today — Email: jbell@usatoday.com; Twitter: @JarrettBell

Bob Berger, Sporting News Radio

Chris Berman, ESPN

Clifton Brown, Sporting News — Email: cliftonbrown@sportingnews.com; Twitter: @CliftonBrownSN

Rich Cimini, ESPN New York — Twitter: @RichCimini

John Clayton, ESPN — Twitter: @ClaytonESPN

Steve Cohen, Sirius Satellite Radio

Cris Collinsworth, NBC — Twitter: @CollinsworthNBC

Frank Cooney, The SportsXchange — Email: fcooney@sportsxchange.com

Jim Corbett, USA TODAY — Twitter: @JimCorbettUSAT

Bob Costas, NBC

Mark Craig, Minneapolis Star Tribune — Email: mcraig@startribune.com; Twitter: @markcraignfl

Tom Curran, Comcast SportsNet New England — Email: tcurran@comcastsportsnet.com; Twitter: @tomecurran

John Czarnecki, Fox Sports — Contact: http://msn.foxsports.com/writer/John_Czarnecki

Paul Domowitch, Philadelphia Daily News — Email: pdomo@aol.com; Twitter: @pdomo

Tony Dungy, NBC — Twitter: @TonyDungy

David Elfin — Twitter: @davidelfin

Boomer Esiason, CBS — Twitter: @7BOOMERESIASON

Ashley Fox, ESPN — Twitter: @AshleyMFox

Mark Gaughan, Buffalo News — Email: mgaughan@buffnews.com; Twitter: @gggaughan

Rich Gannon, CBS Sports, SiriusXM — Twitter: @RichGannon12

Darin Gantt, Pro Football Talk — Twitter: @DarrinGantt

Nancy Gay, FOXSports.com — Contact: http://msn.foxsports.com/writer/Nancy_Gay; Twitter: @nancygay

Bob Glauber, Newsday — Email: bob.glauber@newsday.com; Twitter: @BobGlauber

Dave Goldberg — Twitter: @davegoldberg84

Rick Gosselin, Dallas Morning News — Email: rgosselin@dallasnews.com

Tony Grossi, Cleveland Plain Dealer — Email: tgrossi@plaind.com; Twitter: @TonyGrossi

Paul Gutierrez, Comcast SportsNet California — Twitter: @PGutierrezCSN

Clark Judge, CBS Sports — Contact: http://www.cbssports.com/columns/writers/judge; Twitter: @ClarkJudgeCBS

Ira Kaufman, Tampa Tribune — Email: ikaufman@tampatrib.com

Peter King, Sports Illustrated — Twitter: @SI_PeterKing

Jeff Legwold, Denver Post — Email: jlegwold@denverpost.com; Twitter: @Jeff_Legwold

Alex Marvez, FOXsports.com — Contact: http://msn.foxsports.com/writer/Alex-Marvez-FOXSports.com-Senior-NFL-Writer?authorId=309; Twitter:@alexmarvez

John McClain, Houston Chronicle — Email: john.mcclain@chron.com; Twitter: @McLain_on_NFL

Pat McManamon, FOX Sports Ohio — Twitter: @PatMcManamon

Chris Mortensen, ESPN — Twitter: @mortreport

Gary Myers, New York Daily News — Email: gmyers@nydailynews.com; Twitter: @garymyersNYDN

Danny O’Neil, Seattle Times — Email: doneil@seattletimes.com; Twitter: @dannyoneil

Dan Pompei, Chicago Tribune — Email: dpompei@tribune.com; Twitter: @danpompei

Pete Prisco, CBS Sports — Contact: http://www.cbssports.com/columns/writers/prisco; Twitter: @priscoCBS

Tim Ryan, FOX Sports

Armando Salguero, Miami Herald — Email: asalguero@miamiherald.com; Twitter: @ArmandoSalguero

Adam Schein, Sirius NFL Radio — Twitter: @AdamSchein

Tom Silverstein, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel — Email: tsilverstein@journalsentinel.com; Twitter: @TomSilverstein

Kent Somers, Arizona Republic — Email: kent.somers@arizonarepublic.com; Twitter: @kentsomers

Adam Teicher, Kansas City Star — Email: ateicher@kcstar.com; Twitter: @adamteicher

Charean Williams, Fort Worth Star-Telegram — Email: cjwilliams@star-telegram.com; Twitter: @NFLCharean



since dec 31 2009


Looking inside year-end award process



5 changes,



notable adds Dungy & Chris colinsworth ,rich gannon, darin garrit, tim ryan


deletions brian allee-walsh, ed bouchette, vinny ditrani, howie long, len shapiro


0f note it appears as my list notes if national or local based , i am guessing here but appears  3 select  local city beat coverages lost as all added seem to  be national but could be wrong   as your list doesnt state local & city    national  one is  based out of whicjh also matters


in any case the thesis still holds

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since dec 31 2009


Looking inside year-end award process



5 changes,



notable adds Dungy & Chris colinsworth ,rich gannon, darin garrit, tim ryan


deletions brian allee-walsh, ed bouchette, vinny ditrani, howie long, len shapiro


0f note it appears as my list notes if national or local based , i am guessing here but appears  3 select  local city beat coverages lost as all added seem to  be national but could be wrong   as your list doesnt state local & city    national  one is  based out of whicjh also matters


in any case the thesis still holds

I agree that the thesis/concepts remain the same, and it's understandable to have some turnover.  There is no perfect system. It would be interesting if the voting was 3-deep, meaning 3 pts for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, and 1 point for 3rd, to see a little more than simply naming one person as MVP.


Out of the additions you listed I would say each of those would be considered national. Gantt used to cover the Panthers, but now he's on profootballtalk.com. He's a decent writer and can only improve the quality of the editorials coming from that site. 

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I agree that the thesis/concepts remain the same, and it's understandable to have some turnover.  There is no perfect system. It would be interesting if the voting was 3-deep, meaning 3 pts for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, and 1 point for 3rd, to see a little more than simply naming one person as MVP.


Out of the additions you listed I would say each of those would be considered national. Gantt used to cover the Panthers, but now he's on profootballtalk.com. He's a decent writer and can only improve the quality of the editorials coming from that site. 

 of course not, but think can arrange a bit better , but i am basing on that article i note

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Peyton is the MVP right now, AP is runner-up.

Vikings will finish 8-8 in all likelihood while the Broncos will be 13-3.

AP is vaulable but the truth is that his valuableness isnt translating into playoffs for his team.

Calvin Johnson gas a great chance to break the wr record held by the GOAT. How is that not more or just as remarkable than ap getting 2k?


Peyton came to a good team, likely would be in the playoffs again if they still had Tebow.

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Funny thing about AP getting to 2k and being a MVP contender is that the last two guys to rush for 2,000 yards, Peyton Manning won(shared 1) MVP in that very same season. Could history repeat itself? It could very well happen if the Vikings don't make the playoffs. Say what you will about that not counting. It counts because the Voters take that into consideration when casting their vote. AP and Peyton's comeback story shouldn't factor into the conversation. But it will because the voters will use that to separate them from other MVP contenders such as Brady and Rodgers. So in the end Peyton has the easiest road to the MVP. Just put up decent numbers against two bad teams and he's at least in the top 2. AP has a large hill to climb since the Vikings are facing the Texans and Packers who will certainly be playing to win because they're still fighting for playoff positions. Guys like Rodgers and Brady need the other two to falter in some way because I think they're a notch below AP and Peyton in the MVP race. 


As for Schaub and Ryan. Schaub has no chance since he's not carrying the team the same way other QB's are. Ryan has had way too many bad performances in the 2nd half of the season. It would have been his to lose if he had been as consistent as he was in the first half of the season.

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Funny thing about AP getting to 2k and being a MVP contender is that the last two guys to rush for 2,000 yards, Peyton Manning won(shared 1) MVP in that very same season. Could history repeat itself? It could very well happen if the Vikings don't make the playoffs. Say what you will about that not counting. It counts because the Voters take that into consideration when casting their vote. AP and Peyton's comeback story shouldn't factor into the conversation. But it will because the voters will use that to separate them from other MVP contenders such as Brady and Rodgers. So in the end Peyton has the easiest road to the MVP. Just put up decent numbers against two bad teams and he's at least in the top 2. AP has a large hill to climb since the Vikings are facing the Texans and Packers who will certainly be playing to win because they're still fighting for playoff positions. Guys like Rodgers and Brady need the other two to falter in some way because I think they're a notch below AP and Peyton in the MVP race. 


As for Schaub and Ryan. Schaub has no chance since he's not carrying the team the same way other QB's are. Ryan has had way too many bad performances in the 2nd half of the season. It would have been his to lose if he had been as consistent as he was in the first half of the season.



dont know if u cought my article on AP talks ON MVP, Comment 373 


 but in it it was pointed out



Dickerson, the single-season rushing king? He didn't win the MVP in 1984. Miami quarterback Dan Marino did.


Its a a good article, go to my comment or read the link


Read more:NFL MVP debate: Does Adrian Peterson trump Peyton Manning, Tom Brady? - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpos...p#ixzz2FLHvR0hP

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