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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. I am hoping that the Falcons get the win tonight. Atlanta's offense should be able to take advantage of the poor New England defense. But can they stop the Pats's offense? We'll see. I am looking forward to this game. 


    Wouldn't it be great to see another team represent the AFC East?!  :)  

  2. 57 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Gruden is usually spot on but he was way off on that one.


    55 minutes ago, bananabucket said:


    He said something dumb every other play.


    I agree with bananabucket. Gruden seems to talk too much and often says silly stuff. He seems to "try too hard" to sound smart and comes out soundng foolish. Romo, in just a few games, is a much better color commentator than Gruden. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Penn State is a great football team. James Franklin is a hell of a coach.


    There was a report that he might go to Texas A&M. Vandy gave Franklin his first big chance to be a head coach. Vandy fans were very upset when he left. I had hoped he would stay there. I don't like to see coaches go from school to school for more money. I hope he stays put at Penn St.

  4. 47 minutes ago, MTC said:

    As a Rutgers fan, I couldn't be more happy with today's win over Purdue. Although Jerry Kill's offense has been super conservative. 


    Congrats! My sister-in-law is a Rutgers alum.


    Jerry Kill was the head coach of the Minnesota Golden Gophers, but he took a leave a few years ago because he was having uncontrolled seizures. I did not realize he was coaching again. Glad to hear that.

  5. 2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Neil Smith was also on that 87 team. Don't get me wrong IMO the 95 team was the best ever but I loved the players on that 87 team.


    That is 30 years ago! Was Osborne the head coach then? I vaguely recall pundits saying Osborne "could not win the big game". You remember?


    ND is now up 14-0, about to punt to USC on 4th and 29. 

  6. 48 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Lynch was trying to separate Donald Penn from 'lighting off' Peters and escalating the situation.  Remember, our own (now) Chris Ballard had to personally go visit Peters and his family and interview them before the Chiefs would even entertain putting him on their draft board. Peters has a strong personality and isn't afraid to challenge coaches, official, players, etc...  and was dismissed by Washington university. He was still the top ranked cover corner, but a red flag guy.  Now that hes in the NFL, the Chiefs have done well to protect him.  But Lynch and Peters are Oakland guys, and Lunch has provided a haven (including living quarters) for Peters and guided him through the draft process when he was released form college.  So Lynch and Peters are exceptionally tight. and Lynch knows how team loyal Donal Penn is...  so... 


    No matter what, leaving the sideline is a big no no, and touching an official in any fashion (intent or accident) is an immediate DQ.  I do expect a fine, and possibly a 1 game suspension as well for Lynch's action, no matter how well intentioned it was.


    I thought the NFL announced that he was suspended one game. I saw it on NFL Network last night.

  7. 29 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Love is a great runner, but McCaffrey could do pretty much everything. I thought he got robbed for the heisman. 


    Stanford players don't win the Heisman. If any Cardinal was going to win it, it would have been McCaffrey because everyone knew who he was and he had the stats and the highlights to show for it. 


    Several Stanford players have finished second: Luck (twice, I think), Elway, and Toby Gerhart as well as McCaffrey.


    I would love it if Bryce Love would win it but there are too many other players in contention for it. 

  8. On 10/15/2017 at 11:57 PM, snkdy said:


    That depends on who you ask lol. It's supposed to be Cal, but over the last few years, it's been USC. Oregon too. 


    On 10/15/2017 at 7:29 PM, RockThatBlue said:

    Who is considered Stanfords biggest rival?


    I think it is USC now. A few years ago I would have said Oregon. Cal is Stanford's long time rival, but Cal has not been good for a while now. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    No, and luckily I just got promoted to a different location, so hopefully I don't run into her again.




    She's still nothing compared to Crazy Tuna Lady...



    Years ago, when I actually was in the food industry, this lady ordered a tuna sandwich, and then had a conversation with herself in the store about the sandwich.  Then accused my staff of trying to poison her with "radioactive" mayo packets, and then tried to run over our employees with her car in the parking lot multiple times over the next 2-week period.


    I actually had to call the police and tell them about the menace that was terrorizing my employees.  About 65 years old, gray hair, loud screechy voice, crazy look in her eye, looks and sounds just like a witch, driving a white 2-door hatchback filled with so much garbage that it comes tumbling out every time she opens her door, but the garbage is valuable to her, so she picks it all up and throws it back into her car...




    Ha. She is clearly a hoarder and most likely had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Imagine the state of her home!

  10. 19 hours ago, dgambill said:

    That's fine...I'm not going to kill people on grammar on the internet when most people are responding with a phone that they are constantly having it auto-correct (incorrectly) what they are trying to say 3 and 4 times per word. It's exhausting personally. Yes. I could go back through and proof read every post I am making for any mistake but perhaps unlike you it is not a worthy use of my time. This is not work or school and as such this is a casual board to get a point across or have a casual conversation. Thus I will treat it as such and those that want to take it more seriously may. Feel free to ignore my posts because of my occasional misspelling and poor grammar. It's your right....but I think you will have few people to converse with if you decide to hold people on this board to such a high standard.


    I still stand by my point. When people pick away at sentence structure or start calling names while ignoring the content and the facts of what is posted everyone can see exactly what they are doing. It's clear as day and it doesn't work. When you fail at being able to overcome the person's claims and argument then you attack something you can clearly find a fault with...spelling/grammar. It's an easy way to get a win because everyone makes those errors. Just like we see people in debates just change the subject or deflect by tearing down the character of someone else or attacking them personally because that is easier to do then refute what they are saying.


    Well said (written), as usual. His comment to Lucky Colts Fan (LCF) is a great example of that. He (KC) criticized others for making spelling  and grammatical errors. LCF pointed out where he made those same errors. Instead of admitting that he was wrong, he ignored the point and called LCF a name. :thinking: 


    As you wrote earlier, resorting to name-calling is the first sign that someone has lost an argument. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Off topic but awesome win today over the Pack. I feel bad for Rodgers though. On topic I said Watson was the best QB coming out and so far he has been. He is the real deal IMO.


    You sure did say that. I liked him because he seemed like a leader but I did not believe he would do that well that fast. He also looks like a good kid. I like Trubisky too. 


    Re Rodgers: I don't like to see any players getting hurt. Too many NFL stars are on IR. It hurts the game. 


    Happy we got the win. Our defense is playing really well. Keenum is playing ok. Our #1 draft pick last year Treadwell showed promise today.


    I was happy to see AP do well today for the Cards. He looked really good. I was embarrassed for him when he was with the Saints. (Hey, your man Brock is in for Denver.)

  12. 50 minutes ago, Shadow_Creek said:

    yawn. RG3 had a stellar rookie year as well before his big collapse the following year. But for now lets see how far Watson hot hand goes


    :thinking: Why did you choose to compare him to RG3??? Lots of other QBs' NFL careers have started well. Why RG3?

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